Adolf Pompe

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Adolf Pompe as Halle's Wingolfit in 1849
Grave site in the Demmin cemetery

Gustav Adolf Reinhard Pompe (born January 12, 1831 in Stettin , † December 23, 1889 in Demmin ) was a German Protestant theologian and poet. He wrote over 50 poems. By far the best known is the Pomeranian song .


Adolf Pompe attended the Marienstiftsgymnasium in his hometown of Stettin , where Ludwig Giesebrecht and Carl Loewe were among his teachers. From 1849 to 1854 he studied theology and philology at the University of Halle . There he was a member of the Hallenser Wingolf , whose members called themselves Pompeians after him for a while . Pompe was enthusiastic about the idea of national unification in Germany .

Adolf Pompe designed his most famous work in 1851 after a hike with other students in the Harz Mountains: "In some place the different country children involved would have sung their home songs one after the other, but two Pomeranian sons would have listened painfully." Pompe then immediately had a text on the well-known and catchy melody of freedom, which I mean designed by Karl August Groos and presented to his two compatriots. The five-verse song was first recorded in writing in a letter from Pompe to his mother, dated March 19, 1852. The title of the song was still “Heimath!” When the poem went to press in 1853, he changed it to “ Pommernlied ”. The work was first published in 1853 in the anthology "Aus dem Wingolf" . It slowly established itself as the national anthem of the province of Pomerania and is still a national song in Western Pomerania . As a reminder of the lost homeland, the Pomeranian song has a far greater ideal meaning for the refugees and displaced persons from Western Pomerania . It is therefore sung regularly at alumni meetings.

From 1855 Pompe was a teacher in Dresden . From 1856 he taught at a grammar school in Greifenberg in Pomerania . In 1861 he became pastor in Labes and in 1872 superintendent in Lauenburg in Pomerania at the St. Salvatorkirche.

In 1883 he was appointed superintendent at the St. Bartholomew Church in Demmin. He lived next to the church with his wife and sons in the superintendent's half-timbered house built in 1728, which was set on fire in 1945 and thus destroyed. He held this office until the day of his death, December 23, 1889.

In memory of the poet of the Pomeranian national anthem, the former Augustastraße in Demmin has been called Adolf Pompes since the fall of the Wall .

Fonts (selection)

  • About church furnishings and decorations, church implements and paraments. A conference lecture (separate reprint from the "monthly publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Prussia"), Berlin 1867. ( digitally in the DFG viewer of the University Library of Marburg)


  • Rudolf Besch: The Pomeranian Anthem. Your poet and their creation . In: Unser Pommerland , issue 2/1927, pp. 41–43.
  • Hans Moderow , Ernst Müller: The Evangelical Clergy of Pomerania from the Reformation to the Present , Part 2: Köslin District , Stettin 1912.
  • Eckhard Wendt: Stettiner Lebensbilder (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania . Series V, Volume 40). Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-412-09404-8 , pp. 364–365.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz-Gerhart Quadt: Demmin. A Hanseatic city in Western Pomerania . 1st edition. Sutton Verlag GmbH, Erfurt 1999, ISBN 3-89702-115-3 , p. 23 .