Adam Bauereisen

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Johann Adam Bauereisen

Johann Adam Bauereisen (born October 27, 1875 in Heilsbronn ; † February 11, 1961 in Bad Sachsa ) was a German gynecologist and obstetrician .


Bauereisen was born in Middle Franconia in 1875. He attended high schools in Ansbach and Oettingen . He studied medicine at the Universities of Tübingen and Erlangen . He received his doctorate in Erlangen in 1900 and worked at the university women's clinic until 1906, most recently under Carl Menge (1864–1945). In 1907/08, Bauereisen was a ship's doctor at North German Lloyd .

In 1909 he took a position at the University of Marburg under Walter Stoeckel . Here he received his habilitation in 1910 . In the same year he followed Stoeckel as senior physician at the University of Kiel , where he was appointed professor in 1915 . During the First World War , Bauereisen was employed as a medical officer on the Western Front from 1914 to 1918 .

In 1921 he moved to Magdeburg , where he headed the gynecological clinic in the Sudenburg hospital in Magdeburg until 1953 , which was later included as a university clinic in the Magdeburg Medical Academy and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg . In 1953 Bauereisen went into retirement. He died in 1961 at the age of 85.

His son Erich Bauereisen (1913–1985) was a physiologist with a professorship at the Universities of Leipzig and Würzburg and a gynecologist.

In obstetrics, Adam Bauereisen mainly advocated the speculum delivery named after him instead of the forceps , particularly in the delivery of premature babies , and supported Johannes Brennecke's efforts to introduce hospital delivery for social reasons. Gynecology owes him in particular the clarification of ascending tuberculosis infections of the genital organs .

In memory of Adam Bauereisen, a commemorative plaque was placed in the clinic area 2 of the gynecological clinic of the Medical Academy Magdeburg , which can be seen there since the merger of the two clinic areas in the building of the former state women's clinic .


  • The umbilical cord remnant treatment of the newborn. Dissertation . Braun and Elbel, Weissenburg a, p. 1901.
  • On the question of spontaneous abdominal wall hematomas. In: Zentralbl Gynäkol. 45: 394-400 (1921).
  • About our experience with the treatment of general puerperal infections with colloidal silver supplements, trypaflavin and yatren. In: Zentralbl Gynäkol. 45 (1921), pp. 1205-1218.
  • Obituary for Johannes Brennecke. In: Zentralbl Gynäkol. 55 (1931), p. 2722.
  • About experience with speculum ligation as a replacement for pelvic anus and medium-high forceps. In: Arch Gynecol Obstet. 183 (1953), p. 321. doi: 10.1007 / BF01004880
  • Contribution to the question of placental adherence. In: Zeitschr Geb Gyn. Volume LIII.
