Viola Wedekind

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Viola Wedekind (born January 27, 1978 in Hamburg ) is a German actress .


Wedekind grew up in her native Hamburg. She obtained her high school diploma at Allhallows College in England, which she attended from 1994 to 1996. After that she first worked in the editorial department of television from Berlin . She also worked as a presenter and voice actress.

Wedekind is a trained foreign language correspondent for English and Spanish. She completed her training at inlingua and graduated from the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce .

Wedekind gained practical experience as an actress since childhood. Among other things, she took lessons from her parents Angelika Wedekind (freelance actress and cabaret artist, including Theater des Westens Berlin, Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft , Wicked (musical)) and Michael Wedekind (freelance theater and opera director and artistic director ). In addition, she completed four years teaching at the Stage School in the area of dance . Her singing teachers were Terez Farkas and Gertraud Wagner. The state drama examination took place in 2003 by the ZAV Hamburg. Other teachers in the field of acting included a. Frank Betzelt and Greta Amend.

Wedekind is the niece of the actor couple Claudia Wedekind and Hansjörg Felmy and the granddaughter of the artistic director Hermann Wedekind . From 2008 to 2017 she was married to the actor Jacques Breuer . She is now in a relationship with the teacher Michael Fischer, with whom she has a son.

From June to August 2016 Wedekind was in the ARD - Telenovela Sturm der Liebe , in the supporting role Dr. Friederike Breuer , to see. Since episode 3350 (first broadcast: March 30, 2020) she has been playing the role of the scheming Ariane Kalenberg in the role of one of the antagonists of the 16th season.

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Storm of Love" star falls in love with sperm donors. In: August 22, 2019, accessed May 5, 2020 .