Tristan Tzara

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Robert Delaunay : Portrait of Tristan Tzara , 1923
Lajos Tihanyi : Portrait Tristan Tzara, 1927

Tristan Tzara , actually Samuel Rosenstock (April 4th * . Jul / 16th April  1896 greg. In Moineşti , Romania ; † 24. December 1963 in Paris ) was a Romanian writer and co-founder of Dadaism .

life and work

Contributor to the short-lived journal Chemarea 1915. From left: Tzara, MH Maxy , Ion Vinea and Jacques G. Costin

In 1912 as a high school student he published the magazine "Simbolul" with the help of Marcel Janco and Ion Vinea . In 1916 he founded the Zurich group of Dadaism with Hans Arp and Hugo Ball . Tzara wrote the first Dada texts (including La Première aventure céleste de Monsieur Antipyrine , 1916; Vingt-cinq poèmes , 1918; Sept manifestes Dada , 1924) and participated in the performances at Cabaret Voltaire . He invented the simultaneous poem , for example the work L'Amiral cherche une maison à louer .

In 1919 Tzara moved to Paris and participated in the activities of Parisian Dadaism, among others with André Breton , Philippe Soupault and Louis Aragon . The group shocked the public by attempting to disintegrate the language structure. On the occasion of the fictional Dadaist “trial” of the nationalist writer and politician Maurice Barrès , Tzara fell out with the Parisian Dadaists in May 1921. This dispute led to the dissolution of the group and a few months later to the establishment of Surrealism . Only around 1930 and in the course of increasing politicization did Tzara also turn to surrealism (1931: Essai sur la situation de la poésie , Der approximative Mensch , 1933: L'Antitête , 1935: Grains et issues ).

Tzara's tombstone on the Cimetière du Montparnasse

Tzara later fought in the Spanish Civil War , took part in communist activities and in the Second World War in the French resistance movement, Résistance . After the war, he turned to more contemporary issues and existential problems (1946: Terre sur terre , 1950: De Mémoire , Parler seul , 1953: La Face intérieure ).

On September 6, 1960, he was one of the signatories of the 121st manifesto . His talent and activities were mainly related to the organization of Dada, less to permanent artistic representations.

Tristan Tzara was buried on the Cimetière Montparnasse (Division 8) in Paris.

At documenta 8 in Kassel in 1987 , recordings by him were performed as an official contribution to the exhibition as part of the “Archeology of Acoustic Art 2: Dada Music”.


Maison Tristan Tzara, Paris 18e, 15, avenue Junot

In 1924 Tzara met the Swedish artist, art critic and writer Greta Knutson (1899–1983) in France. They married on August 8, 1925 in Stockholm . Their son Christophe was born on March 15, 1927 in Neuilly-sur-Seine .

In 1925/1926 the Austrian architect Adolf Loos built the Maison Tristan Tzara, a representative villa, for the family in the Paris district of Montmartre . Knutson financed the construction from an inheritance. The marriage ended in divorce in 1942 after separating in 1937.



  • Cabaret Voltaire , Paris: Place, 1981; Repr. D. Issued in Paris 1916–1920
  • Dada: réimpression intégrale et dossier critique de la revue publiée de 1917 à 1922 par Tristan Tzara, ed. by Michel Sanouillet, Nice: Center du XXe siècle, 1983

Work edition

  • Oeuvres complete
    • Volume 1: 1912-1924, Paris: Flammarion, 1975
    • Volume 2: 1925-1933, Paris: Flammarion, 1977
    • Volume 3: 1934-1946, Paris: Flammarion, 1979
    • Volume 4: 1947-1963, Paris: Flammarion, 1980
    • Volume 5: Les Écluses de la poésie , Paris: Flammarion, 1982
    • Volume 6: Le secret de Villon , Paris: Flammarion, 1991

Single issues

  • La Première aventure céleste de Mr Antipyrine , première édition 1916, avec des bois gravés et coloriés par Marcel Janco , new edition: 2005, Éditions Dilecta.
  • Vingt-cinq poèmes , 1918. New edition: 2006, Éditions Dilecta.
  • Cinéma calendrier du coeur abstrait maisons , première édition 1920, rééd. 2005, Editions Dilecta.
  • Le coeur à barbe , 1922.
  • Sept manifestes Dada , première édition 1924, illustrated by Francis Picabia , new edition: 2005, Éditions Dilecta.
  • Mouchoir de nuages , 1924. Sélection, Anvers.
  • Sonia Delaunay , 1925.
  • De nos oiseaux: poèmes , 1923.
  • L'arbre des voyageurs , 1930.
  • Essai sur la situation de la poésie , 1931.
  • L'homme approximatif , 1931.
  • Où boivent les loups , 1932.
  • L'antitête , 1933.
  • Grains et issues , 1935.
  • La main passe , 1935.
  • Ramures , 1936.
  • Sur le champ , 1937.
  • La deuxième aventure céleste de M. Antipyrine , 1938.
  • Midis gagnés , 1939.
  • Ça va , 1944.
  • Entre-temps , 1946.
  • Le cœur à gaz , 1946.
  • Terre sur terre , 1946.
  • Le signe de vie , illustrated by Henri Matisse , Bordas, Paris 1946.
  • La fuite: poème dramatique en quatre actes et un épilogue , 1947.
  • Le surréalisme et l'après-guerre , 1947.
  • Le poids du monde , 1951.
  • La face intérieure , 1953.
  • À haute flame , 1955.
  • La bonne heure , 1955.
  • Parler seul , 1955.
  • Le fruit permis: poèmes , 1956.
  • La Rose et le chien , 1958.
  • Juste présent , 1961.
  • Lampisteries, précédé de Sept manifestes Dada , 1963.
  • 40 chansons et déchansons , 1972.
  • Cinéma calendrier du coeur abstrait maisons , 2005.
  • Découverte des arts dits primitifs, suivi de Poèmes nègres , Hazan, 2006.
  • The early poems , Munich: edition text + kritik, 1984
  • Dada versus Dada: The Barrès Affair (with André Breton and Philippe Soupault), Hamburg: Edition Nautilus, 1997
  • Sept Manifestes Dada, Lampisteries , Societé Nouvelle des Editions Pauvert, 1978, ISBN 2-7202-0131-6 , German Seven Dada Manifests , Hamburg: Edition Nautilus, 4th ext. Edition 1998, ISBN 3-89401-297-8


  • François Buot: Tristan Tzara. L'homme qui inventa la révolution Dada . Grasset, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-246-61001-X .
  • Marius Hentea: Tata Dada. About the real life and the heavenly adventures of Tristan Tzara. Berlin University Press, Wiesbaden 2016, ISBN 978-3-7374-1323-7 .
  • Inge Kümmerle: Tristan Tzara. Dramatic experiments between 1916 and 1940 . Schäuble, Rheinfelden 1978, ISBN 3-87718-709-9 ( Romance Studies series 9), (also: Diss. Münster 1975).
  • René Lacôte: Tristan Tzara. Choix de textes, bibliography, dessins, portraits, fac-similés, poèmes inédits . Seghers, Paris 1952 ( Poètes d'aujourd'hui 32, ISSN  0768-0171 ).
  • Michel Sanouillet: Dada à Paris . Edition nouvelle, revue, remaniée et augmentée by Anne Sanouillet. Center National de la Recherche Scientifique Editions, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-271-06337-X (English: Dada in Paris . Revised and expanded by Anne Sanouillet. MIT Press, Cambridge MA 2009, ISBN 978-0-262-01303-1 ).
  • Claus Stephani: The image of the Jew in modern painting. An introduction. / Imaginea evreului în pictura modernă. Introductiv study. Traducere in limba română de Ion Peleanu. (Bilingual edition.) Editura Hasefer: București, 2005. ISBN 973-630-091-9
  • Micheline Tison-Braun: Tristan Tzara, inventeur del'homme nouveau . A.-G. Nizet, Paris 1977.
  • Claus Stephani: Monumental sculpture for Tristan Tzara. In: Ingo Glass. About the unifying power of art. Stations in Romania, 1941–1979 and 1991 until today. Book accompanying the exhibition. House of the German East: Munich, 2001.
  • Claus Stephani: The permanent hope of the artist - A memorial for Tristan Tzara. In: Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz (Bonn), No. 967–968, April 10, 1996.
  • Sorrel Kerbel, Muriel Emanuel, Laura Phillips (eds.): Jewish writers of the twentieth century , Taylor & Francis, New York 2003, ISBN 1-57958-313-X , page 1100
  • Heinrich Stiehler: From bistilism to second language use: Tristan Tzara, In: Claudius Armbruster, Karin Hopfe (ed.): Horizont-Verschiebungen , Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen 1998, ISBN 3-8233-5188-5 , pages 97-109

Web links

Commons : Tristan Tzara  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. See Maurice Nadeau : Histoire du surréalisme . Paris 1964, pp. 31-35.
  2. Jacques-Yves Conrad: Promenade surréaliste sur la colline de Montmartre ( Memento of September 15, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Daniele Leclair: René Char. Là où brûle la poésie. Edition Aden, Paris 2007, pp. 108-110, ISBN 978-2-84840-091-4