Wilhelm Heinrich von Rudorff

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Wilhelm Heinrich von Rudorff (born April 10, 1741 in Körbecke , † November 18, 1832 in Berlin ) was a Prussian major general and chief of the hussar regiment No. 2 .



His parents were the judicial office and tenant in Körbecke Johannes Friedrich Rudorff and his wife Anna Sophia, née Spannemer.

Military career

Rudorff initially studied at the Berge monastery near Magdeburg , but in 1758 he joined the Hussar Regiment "Belling" as a hussar during the Seven Years' War . He was wounded in the battles near Kunersdorf and Freiberg , and he fought in the battle on the Asch, Passbreg and Neubrandenburg. In the battle at the Plumber's Pass he received seven gunshot wounds and fifteen saber wounds. For his bravery he became a cornet on January 14, 1761 and second lieutenant on June 1, 1761 .

After the war, it was not until March 17, 1771 that he became Prime Lieutenant . On May 17, 1772, General Daniel Friedrich von Lossow called him as adjutant . On April 9, 1778, he became staff assistant master and adjutant general to General von Lolhöffel . As such, he took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession . On November 6, 1786 he was raised to the nobility . On March 23, 1787 he became captain and squadron chief in the hussar regiment. As such, he was present at the Prussian intervention in Holland . On January 19, 1789 he received the order Pour le Mérite at the revue in Stargard in Pomerania .

During the First Coalition War , Rudorff fought in combat at St. Amand, Valenciennes and Farmas . At that time he was on March 16, 1795 commander of the 2nd battalion of the hussar regiment No. 1 and on May 15, 1796 commander of the regiment. On May 20, 1798 he became a lieutenant colonel with a patent from June 1, 1798 and on May 20, 1799 he became a colonel with a patent from June 1, 1799. On August 29, 1804 he received a gift of 1000 thalers and on October 17, 1805 he became chief of Hussar Regiment No. 2, on May 20, 1806, he became major general with a patent from May 31, 1806.

During the Fourth Coalition War he took part in the battle near Kriewitz and was thus able to cover the retreat, but then had to capitulate at Ratkau and was then made inactive. On August 27, 1807 he was put on half pay, and in 1808 he became brigadier of inactive officers in Berlin. On September 2, 1813, he was retired with a pension of 800 thalers. He was buried in the garrison cemetery on November 23rd .


Rudorff married Eva Renate von Grell (* 1754 - 26 January 1832) in Lauenburg in Pomerania on January 21, 1779 . The couple had the following children:

  • Wilhelm (* 1779), lieutenant colonel, knight of the order Pour le Mérite
  • Friedrich Adolf (* 1780 - 7 June 1815), Rittmeister
  • Ferdinand (* 1781; † November 9, 1807 in Treptow), died as a second lieutenant from the consequences of an injury
  • Friederike Charlotte Albertine (* 1783) ⚭ August 22, 1802 Johann Gottfried von Berger, Guard Captain
  • Karl Moritz Alexander (* December 4, 1784; † June 24, 1846) Colonel and commander of the 30th Infantry Regiment
  • Heinrich Ludwig Andreas (* March 7, 1793; † November 14, 1846), major and commander of the 1st Uhlan Regiment ⚭ 1831 Louise Edeline von Werder (* 1810), daughter of Major General Ludwig Timon Moritz von Werder
  • Wilhelmine (* 1795 - † December 21, 1799)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New nekrolog der Deutschen for the year 1852, p.211