List of minor Angel characters

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This article features recurring fictional characters who appear as guest stars on the cult television program Angel. They are ordered by the season in which they were first introduced, and then by their first appearance chronologically. For the show's main characters, please see the article list of Angel characters.



Abner is a demon who appears in Angel literature. Strong but gentle, he lives in the sewers under Los Angeles, and survives by eating rats. When Angel first arrived in LA, he wrongly believed Abner was a killer. After finding the real culprit of then-recent murders, Angel and Abner became friends who occasionally helped each other out. Abner first appeared in the comic story "Hunting Ground", then later in the comic story "Past Lives" and the novel "Monster Island".

Anne Steele

Anne Steele (also known as Joan, "Sister Sunshine", "Chanterelle" and "Lily") is a recurring character crossed over from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, portrayed by Julia Lee. Initially known as "Chanterelle", she first appeared in the Buffy season two episode "Lie to Me" as a member of the Sunset Club, a naïve cult that worships vampires. Chanterelle discovers the true nature of vampires when the club is raided by Spike's bloodthirsty gang, and her life is saved by Buffy Summers. The character reappears in the third season episode "Anne", now named "Lily" and in love with a boy called Rickie. Buffy is working as a waitress at a diner under her middle name, "Anne", after running away to Los Angeles. Lily explains to Buffy that she always changes her identity and persona as she moves from place to place. When Rickie is killed by a group of demons, Buffy and Lily are taken to a hell dimension where humans are worked as slaves. Lily helps Buffy defeat the demons, and afterwards Buffy decides to go home, leaving her job, apartment, and identity as "Anne" to Lily.

When Anne appears in the second season of Angel, she is an administrator at a shelter for homeless teenagers called the East Hills Teen Centre. In the episode "Blood Money", when the corrupt lawfirm Wolfram & Hart presents itself as a benefactor to the shelter, Angel convinces Anne to expose their plans to pocket a majority of the money raised on behalf of the shelter. Later in the season, Anne helps Gunn, Wesley and Cordelia find sanctuary in her shelter from undead police officers. Anne's last onscreen appearance is in the final episode of Angel, "Not Fade Away". During what Gunn assumes will be his last day alive, he chooses to assist Anne at the shelter. Gunn asks Anne what she would do if she knew it was all pointless; she asserts that she would still do whatever needed to be done to help make the world a better place.

Archduke Sebassis

Archduke Sebassis (Leland Crooke) is a hairless demon with long, antelope-like horns, pointed ears, yellow eyes and white skin. Sebassis is the latest in a long line of demonic royalty and commands over forty demonic legions. Because of his background and the thousands of demons under his command, he earned a seat in the Circle of the Black Thorn, a secret society at the service of the Senior Partners of Wolfram & Hart charged with being the driving force behind the firm's scheduled apocalypse and with maintaining corruption in the world. Besides the legions under his command, Sebassis is served by a number of demons of his same species. He also keeps a chained slave at his side, who provides the blue blood Sebassis is accustomed to drink.

Sebassis is one of the most famous demons in the Los Angeles underworld, for which he is invited to most events and parties, such as the Wolfram & Hart Halloween Bash, to which he was personally invited by Angel, the new CEO of W&H. At first full of contempt for Angel due to the fact that he fed on pig's blood, which Sebassis considered filthy, Sebassis ultimately agrees to attend the party, after some insistence by Lorne. Sebassis was wary of a trap, so he and his people cast anti-detection spells to conceal weapons they brought with them. In the end, it was Lorne that unwittingly proved a danger, and a monster that had split off from him after he had removed his need to sleep killed one of Sebassis' aides. Angel saved Sebassis' life by restoring Lorne, and Sebassis showed his support, citing that he enjoyed blood sports at social events.

Months later, Sebassis assisted in Angel's initiation to the Circle of the Black Thorn and tortured Drogyn the Battlebrand alongside the other Black Thorns. Before revealing himself, Sebassis wore a white bauta mask. At first, Sebassis was delighted, believing Angel had reverted to Angelus, but accepted the notion that Angel had been corrupted instead. However, he remained suspicious that Angel might be deceiving the Circle, hoping to wipe them out in hopes of fulfilling the Shanshu prophecy contained in the Scrolls of Aberjian. At the Circle's insistence, Angel signed away his claim to the destiny foretold in the prophecy. Sebassis never suspected that Angel would kill them merely to do good and not for a reward. Angel eventually assassinated him by poisoning the blood of his slave.


Betta George

Betta George is a giant telepathic fish who appears solely in Angel comics. Created by Brian Lynch, he first appears in Spike: Asylum and later Spike: Shadow Puppets. Joss Whedon liked Betta George and decided that the character should appear in Angel: After the Fall, thus becoming part of the Angel canon.[1] George is seen reluctantly working for Kr'ph, the demon lord of Westwood in the hellbound Los Angeles. Kr'ph is killed by the vampire Charles Gunn, who then kidnaps Betta George.

The canonicity of George's appearances in Asylum and Shadow Puppets are deliberately ambiguous; in After the Fall, he states, "I've hung out with vampires", which Brian Lynch claims can be interpreted as a vague reference to his previous encounters with Spike. Lynch says that he writes George as an audience surrogate, "He's supposed to be the most normal character. Because I know that if you have a talking fish hanging out with everyone's favourite characters, people are going to not like him immediately. Because he could be Jar Jar very easily. So I try to make him the nicest, most normal character, and the one who would react like the audience would react." He also denies that Betta George speaks in any particular accent, but advises readers to hear him in their own accent, to help them identify with him.[2]


The Beast is a demon, portrayed by Vladimir Kulich. He first appears in the Season Four episode "Apocalypse, Nowish", when he tears his way out of the earth from the Hell dimension to which he was previously banished. The first people to encounter the Beast are Cordelia Chase and Connor, who find the Beast arriving on Earth at the exact spot at which Connor had been born. A fight ensues, during which Cordelia is injured. Believing that he has something to do with the coming apocalypse, Connor distances himself from his teammates, who do not trust him. Angel, Gunn, and Lorne decide to take on The Beast. Wesley rejoins them to help in the battle, but they fail nonetheless, and are all badly injured. The Beast then conjures a rain of fire over Los Angeles.

The Beast, seeking to reach Mesektet (The Little Girl of the White Room), kills everyone working at Wolfram and Hart as he tries to reach the White Room. The Beast kills Mesektet and drains her of her dark energy. Following the death of Mesektet, the Beast hunts down the rest of her "family", an order of mystical beings known as the Ra-Tet. Ma'at, Ashet and Semkhet are killed by the Beast. The final Ra-Tet, Manjet, is killed by Jasmine/Cordelia in secret. Using the metal wings in Ashet and Semkhet and the heart of Ma'at, the Beast makes a ritual to eclipse the sun, which is completed when the dark energy of Mesektet is imbued in the orb which was extracted from Manjet's head. The eclipse begins as a sunlight-blocking spot that spreads covering Los Angeles and is supposed to eventually cover the totality of earth.

Believing that their only hope is in Angel's evil alter ego Angelus, who apparently knew The Beast in the past even though Angel does not remember the encounter. This is revealed to be because all references to the Beast in this dimension were magically erased, however Angelus was unaffected as he did not, technically, exist at the time when the spell was cast

Once freed, Angelus is eventually convinced to reveal the details of his encounter with the Beast; the Beast had attempted to recruit Angelus in 1767 to stop some priestesses who were attempting to banish the Beast, but Angelus declined and was knocked out before the Beast was banished. After Angel's soul is stolen and a ritual to restore his soul via dark magic is faked, Angelus breaks free and seeks out the Beast. Wesley breaks Faith out of jail to assist the heroes. She is beaten badly in battle with the Beast. In the end it is Angelus who, in an act of betrayal, stabs the Beast with a knife made from its own bones, as he had correctly surmised that the only thing that could kill the Beast was the Beast itself. The death of the Beast also undoes the spell to eclipse the sun, leaving Faith in the sunlight and Angelus confined to the shadows.

Co-executive producer Jeffrey Jackson Bell employed the effects shop Almost Human to design Vladimir Kulich's costuming and make-up. According to Almost Human makeup designer Chris Burdett, it took 2-3 days for four people to sculpt the costume and another 7 hours to fill and shape the huge fiberglass mold. Burdett explains that a life cast was made of Vladimir so that the suit would fit him exactly. The night before shooting was to begin, the crew finally established the costume's paint scheme.[3]

Vladimir went through the daily eight hour make-up process to transform him into the character of The Beast, including prosthetics and fiberglass body suit, but "The worst part was the contact lenses...[that] cover the entire eyeball," the actor said. However, the isolating nature of the 50lb costume[4] meant that "I was able to search a little deeper for material while I was in the character because I was cocooned off...It was liberating."[5]

Billy Blim

Billy Blim is a nephew of a congressman who lives in Los Angeles. He possesses the power to induce extreme misogyny in the men who he touches. This is implied to be from some demonic lineage when he fights with Angel at an airport, slamming his hands on the ground and absorbing red energy from it, reinvigorating him.

Billy is first seen in "That Vision Thing" when Angel breaks him out of a prison dimension guarded by the amiable demon, Skip. His significance is not revealed until his second appearance.

In Billy's second appearance, in the eponymous "Billy" shows Cordelia has a vision of an old man murdering his wife at a grocery store. Angel and his team find out it happened a week ago and are puzzled. Billy is staying at Wolfram & Hart and is being entertained by Gavin. Lilah Morgan enters and is annoyed at this, viewing it as Gavin trying to steal the congressman's favor from her. Gavin then starts an argument with Lilah and severely beats her, leaving her with a black eye.

Angel stalks Billy and enters his house as the police arrive. Billy is taken away and touches one of the officers causing him to argue with his female partner. The lady cop shoots him and Billy is able to escape to an airport.

Cordelia, feeling responsible for the people Billy is killing, interrogates Lilah at her apartment and learns where Billy is. She confronts him at the airfield and hits him in the groin with a taser blast. Angel arrives and tells Cordelia that he will handle Billy, and she replies that since she is a woman, his power won't work on her.

Meanwhile, Wesley and Fred are analyzing some of Billy's blood under a microscope. As a result, Wesley accidentally touches some and is affected. Since, as Lilah said earlier "Billy's touch affects every man in a different way." Wesley's murderous misogyny is more quiet and subdued, in keeping with his personality. Fred does not realize anything is wrong until Wesley strikes her, throwing her into some stairs. She runs into some of the hotel's rooms, Wesley following closely behind and insulting her. (Note: while he does this, he brandishes a fire ax, a very strange choice, since the headquarters is full of medieval weaponry) Fred locks herself in one of the rooms and barricades the door. She is spooked by Gunn and explains the situation. Gunn is horrified to learn about the powers of Billy's blood since he accidentally touched some earlier. He gives Fred a club and tells her to knock him out. Fred falters and Gunn starts yelling at her and threatens to beat her to death, showing Billy's blood affected him nearly instantly, due to his quick temper. Fred knocks him out and goes to cower in a corner.

A short time later, Wesley breaks in and menaces Fred some more. He then trips a trap Fred set for him, causing a fire extinguisher to hit him and knock him through a hole in the floor.

Billy then touches Angel's face and stands back to watch him kill Cordelia. Angel walks up to Cordelia and then spins around and punches Billy in the face, revealing that he is unaffected. He and Billy have a fistfight with Billy hitting the ground making red light flow into his body towards the end of it. Their fight is cut short when Billy is shot twice and falls to the ground, dead. We see a cut to Lilah who lowers her gun and walks away.

Later, Cordelia asks why Billy's touch did not affect Angel. Angel explains that when he was Angelus he killed for sport or pleasure, but was never angry with his victims, and never hated them.

Fred knocks on Wesley's door and says she does not blame him for what happened, since he wasn't himself. Wesley, however, still feels guilty and we can hear him sobbing to himself from the other side of the door.

Burkle, Trish and Roger

Trish and Roger Burkle (played by Jennifer Griffin and Gary Grubbs) are the parents of Winifred Burkle. They appear in three episodes of Angel: "Fredless," "A Hole in the World," and "The Girl in Question." In their first appearance, they come to Los Angeles looking for Fred, who has been lost for five years. Due to Fred's reluctance to see her parents, the gang at Angel Investigations believes at first that the Burkles may have been abusive, but later discover that they are in fact loving and supportive, and that Fred's strange behavior stems from her trauma at having been lost in Pylea. Once the misunderstanding is cleared up, the Burkles prove friendly, brave, and resourceful; at one point Trish, a retired school bus driver, rescues the gang from a demon by driving a bus into it. Their second appearance is in flashback as they see Fred off to L.A. to pursue her graduate studies. In their third and last appearance, they show up for a surprise visit at Wolfram and Hart, not knowing that Fred has been killed. Illyria assumes Fred's appearance and manner for the duration of their visit, and they leave never the wiser.


Cyvus Vail

Cyvus Vail (Dennis Christopher) is a powerful and elderly demon warlock, recognizable by his red skin and stringy white hair, whose influence extends throughout Los Angeles thanks to his vast economic power and his membership of the Circle of the Black Thorn. Vail led the team of warlocks who performed the reality alteration that allowed Angel's son Connor to obtain a normal life. He also has a grudge against the demon Sahjhan, whom Vail was unable to fight due to his failing health, which forced him to receive continuous IV transfusions. Vail mentioned that Sahjhan had a nasty habit of trying to murder him. Cyvus Vail thus manipulated Angel to allow Connor to fight Sahjhan (Connor was prophesied to kill Sahjhan), who had been imprisoned in an urn which Cyvus had now obtained. The only way for Connor to be ruthless and skilled enough to fight Sahjhan however, was to restore his memories, which Wesley did by smashing the Orlon Window which held them. He did so, thinking he might be able to bring Fred back to life. Connor proceeded to kill Sahjhan.

Vail goes underground to escape Angel's retaliation, but is present at Angel's initiation in the Circle of the Black Thorn, wearing a Venetian scaramouche mask, characterized by its long nose. The old demon paid his respects and accepted Angel's statement that he had been pretending to look for Vail. However, he remained distrustful of Angel and feared he was merely pretending to have been corrupted in order to infiltrate the Circle. He also wanted to keep close tabs on Wesley, whom Vail considered unstable and a loose cannon that would betray Angel to obtain his seat in the Circle. Wesley had more influence on Illyria than any other member of Angel's team.

When Angel decided to wipe out the entire Circle, Angel chose Wesley to attack and kill Vail because he was the only one capable of facing Vail's warlock powers. Although he failed in his mission, Illyria came to his aid out of concern for his life. After he died in her arms, she proceeded to kill Vail by shattering his skull to pieces with a single punch.


David Nabbit

David Nabbitt, played by David Herman, is a wealthy software developer living in Los Angeles, who appears in three episodes of the first and second seasons of Angel. He is a lonely man with no real friends, who throws extravagant parties for his clients at which he sits quietly in the corner. Nabbitt first appears in the episode "War Zone", in which he hires Angel to track down a blackmailer. He appears later in the episodes "To Shanshu in L.A." and "First Impressions"; in both episodes he shows up at Angel's offices wearing a purple Dungeon Master cape, hoping pathetically, but futilely, to be included in Angel's adventures. In the latter episode, he gives Angel some useful advice on how to finance his purchase of the Hyperion Hotel; this is his last appearance in the series.

Dennis Pearson

Dennis Pearson (portrayed as a human by BJ Porter) first appears in the first season Angel episode "Rm w/a Vu". Cordelia moved into an apartment where Dennis and his mother, Maude Pearson, once resided. The Angel Investigations team, which consisted of Angel, Cordelia Chase, and Doyle at the time, discovered that the apartment was haunted by Dennis' mother Maude.

After some investigation, the gang discovered that Maude Pearson had died of what was believed to be a heart attack on the same day that her son had disappeared. The group came to the conclusion that Dennis had killed his mother in order to be with a woman she didn't approve of. However, after being haunted by the ghost of Maude, Cordelia broke down a wall in her house, revealing the still tied-up body of Dennis Pearson. The team deduces Maude had tied her son up when she learned that he was leaving her to be with his girlfriend. She then built a brick wall and trapped him inside, where he suffocated to death. When Cordelia broke down the wall, it unleashed the spirit of Dennis, who destroyed his mother's ghost. Because the ghost of Dennis still inhabited the apartment, and Cordelia refused to move out, Dennis then resided with Cordelia as an invisible, and rather benevolent, roommate.

This "living" situation continued until Cordy moved into the Hyperion Hotel, and Dennis was never heard from again. It can be assumed that Dennis is still 'haunting' the apartment that Cordelia used to live in. In a reference to Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, he has occasionally been referred to as "the phantom Dennis."

Doctor Sparrow

Doctor Sparrow, played by Marc Vann, appears in three episodes in Season Five of Angel: "Conviction", "Smile Time", and "Shells". Sparrow is a surgeon who performs contracts for Wolfram and Hart; it is he who alters Gunn's brain to give him an extensive knowledge of the law. When the change begins to fade, Gunn returns to Sparrow to make it permanent; Sparrow agrees on the condition that Gunn help him get a package though customs. That package turns out to be the sarcophagus containing the essence of Illyria, of whom Sparrow is a worshipper. When he realizes that Fred is dying as a result of their deal, Gunn demands that Sparrow reverse what was done, but Sparrow replies that he will not and cannot. Subsequently, Spike interrogates Sparrow off-camera, later reporting that he got from Sparrow "screams, various fluids, and a name: Vahla ha’nesh," Illyria's temple. This is the last we hear of Sparrow.


A mystic warrior who has been alive for at least a thousand years and who had encountered Angel at some point during the twentieth century. Drogyn (portrayed by Alec Newman) first appears in "A Hole in the World", where it is revealed that since meeting Angel, he has become the keeper of the Deeper Well, a prison for ancient dead demons. The Well is located in the Cotswolds, England and travels straight through the entire planet. Drogyn himself is mystically compelled to answer all questions truthfully. This sometimes results in violent lashing out.

Angel goes to the Deeper Well to try to prevent the resurrection of the ancient demon Illyria. This female demon is killing Fred in order to claw its way back into the world. Drogyn informs them that he can save Fred and draw Illyria back to the Deeper Well, but only by sacrificing many thousands of people (as said by Drogyn - "everyone between here and there"). Angel and Spike choose not to save Fred as they believe "she wouldn't have wanted that."

Drogyn returns in "Power Play", where he is badly injured by a demon assassin and believes it was sent by Angel. This is in fact Angel's intention as part of a larger plan. Drogyn believes Illyria was freed by Angel in order to kill Fred, an accomplishment which would endear him to the powerful demonic organization called the Circle of the Black Thorn. Illryia, now somewhat loyal to Angel, is left with Drogyn as a bodyguard. Marcus Hamilton, an agent of Wolfram & Hart defeats Illyria and takes Drogyn to the Circle. After much torture, Drogyn is presented to Angel, who then kills him as a further step to infiltrate and deceive the group.


Gavin Park

Park was a corporate lawyer for Wolfram & Hart played by Daniel Dae Kim. First appearing in one episode in season two, he was present for parts of seasons three and four, and had a running competition with Lilah Morgan. Gavin filled the void Lindsey McDonald left by becoming Lilah's company rival. He and Lilah seemed to be both striving for the same promotion. After Lilah became "Head of Special Projects" (effectively becoming his boss), Gavin became more taciturn. Gavin's greatest success was installing surveillance equipment in the Hyperion to spy on Team Angel. He was killed by The Beast in season four, but then re-animated as a zombie by Wolfram & Hart. The Zombie Gavin was killed by Gunn.

Gwen Raiden

Gwen Raiden (portrayed by Alexa Davalos) is first introduced in season four's "Ground State" as a mutant with the ability to funnel electricity. Her origin is uncharacteristically shown to the audience via a flashback montage before the primary action of the episode takes place. Born with these abilities, Gwen has little control over her abilities as a child, and in 1985, is taken to a boarding school. She accidentally kills one of her new classmates when a toy car he offers to share conducts her electrical charge into him.

In 2002, the 25-year-old Gwen is using her powers to facilitate her career as a successful, wealthy, professional thief. She meets Angel when she is hired to steal a valuable artifact called The Axis Of Pythia, which he needs in order to find Cordelia Chase on her higher plane. Finding the artifact, Gwen and Angel fight over its possession. During the course of the battle, Gwen tries to kill Angel with an electric shock. However since he's already dead, her attack actually serves to make his dead heart beat again for a few seconds (this power had been illustrated earlier in the episode, where she restarts Gunn's normal heartbeat after her own powers affected him). Caught in the moment, Angel gives Gwen a passionate kiss. After he regains his focus on Cordelia, the man who hired Gwen reveals that he had trapped her and intended to kill her with poison gas. The vampiric Angel is unaffected by the gas, enabling him to rescue Gwen. In gratitude, Gwen allows Angel to use the artifact. Afterwards, he returns it to her, and she presumably sells it for a high price.

The second time Gwen appears (in "Long Day's Journey"), she assists Angel in fighting against the machinations of The Beast and takes an interest in Gunn. During her last appearance, she asks Gunn to help her with a mission under the pretense of helping a kidnapped girl; in fact, she is trying to steal an experimental device which will allow her to touch others without killing them. Gunn grudgingly agrees and ultimately helps her to steal the item, sharing an intimate moment of kissing with her after the device seems to work.

Gwen has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity. This power can be used in a number of ways, from creating powerful and damaging electric blasts to manipulating and controlling electronic devices. The latter proves especially useful in her role as a high-tech, professional thief, a career at which she seems especially skilled and adept, making herself quite wealthy in the process. She can also use the electricity that she generates internally to augment her physical performance, allowing her to hold her own against Angel in hand-to-hand combat. Although her powers initially came with dangerous, uncontrollable elements, the inability to touch others and the tendency to attract lightning, these drawbacks appear to have been rectified after use of the device she appropriated in her final televized appearance.

In Angel: After The Fall, Gwen currently provides humans and good demons sanctuary with the help of Nina Ash and Connor after Los Angeles was sent to hell by the Senior Partners. She joins Angel in his battle for control of all of Los Angeles


The Immortal

The Immortal is first mentioned in the episode "The Girl in Question". The Immortal's face never appears on screen throughout the entire episode (though the audience does presumably see his back while he is dancing with the pseudo-Buffy). Secondhand accounts describe him as incredibly attractive, athletic, intelligent and also apparently genuinely immortal. He has accomplished numerous incredible feats and managed to seduce many women, including Darla and Drusilla.[6]

In the fifth season of Angel, Andrew Wells says that Buffy has been dating the Immortal.[6] In Joss Whedon's canonical comic series of Buffy's eighth season, it is revealed that Angel and Spike did not really see Buffy, but one of two decoys pretending to be her so she can stay hidden from evil forces. Andrew was the one who decided the Buffy imposter should date the Immortal, because he "thought it would be funny," given Angel's and Spike's shared history with Buffy and The Immortal. Both vampires view the Immortal as one of their greatest enemies. Buffy herself doesn't know about the reasons why Andrew thought it was funny.[7]

Not much information is given about who or what the Immortal is; Darla says that "he's not some common vampire.", though it is ambiguous whether she is disparaging the claim of common or vampire, or both. According to Angel and Spike, he "may or may not be evil", although given their history of being cuckolded by him their opinion may be less than objective.

The Immortal makes an appearance in the Buffyverse Expanded Universe (uncanon), in the Buffy book: Queen of the Slayers, which details the start of the relationship between Buffy and the Immortal.


A member of the Circle of the Black Thorn, Izzy is first seen playing Squash with Angel in the season 5 episode "Power Play". He is a redfaced devil, and informs Angel that the Fell Brethren are pleased with their sacrifice, a baby, that Angel aquirred for them. When Angel inquires about recieving an answer about his initiation into the circle, Izzy tells him it will be soon. Izzy appears later in the same episode after Angel kills Drogyn, drinking champagne and introducing Angel to the various other members.

In the final episode of Season 5, "Not Fade Away", Izzy stabs Angel so that he may sign away the Shanshu prophecy with his own blood. Illyria is sent by Angel to kill Izzy and three other members of the Black Thorn after their dinner engagement. After getting into his car with the other members, Illyria appears and easily kills the four of them.


Justine Cooper

Justine Cooper (portrayed by Laurel Holloman) is a young woman who becomes a vampire hunter after her twin sister, Julia Cooper, is killed by vampires. Unable to cope with the death of Julia, Justine turns to alcohol and roams graveyards at nights, killing any vampire she encounters.

She is the first vengeful soul that Daniel Holtz recruits in his battle against Angel. After having her hand impaled with an ice pick for hours, she reluctantly joins the cause and forms a bond with him. Justine seeks out others that, like herself and Holtz, lost loved ones to vampires and were consumed by their desire for revenge. Wesley, who is meeting in secret with Holtz in order to protect Connor, tries to reach out and turn Justine away from Holtz.

However, Justine deceives Wesley and slits his throat in order to kidnap Connor and deliver him to Holtz. After a standoff amongst the members of Wolfram and Hart, Angel and Sahjhan, Holtz abandons Justine and jumps into the hell dimension, Quor-toth. Justine, amazed and saddened rallies the remaining members of Holtz's militia to kill Angel. She fails, but hours later, she imprisons the demon Sahjhan in a Resikhian Urn in revenge for trapping Holtz in Quor-Toth.

Upon his return to Earth, Holtz is found by Justine and prompts her to kill him. She stabs him in the throat with an ice pick, making the wounds resemble a vampire bite mark. Following Holtz's last wish, she frames Angel for the killing by telling Connor that Angel was the one who killed Holtz. She then aids Connor in his plan to trap Angel at the bottom of the ocean.

In the following months, Justine is kidnapped by Wesley, who imprisons her in a closet, bound and gagged, with a little food and a bucket. Reluctantly, she helps him find the metal box in which she and Connor put Angel, while at the same time, Justine taunts Wesley by telling him he has turned to evil, "banging the enemy and keeping slave girl in his closet". Wesley counters by telling her that she had been a slave to Holtz and to her own desire for revenge. Wesley had broken Justine to the point of being capable to dissuade her from attacking him by threatening to take away her bucket.

Back on land and with Angel released, Wesley cuffs Justine to a railing. She taunts Wesley once more, telling him Angel will turn on him. Wesley merely throws her the key to her cuff and tells her she now has the choice of moving on with her life or continue to be a slave.



Knox (portrayed by Jonathan Woodward) first appears in "Home", the final episode of Season Four of Angel; he gives Fred a tour of Wolfram and Hart's science lab. In Season Five, Fred becomes Knox's boss, although the two seem to work mostly as partners, and Knox quickly develops a crush on her. Fred rejects Knox's advances at first, but the two date for a while. Fred eventually decides that they had best remain friends and co-workers, and pursues a relationship with Wesley.

In "A Hole in the World", Knox is revealed to be a worshipper of Illyria, one of the Old Ones, and the mastermind behind the demon's resurrection in Fred's body. Once Illyria has taken over Fred's body and returned to Wolfram & Hart to recuperate her full powers, Knox reveals himself as her Qwa'ha Xahn, her High Priest. Knox has worshipped Illyria since he was eleven and confesses to spending hours staring at illustrations that represent the demon. Illyria takes Knox to her former site of worship, hoping to break the lock on the portal to her temple. Before she can jump through the portal, she and Knox are confronted by Angel, Spike and Wesley. In his grief for Fred, and rage at Knox's betrayal, Wesley shoots Knox dead.

Jonathan Woodward says Knox is "a complete indulgence in all of the parts of myself that I am most shy about." After reading the script for "Smile Time" in which it was clear that Knox and Fred were not going to be falling in love, Woodward says he was "very sad but I think it was nice, because it took Knox from all of the ways you thought Knox would be." He had tried to predict the character's arc, he says, but "they picked the one I couldn't even think of. You know something is going happen but they pick the thing you know nobody had been able to figure out."[8]



Landokmar of the Deathwok Clan, better known as Landok, is an Anagogic demon, a member of the Deathwok Clan and cousin of Lorne. He was portrayed by Brody Hutzler. Landok appears in the last four episodes of season two of Angel.

Lee Mercer

Lee Mercer was a colleague of Lindsay and Lilah in the first season, played by Thomas Burr. This triad of lawyers (all with the initials L.M.) became so annoyed with Angel's meddling that they hired Faith to kill Angel. Lee was killed when Holland Manners accused him of planning to leave the firm and take clients with him. Mr. Mercer claims he misled his prospective employers and did not really intend to leave Wolfram & Hart. His first appearance was in Sense & Sensitivity.

Linwood Murrow

Linwood Murrow, played by John Rubinstein, was a lawyer for Los Angeles branch of Wolfram & Hart whose children were taken by the Senior Partners. As President of Special Projects Division, he was the direct superior of Lilah Morgan. Unlike preceding W&H leaders Holland Manners or Nathan Reed, Linwood was more concerned with his personal agenda and safety than with Wolfram & Hart's plot to corrupt Angel, going as far as trying to kill Angel, which was a violation of company policy. Lilah often clashed with Linwood, unlike Gavin Park, who followed Linwood in an attempt to get rid of Lilah. Lilah became President of Special Projects and head of Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles when she spoke to a Senior Partner and received permission to terminate Murrow's employment. She decapitated him and took over his position.



Merl (Matthew James) is a tongue-less Parasite demon with the reputation of a snitch among the underworld community. He hangs around mostly at Caritas, the karaoke bar that fellow green-skinned demon Lorne runs. He is introduced to Angel by Wesley, who had used his services before, in exchange for money. Afterwards, he is frequently used by Angel for information about the vampires Darla and Drusilla. Instead of giving Merl monetary payment however, Angel frequently physically and vocally intimidates Merl into giving him the necessary information.

Merl is largely used for comedic relief during the darker turn the show takes during its second season, centered around the frequent abuse the character is forced to endure. Merl is one of the few demons that are in fact, not evil. Over the course of the second season, Merl grows to dislike Angel, and with him, his friends as well.

In the beginning of the third season, Merl is once again used for information by Angel, but he has finally had enough after being hung upside down by Angel and not let go. He demands an apology, and when Angel goes to visit him the next day with a box of donuts, he finds Merl dead, killed by a new demon killer called Gio, who runs with Gunn's old hunting crew.


Nathan Reed

Nathan Reed was Lilah and Lindsay's new superior after Holland Manners' death. His first appearance was in "Blood Money". He disappeared following season two, and was never mentioned again.

Nina Ash

Nina Ash (portrayed by Jenny Mollen) is introduced in the third episode of the fifth season, "Unleashed". A young art major living at home with her older sister and niece, she is bitten by a werewolf during a night run. She herself eventually becomes a werewolf and a potential love interest for Angel. After becoming a werewolf, she voluntarily comes to Wolfram & Hart every month during the full moon in order to be caged, a similar arrangement that Oz had in the Sunnydale High library. During the episode "Smile Time", Angel realizes, with the help of Wesley, that it is time to pick up the pieces of his turgid love life and ask Nina out for coffee. This is hindered by the fact Angel has morphed into a puppet, but regardless, he overcomes his fear of dating.

Although Spike already references her as Angel's girlfriend in "The Girl in Question", she is not seen again on-screen until episode 21, "Power Play". She and Angel are seen in bed, and she jokes about whether or not Angel is perfectly happy. She tries to get closer to Angel, who, worried about the impending apocalypse at the hands of the Senior Partners, sends Nina, her sister, and her niece away in the series finale.

In Angel: After The Fall, Nina currently provides humans and good demons sanctuary with the help of Connor and Gwen Raiden after Los Angeles was sent to hell by the Senior Partners. In the hellish Los Angeles, the sun and the moon are out at the same time; while the sun keeps Nina from transforming, the moonlight makes her more primal in her attitude and actions.




Pee Pee Demon

Pee Pee Demon was the personal slave of Archduke Sebassis, played by Ryan Alvarez. A pale, emaciated demon led around on a leash, he had a cork in his wrist which was removed to pour blood into a glass for Sebassis to drink. He first appeared in "Life of the Party", attending the Wolfram & Hart Halloween party, where he earned his name by sniffing Gunn's urine and saying "Pee pee." He reappeared in "You're Welcome", frightening Cordelia, and later "Not Fade Away", in which he was murdered by Angel as part of a plan to assassinate Sebassis; Angel poisoned Pee Pee Demon and subsequently Sebassis through his blood. Pee Pee Demon was featured as IGN's "Obscure Character of the Day", where they claimed he "was a totally random and silly little part of the series, but, wow, was he unique."[9]



Gunn's friend, played by Jarrod Crawford.

Rutherford Sirk

Rutherford Sirk (portrayed by Michael Halsey) is a former member of the Watchers' Council, Rutherford Sirk lacked the moral clarity of other Watchers of his generation and found himself doubting about the good fight and the Council's mission, though he was far from the only Watcher corrupted by the knowledge he obtained at the Council.

Tempted by power and ambition, Sirk joined Wolfram & Hart and took along with him several valuable tomes belonging to the Council, including the Devandiré Sybilline Codex. Later when Angel Investigations was offered the L.A. branch of Wolfram & Hart in the episode "Home" (his first appearance), he was sent to the Los Angeles branch and was the one that showed Wesley around their research and intelligence division. He received a punch in the face because of his attitude and because Wesley wanted to infiltrate the firm's files and records department.

He showed up once again, now part of Eve and Lindsey's plot against Angel in "Destiny". Sirk claimed to have translated the entire Shanshu Prophecy, sending Angel and Spike against each in the false quest for the Cup of Perpetual Torment, a fake relic filled with Mountain Dew, which was supposed to reveal the true champion of the prophecy. After his deception was discovered, Sirk fled from Wolfram & Hart and the Senior Partners. His current whereabouts and status are unknown.

Rutherford Sirk makes an appearance in the Buffyverse Expanded Universe (uncanon), in Book of the Dead.[10] The novel reveals the extent of Rutherford's power within W&H, and the circumstances under which he left the Watchers' Council and joined the law firm.



Sahjhan is portrayed by actor Jack Conley. Sahjhan claims to have invented daylight saving time, although he has a tendency towards sarcasm and dry wit. Sahjhan is one of a race of demons known as the Granok who thrive on chaos and violence. The Granok are pale and disfigured, with faces covered in scars and markings. Sahjhan and the rest of his kind were made immaterial by Wolfram and Hart. Mesekhtet (the little girl in the White Room) claims this was because she liked trouble, but hated the chaos the Granok were bringing. Once an immaterial being, however, Sahjhan became capable of teleporting through time and dimensions, earning him the nickname Timeshifter. Sahjhan is responsible for bringing vampire hunter Daniel Holtz to the present. Sahjhan claims to have a grudge against Angel; however, his plan is, in fact, to use Holtz to kill Angel's son Connor because of the prophecies in the Nyazian Scrolls which foretell that Connor will kill him. In order to confuse Angel and his friends, Sahjhan actually alters the passage in the prophecy about his death; the altered passage reads, "The Father Will Kill the Son", leading Wesley to the conclusion that Angel will kill Connor.

However, Sahjhan grows impatient with Holtz, who, instead of just killing Connor, lays out and executes an elaborate plan to kidnap Angel's son. Sahjhan seeks the help of Wolfram & Hart's Lilah Morgan, thus setting up a chain of events that ends with Holtz disappearing into a Hell dimension known as Quor-Toth, taking Connor with him. Just a few days later, Justine imprisons Sahjhan in Holtz's Resikhian Urn as revenge for Holtz's disappearance, which she blames on Sahjhan. Angel had made the demon corporeal in a failed attempt to get revenge for the kidnapping by killing him.

Two years later, Sahjhan is released under the watch of his enemy Cyvus Vail, whom Sahjhan had tried to kill on a number of occasions. Minutes later, he is killed by Connor, and thus the prophecy of the Nyazian Scrolls is finally fulfilled after all his efforts to prevent it, though Sahjhan's actions led to a series of events that caused his own death.

Senator Helen Brucker

Senator Helen Brucker (Stacey Travis) is not a real human being, but a demon who was "installed" in a female body. Her ambition is to become President of the United States in 2008 thanks to the financial aid of hostile countries and the vast influence she possesses as a member of the Circle of the Black Thorn. She also tends to surround herself with vampires, who work both as her bodyguards and campaign staff. She's also a client of Wolfram & Hart, at least since the days of Holland Manners.

Senator Brucker visits Wolfram & Hart to obtain the firm's help to defeat her rival Mike Conley, also a candidate for the Senate. She plans to have Conley brainwashed into becoming a pedophile so Brucker can win the 'chick vote'. As part of the act he stages to make the Black Thorn believe he has been corrupted by power, Angel agrees to aid Senator Bruckner and has Conley brainwashed in the following days.

Brucker is present at Angel's initiation in the Circle of the Black Thorn, participating in the torture of Drogyn. Before revealing herself to Angel, she wore a bronze-colored Tre Facce mask. When Angel and his crew agree to wipe out all members of the Black Thorn, Gunn is sent to deal with Brucker at her campaign headquarters, a mission in which he succeeds. He kills her by throwing an axe into her head.


Skip (portrayed by David Denman) is a formidable and powerful demon, whose body is plated in armor. He appears in four episodes of the series. The demon sports a confident, charismatic personality and frequently makes humorous reference to human popular culture and turn-of-phrase. The history and nature of Skip is largely unknown since much of what Skip says is later revealed to be a lie. Skip is revealed to be a servant of Jasmine who is used to trick Cordelia Chase into becoming a vessel for the possession and birth of Jasmine.

Skip is first seen in the season three episode "That Vision Thing". Angel is forced to rescue an evil boy named Billy Blim from torment in a demon dimension in order to save Cordelia's life. Skip guards Billy's prison of fire. When Angel first enters this dimension, he and Skip have a very pleasant conversation where Skip claims that he works for The Powers That Be. Skip's pleasant demeanor (juxtaposed with his intimidating appearance) is a surprise for Angel, who has to fight him anyway. Angel wins, and is able to trade Billy for Cordelia's life. Later, Skip claims he threw this fight.

Skip's second appearance is in the episode "Birthday" where he informs Cordelia that she will die if she continues receiving visions from the Powers. He serves as Cordelia's guide through a "what-if" scenario where she had never inherited her visions and had become a celebrity. After realizing that fighting evil is her true calling, Cordelia asks to keep her visions. Skip offers to make her part-demon so that she can continue to bear the visions and Cordelia agrees.

In the season three finale, Skip once again returns to Cordelia, this time to inform her that she has been chosen to ascend to a higher realm and become a higher being. Cordelia agrees and ascends to become all seeing but is unable to act and becomes very bored.

After Cordelia returns and appears to have become evil, Angel and the remainder of the group realize that something bad had happened to Cordelia on the higher realm. Angel seeks out Skip for an explanation. In the episode "Inside Out", Angel once again enters Skip's dimension and questions him about Cordelia's changes. Skip feigns ignorance, but Angel realizes that Skip is hiding something, and a fight ensues. During the fight, Angel is able to defeat Skip, pulling off a small piece of his armor near his ear. Angel then brings Skip back to Los Angeles where he is bound to this dimension and questioned. Skip reveals that he is part of a conspiracy to bring Jasmine into the world. He also claims that most of the important plot points of the entire series were directed by Jasmine (though he does not mention her by name), including tricking Cordelia into becoming part-demon and her ascension. How much of Skip's story is true is unknown as much of it contradicts previous and later events. Skip also reveals that killing Cordelia is the only way to stop Jasmine's birth. Able to escape thanks to an earthquake that breaks the containment spell, he engages the members of Angel's team, but is killed when Wesley shoots a bullet in the exact place where Angel earlier broke his armor. His last words were an amazed, "Well that ain't right."

The character of Skip is a tribute to Skip Schoolnik, a producer and director for Buffy and Angel. Schoolnik is credited as co-producer on a number of episodes, including "That Vision Thing", the episode that introduced the character. Schoolnik directed 5 episodes for Angel including "Habeas Corpses", "Slouching Toward Bethlehem", "Destiny", "Quickening", and "Underneath".

Whedon has hinted that Skip is aesthetically his favorite demon on the show, promising that demons will be more cool-looking, but not as cool as Skip, in the canonical Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight comic series.[11] In the canonical Angel continuation, Angel: After the Fall a female of Skip's species appears in issue #4, referred to as a "She-Skip" by Lorne.


Transuding Furies

The Transuding Furies (Heidi Marnhout, An Le, Madison Gray) are three sisters possessing magical abilities who can cast a spell to prevent any form of violence committed by both demons and humans. Whether this is the extent of their magical abilities is unconfirmed. Very dreamy and spacey, not to mention sensuous, they float a few feet above the ground and finish each other's sentences or talk in unison with their melodious voices.

In the third season episode "That Old Gang of Mine", Cordelia goes to them to lift the spell they have put on Lorne's Club Caritas. They agree to do it for a price, one that only Angel is "equipped" to pay. They return again later that season in the episode "Offspring" to re-cast the spell on Caritas (this time banning human violence as well as demon violence) so that Lorne can re-open it.

Their last off-screen appearance is in the fourth season episode "Release", casting the sanctuary spell over the hotel to ensure Angelus doesn't return and hurt anyone.

Trevor Lockley

Trevor Lockley was a retired police officer and the father of Kate Lockley. He first appeared in Season 1 in "Sense and Sensability", which featured his retirement party. Kate, unknowingly under a spell that made her and every cop in her precincent highly sensative, gave a speech about how distant and unloved he had made her feel as a child. He wrote this off as just her a little drunk.

He would later appear working for a drug pushing demon. When Angel began looking into this, the demon sent two vampires after Trevor. They killed him.

This would start Kate's dislike/hatred of supernatural beings, especially vampires as well as her hostilty towards Angel, which would stay until "Ephiphany".


Virginia Bryce

Wesley's girlfriend, played by Brigid Brannagh introduced in "Guise Will Be Guise". Her father was a wealthy business man who wanted to hire Angel to protect his daughter. Wesley impersonated Angel, who was visiting a shaman, and took the job. The family money actually came from wizardry. Virginia and Wesley grew very close while he was impersonating Angel, even sleeping together. After learning he was not Angel, Wesley was fired from the job.

When it was learned Virginia's father planned to sacrifice her to the demon Yiska on his 50th birthday, Wesley and company stormed the party. She asked why he came back, to which Wesley replied he had promised to protect her. Yiska refused her as a sacrifice as she was "impure", or not a virgin. This dumbfounder her father, who thought he had kept her away from all men: indeed, this was why he had attempted to hire Angel, misunderstanding his curse and believing him to be a eunuch.

She dated Wesley for a while before realizing how dangerous his job truly was. She left shortly after.

See also


  1. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (p), Ilaria Traversi (i). Angel: After the Fall, no. 1 (November, 2007). IDW Publishing.
  2. ^ Brian Lynch (2008-01-23). "Your Qs Totally A'd, part one!". Angry Naked (Podcast). Retrieved 01-25. {{cite podcast}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ Bratton, Kristy, The Monster's Bash: Behind the Makeup with the Artists of Almost Human and Angel, retrieved 09-15-2007 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  4. ^ "RON MEETS THE BEAST: A Conversation with Vladimir Kulich",, 24 December 2002
  5. ^ DiLullo, Tara, The Big Vlad: an Exclusive Spotlight on Vladimir Kulich, retrieved 09-15-2007 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  6. ^ a b Joss Whedon, Steven S. DeKnight, Drew Goddard, David Greenwalt (2004-05-05). "The Girl in Question". Angel. Season 5. Episode 20. WB. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  7. ^ Joss Whedon (w), Georges Jeanty (p), Andy Owen (i). "The Long Way Home" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 5/2 (March, 2007). Dark Horse.
  8. ^ The Wolfram & Hart Annual Review 2004, retrieved 1/30/2008 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  9. ^ IGN: OCD: Angel's Pee Pee Demon
  10. ^ McConnell, Ashley, Book of the Dead, (Pocket Books 2004), pages 156-165, 267-269, 283-291.
  11. ^ "IGN Interview with Joss Whedon, page 2".

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