Vasily Andreevich Dolgorukov

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Vasily Andreevich Dolgorukov
around 1855

Prince Vasily Andreevich Dolgorukov ( Russian Василий Андреевич Долгоруков Vasilij Andreevič Dolgorukov ; born March 7, 1804 in Moscow , † January 17, 1868 in Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian general adjutant , general of the cavalry , minister of war during the Crimean War (1852–1856) under Alexander II head of the secret police (1856–1866).


Vasily, the son of Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Dolgorukov (1772–1834) and his wife Princess Jelisaveta Nikolajewna Dolgorukowa, née Saltykowa (1777–1855), had six brothers (Nikolai (1792–1847), Ivan (1796–1807), Ilya ( 1797–1848), Sergei (1802–1837), Dmitri (1808–1809), Vladimir (1810–1891)) and three sisters (Ekaterina (1798–1857), Maria, Alexandra). Raised by private tutors, he joined the Kronstadt bodyguard regiment in 1821 as a flag junior . The cavalryman became cornet on February 23, 1823 , lieutenant after 1825 , wing adjutant on September 5, 1830 , colonel in 1835 , major general on September 22, 1842 , adjutant general on September 22, 1845, lieutenant general on August 7, 1849 and lieutenant general on April 17, 1856 General of the cavalry.

For his participation in the suppression of the November Uprising , he was decorated with two medals and promoted to Rittmeister .

From 1838 to 1841 Vasily Dolgorukov traveled with the Tsarevich through Russia and Europe. In 1848 he became Deputy Minister of War and in 1849 a member of the Military Council. Vasily Dolgorukov became Minister of War on August 26, 1852. Blamed by his opponents for the Russian defeat in the Crimean War, he resigned from the post of Minister of War on April 17, 1856 at his own request. In the summer of 1856 he became chief of the secret police. Karakosov's assassination attempt on the emperor brought down Vasily Dolgorukov in the latter position. At the beginning of April 1866, he followed the request to resign.

On April 10, 1866 he became Lord Chamberlain. Vasily Dolgorukov died in the Winter Palace in 1868. Pyotr Valuyev emphasized the goodness and humility of the deceased. In his obituary, Pyotr Vyazemsky mentioned the deceased's sense of duty. Pyotr Vladimirovich Dolgorukov accused Vasily Dolgorukov of being mediocre.


Vasily Dolgorukov married on May 3, 1829 the Countess Olga de Saint-Priest (* 1807, † September 16, 1853), daughter of the Odessa mayor Count Armand Charles Emmanuel Guignard de Saint-Priest (1782-1863). The couple had sons Alexander (1839–1876) and Alexei (1842–1849).


During the uprising on December 14, 1825 , the young tsar is said to have approached Vasily Dolgorukov, who was on watch in the Winter Palace, with the question of whether he could count on him. The cornet's reply was: "Your Majesty, I am Prince Dolgorukov."


foreign countries

Web links

Commons : Wassili Andrejewitsch Dolgorukow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Biographical entry at (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian ru: Генерал-адъютант
  2. Russian ru: Третье отделение - Третье отделение Собственной Его Императорского Величества канцелярии / Imperial Third Division
  3. Russian Андрей Николаевич Долгоруков
  4. Russian Елизавета Николаевна Долгорукова (Салтыкова)
  5. Russian ru: Долгоруков, Николай Андреевич
  6. Russian ru: Долгоруков, Илья Андреевич
  7. Russian ru: Долгоруков, Владимир Андреевич
  8. Russian ru: Конный лейб-гвардии полк
  9. Russian ru: Обер-камергер
  10. Russian ru: Долгоруков, Пётр Владимирович
  11. Russian ru: Орден Святого Станислава (Российская империя)
  12. Russian Знак отличия За XV лет беспорочной службы
  13. Russian Золотая табакерка с портретом Его Величества, украшенная брильянтами
  14. Russian ru: Императорский Московский университет # Императорский Московский университет 1804-1917
  15. Russian ru: Орден Почётного легиона