Allen Emerson

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Ernest Allen Emerson (born June 2, 1954 in Dallas ) is an American computer scientist and Turing Prize winner . Together with Edmund M. Clarke he pioneered the field of model testing . Emerson is a computer science professor at the University of Texas at Austin .

There he also did his bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1976 , and then his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1981. in applied mathematics .

In 1981 at Harvard, together with his doctoral supervisor Clarke, he proposed in a paper the model test for the verification of finite parallel programs , now a recognized and widely used method. Since then he has contributed to their improvement and simplification and has also worked in the areas of automatic program synthesis, verification of parameterized systems and data structure proofs. He also made significant contributions to the theory and application of temporal logic.

In 2007, Emerson received the Turing Award together with Clarke and Joseph Sifakis, who also worked independently on the model test . Emerson has also received numerous other awards, including the Best Software Paper Award at the Hawaii International Systems Sciences Conference 1985, the ACM Paris-Kanellakis Prize in 1998, the Carnegie Mellon University Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence in 1999, and the IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science Test-of-Time Award 2006.

He is on the editorial advisory boards of leading journals in the field of formal methods, including Transactions on Computational Logic , Formal Aspects of Computing , and Formal Methods in Systems Design , and the conference program committees of the International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis and the International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation . He is among the most cited computer scientists on CiteSeer .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ACM Turing Award Honors Founders of Automatic Verification Technology That Enables Faster, More Reliable Designs , University of Texas at Austin , February 4, 2008
  2. ^ Association for Computing Machinery : Kanellakis Award ( Memento from June 5, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  3. a b E. Allen Emerson's homepage at the University of Texas at Austin
  4. Most cited authors in Computer Science - August 2006 (CiteSeer.Continuity)