Central International Placement

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The central foreign and specialist placement (abbreviated ZAV ) based in Bonn (formerly the central office for job placement in Frankfurt am Main ) and agencies and departments in 18 other cities in Germany is a special service of the Federal Employment Agency (BA).

Main entrance of the ZAV in the building of the former Gallwitz barracks in Bonn .

She is responsible for all professional and personal groups that do not have a regionally defined job market, such as artists, skilled workers from the stage and film sector or executives in management.

In some cases in cooperation with the local employment agencies, the ZAV runs various programs through which foreign employees are given permission to work in Germany for a certain period of time.

In certain international areas, the ZAV also works on development policy tasks.

International Personal Service (IPS) - formerly ZAV international placement

An important area of ​​responsibility is also the international placement, i. H. the placement of workers from abroad and abroad. The international placement service provides information and advice on employment, studies and training around the world at twelve locations in Germany, as well as job placement for specialists in certain sectors and some academic professional groups. The ZAV cooperates in international networks, including Euroguidance (European career advice centers), EURES (European Employment Services) ( EURES ) and AIESEC . The tasks of the ZAV also include mobility advice for jobseekers with a migration background who are interested in prospects in their countries of origin.

Center for International Migration and Development (CIM)

In close cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation , the ZAV places German skilled workers in developing countries and in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe through the Center for International Migration and Development (CIM) based in Eschborn . In addition, academics and specialists from developing countries living in Germany are advised and placed as long-term or short-term experts for activities relevant to development policy in their countries of origin.

ZAV artist agency

Until April 30, 2007, the agency responsible for stage staff as well as for film and television was the Federal Employment Agency's Central Stage, Television and Film Agency (ZBF).

On May 1, 2007, it was merged with the previously independent artist service (placement of entertainment musicians, models, extras, make-up artists, etc.) to form the artist placement of the Central International and Specialized Mediation (ZAV) and continues to mediate through its agencies in Cologne , Berlin , Hamburg , Hanover , Munich , Stuttgart and Leipzig .

The ZAV artist agency is active in the fields of drama, music theater, orchestra, film and television, entertainment and advertising and arranges opera , operettas , musicals , choirs and concert singers as well as ( orchestral ) musicians in the field of e- , Light and popular music , actors (for film , television and stage ), models , entertainers and all other theater professions (such as costume designers , make- up artists , dramaturges , dispatchers , conductors , répétiteurs , prompters , directors and assistant directors ).

The employees of the artist agency (so-called specialist intermediaries) themselves come from artistic professions (e.g. directors, singers, dramaturges, actors, etc.) and advise employers and employees on all artistic and professional issues. You gain an overview of artistic and theater technical staff and of productions in the field of stage, film and television by traveling (visiting performances, etc.) and precise market observation in the entire German-speaking area and in other European countries.

The ZAV artist agency also works with the nationwide labor market admission of foreign artists .

In 2015, the agency for artists of the Central Foreign and Specialized Agency was awarded the German Actor Prize in the special category "Strong commitment" .

ZAV management mediation

In this area, the ZAV places executives from the upper management levels and provides advice on the job market for executives. Employers are supported in filling management positions through the search, selection and presentation of suitable applicants.

Office executives for international organizations (BFIO)

Through the Office of Executives for International Organizations (BFIO), the ZAV advises and recruits German executives and junior executives from the United Nations, the EU and other international specialist organizations on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to pursue a career.

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