Ulrich Munier

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Ulrich Munier (also Udalricus Munier ; born August 13, 1698 in Aschaffenburg , † April 6, 1759 in Würzburg ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian , Jesuit priest and university professor .


Munier entered the Jesuit college in Mainz in 1716 . After the novitiate he taught Humaniora for five years at various Jesuit grammar schools. He then went to the Jesuit college in Molsheim , where he studied theology and was ordained a priest . He then returned to high school as a teacher for three years before starting to teach philosophy. In the meantime he also taught the oriental languages at the Seminarium Carolinum in Heidelberg . From 1735 to 1738 he was a lecturer in theology, especially dogmatic theology at the College in Molsheim and was in 1738 at the University of Wuerzburg to Dr. theol. PhD .

Munier became a professor of theology at the University of Fulda and finally received a chair for dogmatics and the Holy Scriptures at the Würzburg University in 1744 .

Works (selection)

  • with Ignaz Seitz and Heinrich Kilber : Theologicae, in quibus praeter fidei dogmata, propugnantur quaestiones scholasticae, quae ad notitiam Sacrarum Scripturarum, traditionum, conciliorum, et haeresium conducunt. Ad usum theologiae candidatorum accommodatae , 4 volumes, Kleyer 1749–1756.
  • with Heinrich Kilber, Ignaz Neubauer and Thomas Holtzclau : RR Patrum Societatis Jesu Theologia dogmatica, polemica, scholastica et moralis praelectionibus publicis in alma Universitate Wirceburgensi accommodata , 14 volumes, Stahel, Würzburg 1766–1771 (= Theologia Wirceburgensis , 10 volumes, Paris 1852– 1854).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ludwig K. Walter: Study S. Theologiae Herbipolense. Part II: The teaching staff , Würzburg undated, p. 151.