Alisa Ivanovna Poret

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Alisa (Alisa-Jekaterina-Ada) Ivanovna Poret ( Russian Алиса (Алиса-Екатерина-Ада) Ивановна Порет * April 13 jul. / 26. April  1902 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 15. February 1984 in Moscow ) was a Russian - Soviet painter and illustrator .


Poret's mother was Cecilia Karlowna Reinholdsen (1880–1971) from a naturalized Swedish family. Poret's father was the doctor and pharmacist Iwan Adamowitsch Poret (1870-1924) in the plant hospital of the Putilov plant in St. Petersburg. Poret's brother Viktor Ivanovich Poret (1906–1973) became a military doctor.

Alisa Poret attended the German Annenschule in St. Petersburg from 1911 to 1918 . Then she completed a one-year preparatory course of Petrograd N. K. Roerich - art school to get started then in 1920 there studying. In 1921 she was accepted into the Higher Artistic-Technical Institute (Wchutein) without an examination and studied with Al Savinov and KS Petrow-Vodkin . With her work Vier am Tisch ( players ) she earned her diploma in 1925. Then she began to illustrate children's books . In 1926 she joined the Association of Artists of the Vhutein and married the art historian Arkady Matveyevich Pappe, who died in January 1927.

From the end of 1926 Poret worked in Pavel Filonov's workshop . In 1927 she founded the Masters of Analytical Art Association (MAI) of Filonov's students and friends, with whom she took over the artistic design of the House of Press in Leningrad under the leadership of Filonov . In pairs, individual paintings were created for an exhibition. Poret and Tatjana Glebowa created a mural on whose canvas Poret's stripes depicted beggars and homeless people and Glebowa's stripes The Prison . This MAI exhibition was a great success. Glebowas prison is located in Madrid's Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum , while Porets is privately owned beggars and homeless people . In 1931 Poret and Glebowa painted the house in profile (also the profile of our house ), which Filonow held in high esteem. During this time, only a few paintings were created, as paintings in the Filonow technique were very complex. Instead, I created many watercolors .

From 1928 Poret worked in the children's book publisher DetGis . Together with Glebowa they designed around 16 books. They also worked for the children's magazines Igel and Zeisig . During this time 1928–1932 she was acquainted with Daniil Charms , but she did not illustrate his poems and stories until 1980. In 1931 the photographer Pawel Mokijewski took a series of photo pictures. Charms only participated in the one picture Unequal Marriages with two photos with Glebowa and two photos with Poret. When Charms returned to Leningrad in 1932 after his arrest in December 1931, sentenced to three years in a camp, and exiled to Kursk , he developed a deep affection for Poret, as he openly wrote in his daily notes.

In 1932 Poret and thirteen MAI colleagues took over the artistic design of the book Kalevala , which was published in 1933 by the Leningrad Academia Verlag. In 1934 the collaboration with Glebowa ended.

In 1933 Poret married the artist Pjotr ​​Pawlowitsch Snopkow (1900–1942) (dissolved in 1936). Charms and Poret immediately broke off their relationship, including their business relationship. In 1937 Poret married the composer Boris Maisel (divorced in 1961). During the Leningrad blockade in 1942, she was evacuated to Sverdlovsk in eastern Ukraine . In 1944 she returned to Leningrad. When Poret moved from Leningrad to Moscow in 1945, she cut off her part of the picture house in profile and took it with her. The whereabouts of this part is unknown (the heirs gave Glebowa's part of the picture to the Yaroslavl Art Museum in 1989 ).

After the war , Poret created more than 200 paintings. In the 1960s and 1970s she painted portraits based on photos from the 1930s, such as the self-portrait artist and his model (1958) and the portraits of Kirill Struve (1964), Daniil Charms and Pawel Filonow (1966). She painted fantasy portraits of the Eternal Golden Brook (1962), of Velimir Chlebnikow (1965), Albert Einstein (1971) and the 90-year-old Pablo Picasso (1973). She portrayed Sara Doluchanova (1967) and the Lisizian sisters Karina and Rusanna (daughters of the baritone Pawel Lisizian , 1970). She illustrated children's books until the 1980s, including the first Russian edition of Pooh the Pooh (1960).

In the 1970s, Poret wrote her free and apparently unreliable memories of Alexander Vwedensky and Daniil Charms, which for a long time only appeared in samizdat . In 1980 they were published by WI Glozer and rated as literary anecdotes . JS Druskin and LS Lipawski believed Poret's memories were untrue.

In 1974 there was the first Poret exhibition of her works in the Moscow house of the architect . In 1980 a Poret exhibition was held in the Moscow Artists Union . Her works have been acquired by various museums ( Nukus , Petrozavodsk , Arkhangelsk , Tbilisi ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b ARTRU.INFO: Порет (Порэт, Поррет) Алиса (Алиса-Екатерина-Ада) Ивановна (accessed February 13, 2017).
  2. a b c Серафима ПОЛЯКОВА, научный сотрудник Музея изобразительных искусств РК: Алиса Порет и abаниса Порет и (accessed on February 14, 2017).
  3. a b c d e f g h Вячеслав Курицын: И мерцающий на бедре ключ (Досье) (accessed February 14, 2017).
  4. a b Александр Кобринский: Даниил Хармс (страница 56) (accessed February 13, 2017).
  5. Викторов Б .: Александр Введенский и мир, или « Плечо надо связывать с четыре » . Kharkov 2009, p. 194 .