United Airlines Flight 93

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United Airlines Flight 93
UA93 path.svg

suspected flight route of UA 93 from Newark to Shanksville

Accident summary
Accident type kidnapping
place Shanksville, Pennsylvania
date September 11, 2001
Fatalities 44
Survivors 0
Aircraft type Boeing 757-200
operator United Airlines
Mark N591UA
Departure airport Newark International Airport
Destination airport San Francisco International Airport
Passengers 33 and 4 kidnappers
crew 7th
Lists of aviation accidents
Boeing 757-200, N591UA, the accident machine on September 8, 2001

The United Airlines Flight 93 (short flight UA 93 , UA93 ) was on September 11, 2001 as one of the four machines for the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC , abducted used and crashed due to a revolt of the passengers in near Shanksville , Pennsylvania . All 44 people died on board.

The flight United Airlines 93 was flown on September 11, 2001 with a Boeing 757-222, registration number N591UA, designed for up to 182 passengers. The scheduled flight was scheduled to leave Newark International Airport (renamed Newark Liberty International Airport after the attacks) in Newark , New Jersey , to San Francisco International Airport at 8:00 a.m. (local time) .

Temporal overview

According to the 9/11 Commission Report , flight captain Jason Dahl, first officer LeRoy Homer, Jr., flight attendants Lorraine Bay, Sandra Bradshaw, Wanda Green, CeeCee Lyles and Deborah Welsh made up the seven-person crew. 37 passengers had checked in . Scheduled departure time was 8:00 a.m. (local time) from Newark International Airport in Newark , New Jersey . The destination of the flight was the San Francisco International Airport . The actual departure was at 8:42 a.m.

At 9:24 am the pilots were warned by an air traffic controller : "Beware any cockpit intrusion - two a / c [aircraft] hit World Trade Center". (German: "Beware of intruders into the cockpit. Two planes have hit the World Trade Center." ). At 9:26 a.m., the pilots asked for confirmation of the message.

At 9:28 am, air traffic control in Cleveland heard calls for help from the pilots and screams from the bombers from the cockpit. 40 seconds later, more screams and calls for help could be heard. During this time, the aircraft sank 700 feet (200 m). At 9:32 am a man with an Arabic accent, perhaps Ziad Jarrah , informed air traffic control (possibly unintentionally): Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit. (German: "Ladies and gentlemen, here [speaks] the captain. Please sit down and stay seated. We have a bomb on board. So sit down.") Then the flight direction changed and the aircraft flew at low altitude east towards Washington.

At 9:39 a.m. the air traffic controller heard Jarrah (?) Say, Ah. Here's the captain; I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and are going back to the airport, they have met our demands. So please remain quiet. (German: "Um, here is the captain. I would like to tell you all: stay seated. We have a bomb on board and are flying back to the airport, you have accepted our demands. So please stay calm."). After that there was no more radio contact.

United Airlines Flight 93 crash site
A turbine is excavated (2001)

At 10:03 a.m. or shortly thereafter, the machine crashed near Shanksville , Pennsylvania on the site of an abandoned coal mine. All 44 people on board (33 passengers, seven crew members and four hijackers) were killed. Some sources put the number of victims at 45 because one passenger, 38-year-old Lauren Grandcolas, was three months pregnant. The unborn baby is considered the 45th victim aboard UA-93. According to the 9/11 Commission, a partially burned copy of the US visa was recovered from kidnapper Ziad Jarrah at the crash site in Somerset County .

It is unknown which target the terrorists were aiming for. Communication between Mohammed Atta and Ramzi Binalshibh two days earlier suggests the White House and, as a fallback, the Capitol should be attacked.

Incidents on board

From 9:32 a.m. onwards, several passengers and flight attendants made phone calls with relatives and emergency call facilities. That is how they found out about the attacks on the World Trade Center. From the conversations that were conducted, it can be reconstructed that the passengers began an attack on the kidnappers because they had to assume that death was inevitable. The terrorists in the cockpit then flew rolling movements and pitching movements in order to disturb the passengers in their plans. The recordings of the voice recorder did not show that they would have succeeded in storming the cockpit directly, rather the terrorists saw that achieving their goal was no longer realistic.

conspiracy theories

There are a number of conspiracy theories about this flight . One of them is that the machine was shot down by the United States Air Force . In the beginning this was wrongly announced by many news magazines. This claim has been proven wrong, also because no remains of the aircraft have been found outside of the crash site. Only papers were found that were carried away by the explosion and the rising hot air and that the wind blew up to two miles into the Indian Lake community . A launch with a rocket can thus be excluded.


The Temporary Memorial in Stonycreek Township, PA (2006)
Memorial stone for the victims of the flight (approx. 2007)

A temporary memorial commemorated the victims on site until the national memorial was erected. The crash site itself is not accessible to the general public. The memorial was inaugurated on September 10, 2011 in the presence of former US Presidents Bill Clinton , George W. Bush and the then incumbent Barack Obama .

Representation in films

Nationalities of the victims on the plane

Passenger list of the flight

The nationality of the 33 passengers and 7 crew members included 4 different countries:

nationality Passengers crew total
United StatesUnited States United States 30th 7th 37
GermanyGermany Germany 1 - 1
JapanJapan Japan 1 - 1
New ZealandNew Zealand New Zealand 1 - 1
total 33 7th 40

See also


  • Melody Homer: From Where I Stand: Flight # 93 Pilot's Widow Sets the Record Straight . ISBN 978-1-936782-74-1 .

Web links

Commons : United Airlines Flight 93  - Collection of Pictures, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Chapter 1 . In: 9/11 Commission Report , p. Page 10.
  2. 11.9 AND TERRORIST TRAVEL - Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Page 173
  3. ^ White House target of Flight 93, officials say. CNN, May 23, 2002, accessed September 26, 2009 .
  4. Feds Would Have Shot Down Pa. Jet. CBS, September 16, 2001, accessed September 26, 2009 .
  5. "9/11 - The Conspiracy Theories" - A two-part TV documentary that can be seen from time to time on the German TV station N24.
  6. Grief, reflection mark Flight 93 memorial ceremony , 3news.co.nz
  7. ^ Flight 93 Memorial To Be Dedicated Saturday In Pennsylvania. officialwire.com
  8. ^ List of names at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Retrieved November 3, 2019 .