Type R.1 (Timișoara tram)

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As a type R.1 a nine vehicles comprehensive series of biaxial was tram - sidecar of the streetcar Timisoara in Romania called. The standard- setting vehicles with steel structure was built by the local transport company, then still Întreprinderea de Transport Timişoara called (ITT) in the 1960s from older bidirectional -Beiwagen with wooden structure around.

The R.1 sidecar were identical to the nine incurred from 1962 to 1964 T1-62 - railcars with the numbers 71 to 79, which in turn visually the older V54 - Großraumwagen of electroputere were similar. The nine converted trailers were created as follows from C-sidecars manufactured in the 1920s , whereby the first converted cars initially kept the numbers of their donor cars and were only renumbered in the course of 1964:

1962: 21, 22 formerly type C 64, 65
1963: 23 formerly type C 66
1964: 24, 25, 26, 27 formerly type C 11, 68, 67, 69
1966: 28, 29 formerly type C 70, 71

Each T1-62 railcar was originally assigned a specific R.1 sidecar, and they could be identified by the same final number - for example, train 71-21. However, after six of the nine towing vehicles had been combined into twin railcars in 1969 , the R.1 trailers were also used behind the Gb 2/2 , V54 and V58 railcar series .

In the second half of the 1970s, the tram company finally replaced all R.1 sidecars with more modern Timiș 2 large-capacity trains. In order to avoid double numbering with these in the transitional period, the R.1 was redrawn as 421-429 in 1975, since the corresponding Timiș-2 sidecars with the numbers 21 to 29 were delivered in the same year. None of the nine R.1 sidecars remained.


  • Dorin Sarca, Gh. Radulovici: Centenarul tramvaielor din Timișoara, monograph 1869-1969 . Timișoara 1969.
  • 1869 −1994, 125 de ani de circulație cu tramvaiul în Timișoara, monograph . Timișoara 1994.
  • Regia Autonomă de Transport Timișoara, 130 de ani de activitate, 1869–1999, monograph . Timișoara 1999.