Alois Vogel (theologian)

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Alois Vogel , also Aloys Vogel , (born December 1, 1800 in Ettlingen , † May 1, 1865 in Hofweier ) was a German Catholic theologian and church historian . Vogel was professor of church history at the University of Freiburg from 1836 to 1845 .


Alois Vogel came from a middle-class family. He attended the Latin school in Ettlingen and from 1816 to 1821 the Lyceum in Rastatt . From 1821 he studied theology at the University of Freiburg. In 1823, while he was still a student, Vogel was able to complete the task which the Theological Faculty had asked What traces of Christianity can be found in Germany on this side of the Rhine before the great migration. Where, by whom and by what means was Christianity spread after the great migration until the death of Charlemagne? decide for yourself and win a prize.

After completing his studies in 1824, Vogel was ordained a priest on September 24, 1825 . He initially took on a vicar position in Rothenfels and later in Baden , where he also worked as a teacher at the pedagogy. In 1831 he became pastor and school inspector in Salem . In 1834 he took over the provisional board of directors at the archiepiscopal seminary in Freiburg im Breisgau as Regens . After he became supplent for church history at the University of Freiburg in 1835 , he received a full professorship in church history at the University of Freiburg in autumn 1836 as the successor to Matthäus Klenkler. In 1843 Vogel was appointed vice rector of the university.

Due to his poor health, he had to end his academic career and in the winter of 1845 took over a pastor's position in Hofweier. He died there on May 1, 1865, at the age of 64. In his will he designated a considerable part of his estate for the church fund at Hofweier.

Alois Vogel left only a few writings. His main work was the work Literary-historical notes about the medieval scholar Vinzenz von Beauvais , which was published in 1843 in the university program to celebrate the birthday of Grand Duke Leopold von Baden . Due to his state of health, he could no longer carry out his intention of describing the state and operation of the arts and sciences in the middle of the 13th century in a larger work based on the writings of this medieval polyhistor . During the years of his academic teaching post he contributed to the journal for theology , which he co-founded and published by the Freiburg Theological Faculty, with several articles, including the work Ueber Ellendorfs Writstellerei , which appeared in the sixth volume in 1841. But he also wrote numerous reviews of works of church history, of which the extensive discussion of the first edition of the universal history of the Christian church from the Catholic standpoint by Johann Baptist Alzog should be mentioned.

Publications (selection)

  • About Ellendorf's writing. Freiburg 1841. ( digitized )
  • Universal History of the Christian Church from the Catholic Viewpoint Textbook for Theological Lectures. By Johann Alzog Doctor of Theology and Professor of Exegesis and Church History at the Archbishop's Clerikal Seminar in Poznan. ( Review ) Freiburg 1841. ( Digitized )
  • Literary-historical notes on the medieval scholar Vincenz von Beauvais. Freiburg 1843. ( digitized )
  • Program to celebrate the high birthday of His Royal Highness our most illustrious Grand Duke Leopold. ( Festschrift ) Freiburg 1843. ( digitized )


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