Adolar-Hermann Wuppermann

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Adolar-Hermann Wuppermann (born April 18, 1886 in Plettenberg , † February 23, 1958 in Wiesbaden ) was an officer , most recently major general of the German Air Force in World War II .


Wuppermann joined the 3rd Lorraine Field Artillery Regiment No. 69 of the Prussian Army in Saint-Avold on April 1, 1907 as a flag junior . From 1907 to the end of July 1908 he was assigned to the Kassel War School and then promoted to lieutenant on August 18, 1908 . In January 1912, Wuppermann became an adjutant in Division II. He held this position from the outbreak of World War I until September 4, 1914. With his association , Wuppermann was deployed on the Western Front throughout the war and fought a.o. a. near Longwy , in the Argonne , near Verdun and on the Aisne . First he served as a regimental adjutant, then he was battery chief and finally department leader. From July 4 to 20, 1918, Wuppermann was used as a division leader in Field Artillery Regiment No. 504. In the course of the war he was promoted to first lieutenant on November 18, 1914 and to captain on April 18, 1916 , and for his achievements he was awarded both classes of the Iron Cross and the Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords.

After the Armistice of Compiègne , Wuppermann returned home, where his regiment was demobilized in Roda on December 23, 1918 . From parts of the former regiment he formed the "Wuppermann" volunteer battery named after him, which he led until September 25, 1919 in the German Freischar Thümmel. After taking over the unit in the Provisional Reichswehr , Wuppermann was initially on leave and retired from active military service on December 13, 1919.

He was then an agricultural trainee until the end of March 1920 and then until the end of March 1933 managing director of the agricultural and forestry employers' associations in the districts of Glogau , Fraustadt and later Guhrau and Freystadt . During this time he was also the managing director of the employers' association in the labor court district of Glogau. From April 1933 to November 1934 he was district social officer in the administration of the districts of Glogau, Fraustadt and Freystadt.

On December 3, 1934, he joined the Luftwaffe as a captain as an E-officer candidate . Until the end of June 1938 he was employed as a major and from January 1, 1938 as a lieutenant colonel in the staff of Luftkreis-Kommando IV in Münster . From July 1938 to mid-July 1939 he served on the staff of Luftgau Command XII in Wiesbaden .

Second World War

When the mobilization began, Wuppermann was appointed quartermaster at Luftgau Command XII in Wiesbaden on July 15, 1939 , and was promoted to colonel on March 1, 1940 . He then held the same position from June 24, 1940 to July 18, 1944 in the Luftgau command in western France. In the meantime promoted on April 1, 1944. Major General, Wuppermann was then to September 1944 initially on leave and in the Führerreserve of the High Command of the Air Force added (UCL). It was no longer used until the end of the war. On January 31, 1945, Wuppermann retired from active military service.


  • Dermot Bradley (ed.), Karl-Friedrich Hildebrand: The Generals of the German Air Force 1935-1945. The military careers of the aviator, anti-aircraft cartillery, paratrooper, air intelligence and engineer officers, including doctors, judges, intendants and ministerial officials with the rank of general. Volume 3: Odebrecht Zoch. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1992, ISBN 3-7648-2209-0 . P. 554f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jürgen Kraus : Handbook of the associations and troops of the German army 1914-1918. Part IX: Field Artillery Volume 1. Verlag Militaria. Vienna 2007. ISBN 978-3-902526-15-1 . P. 290.