Weißenhaus (Wuppertal)

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City of Wuppertal
Coordinates: 51 ° 18 ′ 16 ″  N , 7 ° 8 ′ 53 ″  E
Height : 305 m above sea level NHN
Postal code : 42111
Area code : 0202
Weißenhaus (Wuppertal)

Location of Weißenhaus in Wuppertal

Weißenhaus is a residential area in the north of the Bergisch city ​​of Wuppertal .

Location and description

The living space is in the north of the Dönberg residential area in the Uellendahl-Katernberg district at an altitude of 305  m above sea level. NHN on Landesstrasse 433 near the city limits of Velbert . On the other side of the state road is the Pottstemmer court , the Weißenibach court is located to the east of Weißenhaus.

In addition to Dönberg, other neighboring places are the residential areas and farms Weißenibach , Pottstemmer , Fettenberg , Busch , Neue Wiese , Am Strauch , Danz , Danzberg , Ibach , Schmiede , Grades , Jungsholz , Stürmann , Am Brass , Winterberg , Schell and Kloppwamms .

In the local dialect, the place was also known as am witten Hüsken (= Am white house ) or em Dörrenberger Büschgen .


In the 19th century, Weißenhaus, then called Weißenhäuschen , was one of the suburbs of the Dönberg parish in the town of Hardenberg-Neviges, which was renamed Neviges in 1935 . From 1816 to 1861 it belonged to the Elberfeld district and from 1861 to the old Mettmann district .

The place is labeled as Weissenhäuschen or Weißenhäuschen on measuring table sheets until the middle of the 20th century .

In the municipality lexicon for the Rhineland province from 1888, a house with no residents is given. There the place is called Weißenhäuschen .

With the municipal reform of 1929, the southern part of Dönberg was split off and incorporated into the newly founded city of Wuppertal with other Nevigeser villages outside Dönberg, the rest of Dönberg with Weißenhaus initially remained with Neviges. As a result of the regional reform of North Rhine-Westphalia , Neviges came to the city of Velbert at the beginning of 1975 and the rest of the Dönberg was also incorporated into Wuppertal.


  • Rolf Müller: Dönberg, a parish on the edge , Aussaat Verlag, Wuppertal, 1976

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Müller: Dönberg, a parish on the edge, Aussaat Verlag, Wuppertal, 1976
  2. Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Prussia) (Ed.): Community encyclopedia for the Rhineland Province, based on the materials of the census of December 1, 1885 and other official sources, (Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia, Volume XII), Berlin 1888.