Alfarela de Jales

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Alfarela de Jales
coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Alfarela de Jales
Alfarela de Jales (Portugal)
Alfarela de Jales
Basic data
Region : Norte
Sub-region : Alto Tâmega
District : Vila Real
Concelho : Vila Pouca de Aguiar
Coordinates : 41 ° 27 ′  N , 7 ° 34 ′  W Coordinates: 41 ° 27 ′  N , 7 ° 34 ′  W
Residents: 401 (as of June 30, 2011)
Surface: 13.75 km² (as of January 1, 2010)
Population density : 29 inhabitants per km²
Postal code : 5450-120
Mayor : Arnaldo José Ribeiro Pinto
Address of the municipal administration: Junta de Freguesia de Alfarela de Jales
Rua Central
5450-120 Alfarela de Jales

Alfarela de Jales is a municipality ( freguesia ) in the Portuguese district ( concelho ) of Vila Pouca de Aguiar . It has 401 inhabitants (as of June 30, 2011).


Finds prove a prehistoric settlement. The place was a village of the Castro culture , which was remodeled by the Romans and continued to be inhabited.

In the course of their conquest from 711 onwards , the Moors also subjugated today's municipal area. The place name, which is derived from the Arabic word for rider or a man on a horse, comes from this time . Other etymological theories see the origin of the place name in the Arabic word al-fauwara , which refers to a water source.

Today's community was probably formed during the resettlement after the Reconquista . The place received its first city rights in 1273 , according to other authors already in 1220 . King Manuel I renewed the town charter in 1514 . Alfarela de Jales remained an independent circle ( concelho ) until it was dissolved in the course of the administrative reforms after the Liberal Revolution in 1822 . In 1836 it was merged with the Vila Pouca de Aguiar district for the first time. The district was finally dissolved in 1855 and has since been a municipality in the district of Vila Pouca de Aguiar.

Culture and sights

In addition to the remains of the prehistoric Castelo dos Mouros (also called Castro de Cidadelha after its place of discovery ) and the stake ( Pelourinho ), which was erected in the 16th century as a symbol of the renewed city rights, eight other buildings in the community are listed. In addition to the medieval stone bridge Ponte dos Pisões , these are mainly sacred buildings . Particularly noteworthy is the single-nave parish church Igreja Paroquial de Alfarela de Jales , built in the late 17th century, and after its patronage also Igreja do Divino Espírito Santo (English: Church of the Holy Spirit).

In the community you can see prehistoric archaeological sites, including megalithic systems and rock paintings . Some stone fountains and the small recreation park Parque de Lazer do Rio Tinhela are also worth seeing .


Alfarela de Jales is the seat of a municipality of the same name ( Freguesia ). The following localities are in the municipality:

  • Alfarela de Jales
  • Cidadelha de Jales
  • Moreira
  • Reboredo

Web links

Commons : Alfarela de Jales  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b - indicator resident population by place of residence and sex; Decennial in the database of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística
  2. Overview of code assignments from Freguesias on
  3. (under Cronologia ), accessed on August 21, 2013
  4. ^ João Fonseca: Dicionário do Nome das Terras . 2nd edition, Casa das Letras, Cruz Quebrada 2007, p. 22 ( ISBN 978-9724617305 )
  5. (under Cronologia ), accessed on August 21, 2013
  6. ditto
  7. ditto
  8. ( Memento of December 8, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on August 21, 2013