Lau Iceland

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Lau Iceland
Ālau seen from Maui
Ālau seen from Maui
Waters Pacific Ocean
Archipelago Hawaii
Geographical location 20 ° 43 '41.9 "  N , 155 ° 58' 39.4"  W Coordinates: 20 ° 43 '41.9 "  N , 155 ° 58' 39.4"  W.
Ālau Island (Hawaii)
Lau Iceland
length 200 m
width 150 m
surface 2 ha
Highest elevation 45  m
Residents uninhabited

ʻĀlau Island (also Alau Island or Alau ) is a small, uninhabited island off the east coast of Maui in the archipelago of Hawaii . It is located about one kilometer south of Hāna , just off the coast of the Kōkī Beach Park . Administratively, the island belongs to Maui County .

The up to 45 m high cinder cone is about 200 m long, up to 150 m wide and has an area of ​​around 2  ha (0.02 km²). ʻĀlau Island is an important breeding area of ​​the wedge-tailed shearwater ( Puffinus pacificus , Hawaiian : ʻuaʻu kani or hōʻio ), which populates almost the entire island. 'Ālau Island is, like many other small islands in Hawaii, a Hawai'i State Seabird Sanctuary ( bird sanctuary ) and is not allowed to be entered.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. hōʻio in Hawaiian Dictionaries , ʻuaʻu kani in Hawaiian Dictionaries