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Golden yellow tremor (tremella mesenterica)

Golden yellow tremor ( tremella mesenterica )

Department : Stand mushrooms (Basidiomycota)
Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Tremellomycetes
Order : Tremellales (Tremellales)
Family : Shiver relatives (Tremellaceae)
Genre : Tremors
Scientific name

The shiverlings ( tremella ) are a genus of mushrooms from the family of shiver relatives .

The type species is the golden yellow trembling ( Tremella mesenterica ).


Macroscopic features

The fruit body is gelatinous to cartilaginous and horn-like when dry, revives when moisturized, lobed or with brain-like convolutions and folds, rarely also in the form of cushions and without papilla-like warts (distinguishing feature from the genus Exidia ). The hymenium covers the whole fruiting body .

Microscopic features

Microscopically, the genus is characterized by a monomitic hyphae structure with cylindrical, colorless (hyaline) hyphae whose septa usually have buckles . The basidia are spherical to ellipsoidal and septate obliquely to vertically, they can be 2 or 4-celled. The thin-walled spores are spherical to broadly ellipsoidal, but can also be shaped like sausages or beans (allantoid), they are smooth, colorless (hyaline) and cannot be stained with iodine reagents (inamyloid). In the juvenile hymenium of many tremendous species, conidia are formed prior to the formation of mature basidia .


Shiverlings are myco parasites and live on the fruiting bodies and / or on the mycelia of wood-dwelling fungi, including, for example, coal berries , layer fungi and cystid bark fungi . They tap the fungal threads of their hosts via haustoria . In the past, tremors were mainly considered to be saprobionts , only of a few species such as z. B. the white-core trembling and the two flour-slice tremors were known to have a parasitic way of life.


The genus, which is widespread worldwide, comprises around 80 (according to Dörfelt around 120) species. Around 60 species are specified or expected for Europe. As with many mushroom genera, the separation and naming of the species are controversial.

Quivers ( tremella )0
German name Scientific name Author quote host Scientific name
Yellow layer mushroom trembling Tremella aurantia Schweinitz 1822: Frieze 1823 Curry layer mushroom Stereum hirsutum
Tremella australiensis Lloyd 1913
Tremella brasiliensis (Möller) Lloyd
Tremella callunicola P. Roberts 2001
Tremella caloceraticola Hauerslev 1999
Tremella caloplacae (Zahlbruckner 1906) Diederich 2003
Tremella candelariellae Diederich & Etayo 1996
Tremella candida Persoon 1801
Tremella cetrariicola Diederich & Coppins 1996
Tremella cerebriformis C.-J. Chen
Tremella christiansenii Diederich 1996
Tremella cladoniae Diederich & MS Christiansen 1996
Tremella coalescens Olive 1951
Tremella colpomaticola Hauerslev 1999
Tremella coppinsii Diederich & G. Marson 1988
Tremella coriaria Bresadola 1907
Tremella diploschistina Millanes, M. Westb., Wedin & Diederich 2012 Pitcher lichen ( Diploschistes )
Tremella discicola Vande Put 2004
White-core trembling , pine trembling or alabaster seedling Tremella encephala Persoon 1801 Bleeding coniferous layer mushroom Stereum sanguineism
Broom Shiver Tremella exigua Desmazières 1847 Diaporthe (see Diaporthaceae )
Tremella flava C.-J. Chen
Tremella fuscosuccinea C.-J. Chen 1998
Tremella globospora Reid 1970
Tremella griseobrunnea C.-J. Chen 1998
Silver ear Tremella fuciformis Berkeley 1856 Coal berries Hypoxylon sp.
Tremella giraffa C.-J. Chen 1998
Hunchback trembling Tremella globispora DA Reid 1970 Diaporthe sp. (see Diaporthaceae )
Tremella globulus Brefeld 1888
Tremella hymenophaga M. Dueñas 2001
Tremella hypocenomycis Diederich 1996
Tremella hypogymniae Diederich & MS Christiansen 1996
Tremella indecorata Sommerfelt 1826
Tremella intumescens Smith 1808: Frieze 1822
Tremella invasa (Hauerslev 1993) Hauerslev 1996
Juniper trembling Tremella karstenii Hauerslev 1999 Juniper shield cup Colpoma juniperi
Tremella lichenicola Diederich 1986
Tremella lobariacearum Diederich & MS Christiansen 1996
Tremella macroceratis Diederich & Hafellner 1996
Golden yellow trembling Tremella mesenterica Retzius 1769: Frieze 1822 Cystid Bark Mushrooms Peniophora sp.
Crystal tremor Tremella mesenterica f. crystallina Ew. Gerhardt 1997
Tremella microspora Lloyd 1920
Mulberry-shaped trembling Tremella moriformis (Fr.) Smith ex Berk. 1870 Diaporthe (see Diaporthaceae )
Tremella mycetophiloides Kobayasi 1939
Tremella nashii Diederich 2007
Tremella neofoliacea C.-J. Chen 1998
Tremella normandinae Diederich 1996
Tremella obscura (LS Olive 1946) MP Christiansen 1954
Tremella penetrans (Hauerslev 1979) Jülich 1983
Tremella pertusariae Diederich 1996
Tremella phaeographidis Diederich et al. 1996
Tremella phaeophysciae Diederich & MS Christiansen 1996
Tremella protoparmeliae Diederich & Coppins 1996
Tremella pyrenophila Traverso & Migliardi 1914
Tremella ramalinae Diederich 1996
Tremella resupinata C.-J. Chen 1998
Tremella reticulata ( Berk. ) Farl. 1908
Tremella rinodinae Diederich & MS Christiansen 1996
Tremella rosea Höhnel 1903
Tremella sarniensis
described as " sarnensis "
P. Roberts 2001
Tremella samoensis Lloyd 1919
Tremella silvae-dravedae Hauerslev 1999
Tremella spicata Bourdot & Galzin 1924
Tremella spicifera Van Ryckegem et al. 2001
Steidler's trembling Tremella steidleri (Bresadola 1908) Bourdot & Galzin 1928 Curry layer mushroom Stereum hirsutum
Tremella taiwanensis C.-J. Chen 1998
Tremella telleriae M. Dueñas 2001
Tremella tropica C.-J. Chen 1998
Tremella tuckerae Diederich 2007
Tremella versicolor Berkeley & Broome 1854
Tremella vasifera C.-J. Chen 1998
Greenish trembling Tremella virescens Schumacher 1803
Tremella wirthii Diederich 1996


In a more recent study, the species complex around the leaf-like trembling was split off based on genetic investigations and placed in the new genus Phaeotremella .


Some species of the genus such as B. the golden yellow trembling ( Tremella mesenteria ) are considered edible. The silver ear ( Tremella fuciformis ), a tropical species, is cultivated as an edible mushroom.


  • Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder , Peter Reil: List of illustrations of large European mushrooms . In: Yearbook of the Black Forest mushroom teaching show . 4th edition. tape 2 . Black Forest Mushroom Teaching Show, 2007, ISSN  0932-920X (incl. CD with over 600 species descriptions).
  • Rudolf Schubert, Horst Herbert Handke, Helmut Pankow: Rothmaler excursion flora of Germany . tape 1 : Lower plants . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8274-0655-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Roberts, André August Remi de Meijer: Macromycetes from the state of Paraná, Brazil. 6. Sirobasidiaceae & Tremellaceae . In: Mycotaxon . tape 64 , 1997, pp. 261-283 .
  2. a b c d e f g Chee-Jen Chen: Morphological and molecular studies in the genus Tremella . In: Bibliotheca Mycologica . tape 174 , 1998, ISBN 3-443-59076-4 ( ).
  3. ^ A b Hermann Jahn: Tremella encephala parasitizes on Stereum sanguinolentum . In: Westphalian mushroom letters . tape 7, 1968/1969 , pp. 65–66 ( [PDF; 192 kB ]).
  4. ^ Franz Oberwinkler: Lecture Evolution and Ecology of Fungi, 13th hour. In: timms - Tübingen Internet Multimedia Server of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. December 2, 2005, accessed on February 25, 2016 (streaming video; 50 min.).
  5. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Tremella. In: Mushroom Taxa Database. Archived from the original on January 23, 2013 ; Retrieved January 16, 2011 .
  6. Ursula Sauter, Jörg Haedeke: Tremella aurantia - a double of the golden-yellow tremor T. mesenterica . In: The Tintling . tape 61 . Issue 4/2009, p. 81-84 .
  7. Ana M. Millanes, Martin Westberg, Mats Wedin, Paul Diederich: Tremella diploschistina (Tremellales, Basidiomycota, Fungi), a new lichenicolous species growing on Diploschistes . In: British Lichen Society (Ed.): The Lichenologist . tape 44 , no. 3 , May 2012, p. 321-332 , doi : 10.1017 / S0024282911000788 (published online in advance on March 29, 2012).
  8. Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder , Peter Reil: List of illustrations of large European mushrooms . In: Yearbook of the Black Forest mushroom teaching show . 4th edition. tape 2 . Black Forest Mushroom Teaching Show, 2007, ISSN  0932-920X (incl. CD with over 600 species descriptions).
  9. ^ W. Matheis: Tremella juniperina on Colpoma juniperi . In: Journal of Mycology . tape 51 , no. 1 , 1985, pp. 75-76 .
  10. Walter Zugmaier, Robert Bauer, Franz Oberwinkler: Mycoparasitism of some Tremella species . In: Mycologia . tape 86 , no. 1 , 1994, p. 49-56 .
  11. Peter Roberts: British Tremella species II: T. encephala, T. steidleri & T. foliacea . In: Mycologist . tape 13 , 1999, p. 127-131 .
  12. Volkmar Wirth, Ulrich Kirschbaum: Simply determine braiding . A reliable guide to the most common species in Central Europe. 1st edition. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2014, ISBN 978-3-494-01538-5 , p. 269 .
  13. Viacheslav Spirin, Vera Malysheva, Andrey Yurkov, Otto Miettinen, Karl-Henrik Larsson: Studies in the Phaeotremella foliacea group (Tremellomycetes, Basidiomycota) . 2018, ISSN  1617-416X ( [accessed April 17, 2020]).

Web links

Commons : Shiverlings ( Tremella )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files