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Dornstadt municipality
Coat of arms of Tomerdingen
Coordinates: 48 ° 28 ′ 57 "  N , 9 ° 54 ′ 33"  E
Height : 625 m above sea level NN
Area : 19.79 km²
Residents : 1919  (Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 97 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st January 1975
Postal code : 89160
Area code : 07348

Tomerdingen is a suburb of the Dornstadt municipality in the Alb-Donau district in Baden-Württemberg .


Tomerdingen is a 19.79 km² large district about twelve kilometers north of Ulm and about three kilometers northwest of Dornstadt to 625  m above sea level. NN . Tomerdingen has 1919 inhabitants (as of June 2019).

Neighboring towns to Tomerdingen are Bollingen - Böttingen in the south, Bermaringen in the southwest , Temmenhausen in the northwest , Hinterdenkental and Vorderdenkental in the northeast, Beimerstetten in the east and Dornstadt in the southeast .


Martinskirche Tomerdingen
Assumption of the Virgin Mary Tomerdingen


Finds from the Neolithic Age, a Celtic square hill in the Blumenhau and the remains of a Roman estate in the Katharinenholz testify that people lived on the mark thousands of years ago. The place name seems to go back to an Alemannic personal name called Tuomhard (Dom-hardu), which means something like court, judgment (Dom) and hard, firm (hardu).

middle Ages

What is certain is that Tomerdingen is mentioned in 1225 in connection with the Elchingen monastery , which owned the (upper) Martinskirche; this church is believed to be one of the oldest in the country and dates from the Carolingian period.

From 1335 there were two parishes (and two mayors!) In the village: The Elchingische Martinspparrei (Kleintomerdingen) and the (lower) Liebfrauenparrei, which belonged to the Ulm Teutonic Order until 1693 (Großtomerdingen). Tomerdingen was also the seat of a nursing office, to which Dornstadt, Vorder- and Hinterdenkental, Westerstetten and others belonged.

The turmoil of war, billeting, looting and pillage haunted Tomerdingen again and again in the Middle Ages. In 1209 ( Friedrich II. ) And 1246 ("Pfaffenkönig" Heinrich Raspe) the village was cremated.

Early modern age

Even without warlike effects, Tomerdingen was not spared from conflagrations. In 1545 around 56 buildings burned down.

The Reformation was not well received in the parish of Tomerdingen, but in the Temmenhausen branch, which converted to the Lutheran denomination, but was so completely destroyed by the imperial war peoples in the Thirty Years War that it took centuries to get back to the previous population ( Chronicle of 1904). As early as 1672 it is mentioned that Tomerdingen had market fairness from ancient times.

In the Thirty Years War in 1635 only 45 houses were inhabited. The fields could not be worked because there were no draft cattle; During these years the plague also wiped out many residents.

In 1688, the place was devastated by French troops in the Palatinate War of Succession and burdened with heavy contributions. In 1704 the village suffered heavily from extensive billeting in the War of the Spanish Succession . As a result of the troop movements during the First Coalition War against revolutionary France, Tomerdingen had to lodge and feed imperial troops from December 1, 1797 to January 4, 1798: 3105 men and 827 horses.

Württemberg time

The village fell to Bavaria in 1803 with the Elchingen monastery and then to the Kingdom of Württemberg in 1810 through the border treaty between Bavaria and Württemberg , where the town was subordinate to the Blaubeuren district authority.

From 1813 to 1814, during the Wars of Liberation, there were a large number of billeting, whereby the soldiers were French, Austrians and Russians, who followed each other.

On Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 1876, children on fire caused part of the village to be cremated from Neue Straße 17a to the end of the village in Hahnenweiler. 48 buildings were affected.

62 Tomerdingen soldiers did not return from the First World War .

During the district reform during the Nazi era in Württemberg , Tomerdingen came to the Ulm district in 1938 .

In 1939 Tomerdingen had 807 inhabitants.

The Second World War fell 54 Tomerdinger soldiers to victims.

On April 24, 1945, American troops, coming from Temmenhausen, moved into Tomerdingen and took up quarters for a while.

Post-war until today

In 1945 the place became part of the American zone of occupation and thus belonged to the newly founded state of Württemberg-Baden , which was incorporated into the current state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952.

In 1947 808 old citizens (= 71.8%) and 316 new citizens lived in the village.

In 1973 the district reform in Baden-Württemberg took place , when Tomerdingen became part of the Alb-Donau district.

On January 1, 1975, the municipality of Tomerdingen was merged with the municipality of Dornstadt as part of the general reform of the municipality. This was preceded by a vote by the Tomerdingen citizens, who voted 89.7% against the union with Dornstadt. The fact that the incorporation left wounds and that many Tomerdingers did not come to terms with it even after years became evident when the Tomerdinger local council asked the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Council to leave the entire municipality of Dornstadt in an (unsuccessful) request in 1993.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the former municipality of Tomerdingen

There is evidence that Tomerdingen already had a coat of arms in the 18th century, which is evidenced by a sword in 1774 as a sign of the high jurisdiction of the court of the Imperial Monastery of Elchingen located in the Tomerdingen care office . The sword was inserted in the 1975 newly created coat of arms of Dornstadt.


  • Joseph Wannenmacher (1722–1780), Baroque painter (choir of the collegiate church St. Gallen, ceiling painting of the pilgrimage church "Ave Maria" in Deggingen, frescoes of the Predigerkirche Rottweil)
  • Karl Schabel (1864–1925), trade unionist and SPD member. Active in the Berlin labor movement in the early 1890s and founder of the Berlin Local Association of Canal Workers (from 1906 Association of Community and State Workers). He was considered the undisputed leader of the unionized Berlin sewer workers.
  • Heinrich Suso Groner (born December 14, 1895 - † August 7, 1968), Cistercian, abbot of the Wettingen-Mehrerau Territorial Abbey .


Three wind turbines of the Nordex N117 type with a hub height of 140 meters, a rotor diameter of 117 meters and a generating capacity of 2.4 MW per turbine. Highest wind turbines in Baden-Württemberg.


  • H. Zürn, F. Fischer: The Celtic Viereckschanze of Tomerdingen . Material booklet Pre- and Early History Baden-Württemberg 14, Stuttgart 1991.

Individual evidence

  2. ↑ Local researcher Dr. Reistle
  3. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 543 .
  4. ^ SÜDWEST PRESSE - Ulm edition, January 20, 1974
  5. ^ SÜDWEST PRESSE - Ulm edition, July 9, 1993
  6. Google Book Search , limited preview
  7. Information about Karl Schabel on a page of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Web links

Commons : Tomerdingen  - collection of images, videos and audio files