Alice Gruyer-Wieninger

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Alice Greyer-Wieninger at the ceremony for the commissioning of the BAIUDBw 2012

Alice Greyer-Wieninger (born September 26, 1953 in Leverkusen ) is a retired German civil servant and lawyer . Most recently she was a political officer and ministerial director, head of the infrastructure, environmental protection and services (IUD) department in the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg).

education and study

In the years 1970 and 1971 visited Alice Grayer-Wieninger the High School in Piedmont in California , acquired the High School Diploma and was a guest student in sociology at the University of California in Berkeley . She graduated from high school in 1972 at the modern-language grammar school Marienschule Opladen in Leverkusen. From 1972 to 1979 Greyer-Wieninger studied law at the University of Cologne . After the first exam , her legal clerkship began at the Cologne Higher Regional Court . She worked abroad at the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce in Mumbai . She passed her second state examination in 1982.


Military area administration III

After the Second State Examination Grayer-Wieninger 1982 joined the Wehrbereichsverwaltung  III (WBV III) in Dusseldorf in the Federal Defense Administration a. She stayed there until 1997. At first she was a department head in the legal and economic department until 1985 and press spokesperson and department head for press and public relations until 1992 . In 1992 and 1993, Greyer-Wieninger was Head of Department for Civil Infrastructure of Military Interest, Federal Financial Aid, Maneuver and Exercise Matters, and Aviation Law and until 1997 Head of Department for Personnel Matters for Civil Servants.

Army Office and WBV II

In 1997 Greyer-Wieninger moved to the administration department of the then Army Office in Cologne . This makes her the first woman to head a department in a Bundeswehr command authority . In 2000 she became the head of the legal, fee and economic department of Defense Division II in Hanover .

First uses in the BMVg

In 2001, Greyer-Wieninger had her first assignment at the Federal Ministry of Defense in Bonn as head of the department for individual personnel processing, civil personnel, higher general administrative service / higher economic administrative service. This was followed by the position of head of the department for fundamental matters, human resources planning and development, civil staff, human resources management and civil staff budget in the ministry. In 2002 she became sub-department head R 1 in the legal department.

Head of Department in the BMVg

In her last position, which she had been doing for 13 years since January 2005, Greyer-Wieniger was Head of Defense Administration , Infrastructure and Environmental Protection . Her area of ​​responsibility included 200 employees in the department as well as 138  offices and 55,000 civil servants and public employees in the subordinate area. In this function, she and Director Helmuth Heumann received Federal President Horst Köhler on September 6, 2006 at the Federal Academy for Defense Administration and Technology in Mannheim. On April 1, 2012, the department was renamed and reclassified to “Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services” (IUD). On September 30, 2018, Barbara Wießalla , previously Head of Human Resources at the BMVg, took over the management of Greyer-Wieninger, which is retiring. Before that, on May 23, 2018, there was a solemn serenade and a reception in her honor and her farewell.


Alice Greyer-Wieninger has been married since 1982 and has one grown-up daughter.

Web links

Commons : Alice Greyer-Wieninger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Karin Bäck: Career woman in the Bundeswehr. In: June 22, 2009, accessed November 13, 2019 .
  2. Dieter E. Kilian (2011): Politics and the military in Germany: the Federal Presidents and Federal Chancellors and their relationship to the military and the armed forces . (P. 247)
  3. Thomas Wiegold: New department head for infrastructure in the BMVg (more details). In: May 30, 2018, accessed November 12, 2019 .
  4. ^ Serenade - Federal Minister of Defense honors Ministerial Director Alice Greyer-Wieninger. In: May 17, 2018, accessed November 12, 2019 .