To the rebuilt temple of brotherly love

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Bijou of the Worms Masonic Lodge To the rebuilt Temple of Brotherly Love i. O. Worms

The Johannisloge to the rebuilt Temple of Brotherly Love i. O. Worms , TdB for short, is the oldest working Masonic lodge in Rhineland-Palatinate . It is listed as No. 135 of the VGLvD , i.e. the United Grand Lodges of Germany.


The jewel of the Lodge for the rebuilt Temple of Brotherly Love contains a monopteros in the center , the so-called temple. This is surrounded by a compass and a right angle. The rays of the sun highlight the warmth that emanates from the brothers in the lodge.


In 1779 brothers from Mannheim , Frankenthal , Heidelberg and Worms formed a masons' association. In 1781 he developed a lodge in the Orient of Worms with the name Johannes zur Brotherliche Liebe. The Great Scottish Directorial Lodge "Joseph zum Reichsadler" in Wetzlar awarded it a constitution and on April 27, 1781 the ceremonial installation took place. Master of the Chair was Baron Wolfgang Heribert von Dalberg , Privy Councilor of the Palatinate, Vice-President of the Court Chamber and Knight of the Order of St. Joseph and Maltese. The deputy master of the chair was Christoph Heinrich Clausius, councilor of Worms. Freemasons from Neustadt , Bad Kreuznach , Zweibrücken , Frankfurt am Main , Lauterberg , Speyer , Mainz , Bruchsal and Mannheim were present. The members of the new Worms Lodge bought a house in Landkutschengasse in Worms for 1725 guilders. When the renovation was completed, the light was brought in . For a long time this house remained the building works of the Worms Freemasons until it was destroyed in the Second World War.

After an interruption in 1808, the lodge under the Grand Orient de France was reactivated in 1811 as the "Du Temple réédifié à l'amitié fraternelle" lodge; In 1816 she separated from Paris and took the German name "To the rebuilt temple of brotherly love" or "brotherly love". The victory over Napoleon meant that the influence of the Grand Orient de France died out in the territories occupied at the time.

When looking for a connection they found it in the new sovereign, the Grand Duke Ludwig I of Hesse-Darmstadt , who had been a Freemason since 1771. There was an affiliation contract with the large provincial and directorate lodge of the Eclectic Federation in Frankfurt am Main on May 25, 1817. This grand lodge abandoned its Christian principle in 1848 and thus allowed the admission and acceptance of non-Christians. Due to a cabinet order, the Worms Lodge had to switch to the large Christian Masonic Lodge "Zur Eintracht" in Darmstadt in 1859 . As a liberal lodge, it was granted the special status of continuing to accept non-Christians.

After 1933 the inventory, the library and the archive of the lodge were destroyed. The reawakening of the Bauhütte took place during the visit of Grand Master Theodor Vogel on October 30, 1949.

Known members

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