100 BC Chr.

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| 2nd century BC Chr. | 1st century BC Chr. | 1st century |
120s BC Chr.110s BC Chr.100s BC Chr.90s BC Chr. | 80s BC Chr. |
◄◄103 BC Chr.102 BC Chr.101 BC Chr.100 BC Chr. | 99 BC Chr. | 98 BC Chr. | 97 BC Chr. | | ►►

Heads of state

100 BC Chr.
The eastern hemisphere around 100 BC  Chr.
The eastern hemisphere around 100 BC Chr.
100 BC Chr. In other calendars
Buddhist calendar 444/445 (southern Buddhism); 443/444 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 43rd (44th) cycle , year of the metal snake辛巳 ( at the beginning of the year metal dragon 庚辰)
Greek calendar 4th year of the 169th / 1st Year of the 170th Olympiad
Jewish calendar 3661/62
Roman calendar from urbe condita DCLIV (654)
Seleucid era Babylon: 211/212; Syria: 212/213


Politics and world events

Gaius Marius ( Munich Glyptothek )
  • Gaius Marius becomes consul of the Roman Empire for the sixth time in a row . He takes over the office together with Lucius Valerius Flaccus . The tribune of the people Lucius Appuleius Saturninus , a political friend of Marius, enforces laws on new land distributions to veterans and other popular-friendly regulations against the resistance of the Senate . Saturninus is a representative of the Popularen , a direction within the Roman leadership elite , which, in the tradition of the Gracchus brothers, tries to avoid the Senate in politics with the support of the people. Opposite them are the optimates , who want to maintain the traditional supremacy of the council of elders. When Saturninus tries to have one of his allies elected consul and has a competitor killed in the process, the Senate declares a state of emergency .
  • Gaius Marius, who has previously cooperated politically with Saturninus, now sees himself as the incumbent consul being forced to take violent action against his ally. Saturninus and many of his followers are killed in the fighting.


Venus de Milo ( Louvre )
  • around 100 BC Chr .: An unknown artist makes the statue later known as Venus de Milo .



Web links

Commons : 100 BC Chr.  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files