Portal history | Portal Biographies | Current events | Annual calendar
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12th century |
13th century
| 14th century
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1200s |
1210s |
1220s |
| 1240s
| 1250s
| 1260s
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1230 |
1231 |
1232 |
1233 |
1234 |
1235 |
1236 |
1237 |
1238 |
- 1230 / 1240 : The Kudrun -Epos arises.
- 1231 to 1243 : Stauferkaiser Friedrich II. Issues the " Edict of Salerno " (also "Constitutiones"): the first legally fixed separation of the professions of doctor and pharmacist . Doctors may not own or be involved in a pharmacy . Drug prices were set by law to prevent price gouging. The Edict of Salerno became the model for pharmacy legislation across Europe.
- 1235 : Land Peace of Mainz .
- 1238 : Mongols under Batu Khan invade Russia .
- 1239 : The Pope bans Frederick II - a power struggle between the Pope and the Emperor begins, which ends with the end of the Staufer dynasty.
Web links
Commons : 1230s - collection of images, videos, and audio files