Old Town Hall (Dortmund)

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Depiction of the ensemble around the old town hall with neo-Gothic gables facing the old market on a postcard from around 1920
Virtual reconstruction of the town hall and its neighboring buildings as they were in 1909
Location of the town hall in today's cityscape (photo montage). The building line on the south side was moved to the south after World War II, so the town hall would protrude today.

The old town hall in Dortmund was essentially a Romanesque building and until its final demolition in 1955 it was the oldest stone town hall in the German-speaking area north of the Alps. It was located on the south side of the old market in the center of the former imperial city and formed a structural ensemble with the adjoining writing room to the east (also known as the city ​​scales or bread house).

Historical events

The building was acquired by the Dortmund City Council on February 19, 1241 together with the bread house, meat banks , shoe banks and the judge’s house by the Count of Dortmund . The deed of purchase is preserved and is in the Dortmund city archive . It is also the oldest document on which the Dortmund City Council appears. At the time of purchase, the building already had an upper and a lower floor, as stated in the contract. The outstanding position of the building is also visible, as it is mentioned first of all acquisitions.

The old town hall was connected to the judicial Oberhof function of Dortmund since it took over as the building of the city council. In 1241 Dietrich von Kleve determined that the citizens of Wesel should present their disputes, which could not be decided there, to the town hall in Dortmund and ask for a final settlement.

The chronicle of Dietrich Westhoff tells us that in 1378, when Charles IV and his wife Elisabeth von Pomerania visited the imperial city, the empress met the council and members of distinguished families in the city in the old town hall. According to the chronicler, there was also music and dancing in the town hall on this occasion.


In the Middle Ages, the town hall was used for three different, spatially separate purposes: as the seat of the council, the place of the lower court and as a place of trade. The council used the large hall on the upper floor for meetings and public receptions. The large hall on the ground floor behind the arbors was used by the cloth merchants as a clothing store. Cloth was stored and traded there. To separate functions, all floors had their own entrances.

The lower court met in the arbours of the market-side gable until the 16th century. The magistrate sat on the tenth step of the stairs. In medieval Dortmund, the courts were of outstanding political importance, as the transition from a rule of the count to a rule of the council can be seen in them. The city judge in turn acted as the council representative for the acquisition of the town hall. The eighteen councilors were also lay judges. Only with the introduction of Roman law between 1495 and 1521 did the court move into the council chamber. The high blood judgment, on the other hand, did not reside in the town hall, but in the Richthaus on Ostenhellweg .

Over the centuries, more facilities were added and others dropped. For example, Beurhaus named the following rooms for 1760: a "large and small council chamber, the chamber, the rent-cammer, the council registry, the city archive, the council grain floor, the main guard, including all kinds of prisons, cellars, wars Armor, also syringe and several fire equipment sheds etc ". Other things, such as the use as a bread house for the clerk's extension, are not historically guaranteed. Rather, the assignment comes from the late 19th century and goes back to a mix-up. In the Middle Ages there was a house on the market that combined a bread house and city scales. However, this was on the east side. The name Stadtwaage for the clerk's annex also goes back to the 19th century, although the council scales used for calibration purposes have probably been in the town hall for centuries.

With the end of imperial immediacy, the town hall served exclusively administrative purposes and as a district court. The first and second floors and small rooms were divided accordingly. A council chamber no longer existed.

Between 1899 and 1905 the old town hall housed the collection of the Dortmund Municipal Museum, today the Museum of Art and Cultural History . The cloth hall used for this, however, had to be given to the neighboring library as a reading room in 1921 . With the renovation and enlargement of the cellar, a restaurant moved into the basement of the town hall in 1899.

Building description and building history

The gable side of the town hall facing the market had an arbor with two Gothic arches in the basement. A staircase led under the arbor to the hall on the lower floor. On the upper floor of the house, above the hall, there was another hall. Romanesque window openings were partially preserved on the eaves of the building. The archive tower was an extension on the south side. To the east, the former clerk's office adjoined the town hall. Both buildings had been structurally connected since 1554.

Beginnings (13th and 14th centuries)

Reconstruction of the market-side gable around 1240 after Eberhard G. Neumann

When the construction of the town hall began is unknown. The most common assumption is that construction will start immediately after the great fire of 1232. Reimann, on the other hand, suspects that it was built in the Staufer period in connection with the construction of the Marienkirche as a palatine chapel. During the restoration from 1897 traces of fire were discovered, which could have originated both in 1232 and in the city fire of 1297. It is also unclear whether there was a previous building. It is sometimes assumed that such a building was located near the Reinoldikirche on Ostenhellweg . On the other hand, due to the loss of the city archive 1232, there are no more records about it. The building was first mentioned in a document in the aforementioned document concerning the settlement of disputes for the citizens of Wesel.

At the time of its construction, the town hall was still free-standing and was divided into four units: the arbors under the north gable as a lower court, the cloth hall on the ground floor, the cellar as a storage room and the council chamber on the upper floor with access via an external staircase at the southeast corner. The extension of the writing department does not yet exist. After the city fire of 1297, the town hall had to be renovated. Shortly after 1300 the Gewandhaus moved into a separate building on the market. The hall on the ground floor was converted into a warehouse. All doors and windows on the long wall on the first floor were bricked up and narrow skylights were broken in instead. This condition remained until the renovation in 1897. The walls can be seen on photos from that time.

In 1350 a profound renovation took place under the direction of master Wilhelm von Hamm. Now the side openings were walled up and instead large cross-mullion windows were broken into the gables on the north and south sides. While a cantilevered ceiling construction was assumed for the time before, four supports were added in the council chamber, which stood in the middle of a line in the room. From now on there were eight support posts on the ground floor. As a further change, two niches were added in the north wall of the council chamber, which were used for liturgical acts before council meetings or court hearings. One functioned as a washbasin, the other took up a reliquary container. Niches were also inserted in the pillars of the north wall in the council chamber. These took boxes with documents. The archive tower was not yet erected. Three of the document containers have survived to this day. The town hall presented itself in this version during the visit of Emperor Charles IV in 1377 and Empress Elisabeth in 1378.

Change to an administration building (15th and 16th centuries)

Dortmund around 1610, copper engraving by Detmar Mulher. The town hall is marked with an F on the plan .

The council chamber on the upper floor was divided for the first time around 1400. A large room for court sessions and a clerk's room were created on the south gable. There were now also more court cases of the high or blood court (Richthaus) in the town hall. The remaining part of the upper floor was still used as a council chamber. This was also painted with frescoes, possibly by Conrad von Soest himself. During the renovation in 1897, remnants of this were found on the south side in the area of ​​the large room. In the course of this renovation, the two niches on the east side were walled up again.

In the 16th century, the town hall was increasingly transformed into an administrative building. In 1510 the external staircase to the council chamber in the southeast corner was demolished. In their place there was a new entrance from the Cloth Hall. The stairs were led to the north-east corner in the area of ​​the arbors. At the same time, the vestibule was fundamentally redesigned. Gadder was added on both sides of the stairs. The two arches on the side, previously used as passages, were also walled up. This condition, including the stairs, was preserved until the renovation in 1897 and is documented in photos. At this time the lower court moved to the upper floor, probably in connection with the introduction of Roman law instead of the previous Saxon law. From now on, the vestibule was used solely for access purposes.

The only two extensions of the town hall followed in the middle of the 16th century. In 1546 the archive tower was added on the south side by Bernd von Deventer. As a result, the window layout had to be changed. Previously there were four windows each, as on the north side, there were now only three each, one of which was exactly in the center of the gable. In 1554, the clerk's office followed on the east side, which was connected to the town hall on the upper floor. The ground floor of the extension served as a carriage house and was open to the south.

Inside, too, there were changes in the 16th century, regardless of the alterations already described. Two tiled stoves and two chimneys were installed. Remnants of one of the tiled stoves - it was constructed in 1572 by master Anton Wennedahl from Cologne - were found during the renovation in 1898, after which a new stove was reconstructed. The fragments are now in the Museum of Art and Cultural History. Sandstone remains of a chimney could also be used as a template in 1898. Furthermore, the ceilings have now also been painted. In turn, parts of the basement were vaulted and subdivided in order to create safe dungeons for prisoners.

From 1610, immediately before the beginning of the Thirty Years' War and the decline of the city, Detmar Mulher's city map is the oldest reliable representation of the town hall. Due to the view from the south and the relatively small and partially imprecise representation, details can only be determined to a limited extent. It can be seen, however, that the town hall had two Gothic stepped gables . The window layout also matches the findings. May display already in the Provost Church Rosary Altar by Master Hilgardus located from 1523 to stepped gable of the town hall. However, this is not conclusively certain.

Decline (17th to 19th centuries)

The old town hall , on the right, in 1894 from the market side, shortly before the renovation, still with a baroque gable. The city scales are on the left.

At the beginning of the 17th century, only repairs were made to the town hall. In 1608 parts of the gable had to be removed and replaced. According to Kullrich, the cause was the rapidly weathering coal sandstone, which was used in the later renovations. In connection with this renovation, a figure of Charlemagne on the market-side gable is reported for the first time. The figure was painted. Further repairs were carried out in 1652. In 1686 the roof had to be replaced. In 1708 the northern gable had already reached a threatening slope, which required immediate construction work.

In 1740, however, the Gothic stepped gable on the market side had to be demolished because it was dilapidated. In its place a baroque ornamental gable was erected, which existed until 1897. In 1767 the gable of the writing room was renewed in the same way. With the loss of imperial immediacy in 1805, the Oran-Nassau administration and the regional court moved into the building. This required further renovations, in particular a new room division, which lasted until the renovation in 1897. This in turn required the opening of new windows of various sizes on the long sides, which was done without regard to the existing brickwork. In 1811 the southern gable was completely demolished and rebuilt in half-timbered houses. The roof was also renewed at this time, but not in slate as before, but using roof tiles. According to Kullrich, however, the new roof was of poor quality and caused numerous moisture damage. From the middle of the 19th century, the historic building was clearly in need of renovation.

In 1847 a new building was considered for the first time. In 1849 a town hall building fund was founded, which had significant funds. The previous location was favored as the construction site. The demolition of the historic building, which was necessary for this, was problematic because of its use as a district court and district office, as other rooms had to be created for both tenants beforehand. In 1858 the district court moved into the new building built for this purpose on Betenstrasse on the corner with Südwall. In 1859 the city first applied for the demolition, which, however , was rejected by the Prussian authorities following an expert opinion by Wilhelm Lübke and the intervention of the curator von Quast. In the further course von Quast pleaded urgently for the preservation of at least the market front, to which he attached great importance. According to his ideas, it should be integrated into a new building to be built.

First competition (1868–1869)

In 1867, after purchasing the Mellmann property (Markt 16 1/2), the city council began to force the new building. For this purpose, a program with requirements was developed and the city council decided on a competition. At that time, however, there were already doubts about the building site, which is why some city councilors demanded the acquisition of additional land before building. The competition commission also later stated that it had been a difficult task due to the "unfavorable and limited building space". The aim of the competition was to build an administration building for a city of 50,000 inhabitants. In 1868, Dortmund had 36,435 inhabitants at the time of the competition. In 1873, however, the announced number of inhabitants was exceeded. Despite the difficulties, three prizes were awarded from the 22 entries. The winning design, which was awarded 500 thalers, came from the architects Julius Flügge and Jakob Marchand.

After the competition, however, the demolition was unexpectedly prohibited by the Ministry of Culture. The city took action against this by submitting reports from Viollet-de-Duc and CW Hase . Both had the desired success and the demolition was approved by the conservator Quast and the district government in 1869. However, the project had to be postponed for financial reasons. There were also other things as a result, such as the preparation of development plans, the construction of a sewer system, the construction of roads and generally higher construction activity, which tied up capacities. The project also lacked a manager. Despite everything, the project was not completely lost sight of and additional neighboring properties were acquired. By 1890, a total of eight neighboring houses came into the possession of the city, including the Pottgießer'sche Haus (Markt 12), Markt 16 2/2 and the birthplace of Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus (Wißstraße 2 1/3). Nevertheless, doubts arose again about the building site and its limited space.

Second competition (1891)

Award-winning design by Heinrich Wiethase in the second competition for the new construction of the Dortmund town hall in 1891

Meyer's Konversationslexikon from 1888 mentions the town hall as a sight in Dortmund, but states that it is intended to be demolished to make way for a new building. To this end, the city council made a new attempt on March 17, 1890 and approved 5,000 marks for preparatory measures. This was accelerated by the partial collapse of the buildings Wißstrasse 2 1 / 3-3 / 3 at the end of June 1891, as a result of which the buildings Markt 16 1/2 and Markt 16 2/2 had to be demolished.

A new competition was announced. As in the first competition, Balkenstrasse was to be spanned by the new building. The Dortmund building authority developed floor plans for this, from which the designs were only allowed to deviate insignificantly. The task was rather the artistic design of the building. The sides to the market and to Wißstrasse as well as various aspects of the interior design should be worked out. On October 11, 1891, the design by the Cologne architect Wiethase was declared the winner. The designs by Stier and Vollmer followed in second place . The design convinced the judges in particular because of the structure of the front of the market and the proportions of the tower. He also took up architectural elements of the old town hall, but enlarged them significantly.

As a result of the demolition of the houses between Balkenstrasse and Wißstrasse, however, the western wall of the town hall with its traces from the various renovation phases became clearly visible. Thereupon, on October 15, 1892 , Friedrich Kullrich prepared a first memorandum for the use of the old town hall as a museum, which in 1893 resulted in the approval of 2,850 marks for makeshift repair work. On the one hand, Kullrich began to carry out a survey of the building. On the other hand, he pushed planning for a town house on the Olpe , which was to take on the entire administration. In 1896 a donation of 50,000 Markt followed by the brewer and art collector Joseph Cremer for the restoration of the town hall. Lord Mayor Schmieding also began to campaign for the building.

Restoration by Friedrich Kullrich (1897–1899)

Market-side gable after the renovation from 1897–99

The restoration took place in the years 1897–1899 according to plans by the city building councilor Friedrich Kullrich. As part of its restoration, the house was given a stepped gable based on the historical model known from Mulher, which blended well into the Romanesque-Gothic overall appearance of the building. The historic structure of the house was preserved, but was exposed to major changes. The interior was largely gutted. The restored town hall was inaugurated on August 11, 1899 by Kaiser Wilhelm II , who came to the city at the time for the opening of the Dortmund harbor and the Dortmund-Ems Canal . The cost of repairing the historic town hall was borne half by private donors and half by the city of Dortmund.

Destruction and Demolition (1943–1955)

Memorial plaque for the location of the old town hall on a commercial building on the south side of the old market

In 1943/45 the building was badly damaged in several air raids. Although it was overall in a better state of preservation than the provost church , for example , it was not rebuilt. The town hall was not taken into account in all cases of the plans for the redesign of the market issued in the summer of 1947. In particular, the plan by the architect Grund, which was intended for implementation, did without the building. However, the population was apparently not informed of the details of the plans. In November 1947 the city administration demolished the still standing east, west and south walls without any further announcement. The reason given was the threat of collapse. The demolition of the archive tower took place under police protection, as it was assumed that there was a treasury in the tower. The stones obtained during the demolition had to be reprocessed as house stones by the demolition company. They were then u. a. used for the reconstruction of the Reinoldikirche. Individual architectural parts remained in the company's possession. Two of the capitals from 1899 were later added to the library in the passage to the market.

The historical association and many citizens of Dortmund protested against the demolition of the town hall and campaigned for a reconstruction. This was rejected , in particular by the head of the building department Wilhelm Delfs , with reference to the neo-Gothic gable of the 19th century, which from the point of view of that time was not a monument worthy of preservation. It was also argued that if the town hall were to be restored, the remaining buildings on the market would have to be subordinate to it. The demolition of the last remaining remains of the oldest stone town hall north of the Alps followed on May 25, 1955. A shopping arcade was built on the site of the old town hall, with a brass plaque on the front today commemorating the submerged historical site of civil self-government.

Role model function

Due to its function as an upper courtyard for appellation, the Dortmund town hall served as a model for a number of buildings in cities connected to it. An essential feature of this connection is the hall / arbor under the main gable used for the lower court. This feature is missing, for example, in cities that are based on Soest city law. Examples are the former town halls of Bochum, Brakel, Herford, Kamen, Lübbecke, Lünen, Unna, Wattenscheid and Wesel in the Dortmund Oberhof area. The town hall of Münster, although it has its own upper courtyard, is based on the Dortmund model and, in turn, had an impact on cities connected with Münster.

In addition, there are also possible connections to town hall buildings from the 14th century in the area east of the Elbe, especially in East and West Prussia. For climatic reasons, the court arbor is always designed as a hall. On the one hand, a relationship with Dortmund's municipal law is assumed to be the cause. On the other hand, there were also close connections through the trade of the Dortmund merchants and through Dortmund's important position in the Hanseatic League.

Reconstruction plans

Depiction of the stepped gable of the Old Town Hall designed by
Friedrich Kullrich , as a model in the hand of the personification of the trade at the Old Town House from 1899

In the mid-1970s, Dortmund's mayor Willi Reinke founded an initiative to rebuild the old town hall on Neuer Markt, today's Friedensplatz . Since the old town hall was not big enough for the diverse tasks of the council, it was finally decided to build the modern Dortmund town hall . The proposal by the CDU and FDP to rebuild the old town hall at the historic location on the old market did not find a majority in the city council. The initiative then dissolved.

In January 2018, a Dortmund citizens' initiative was founded to promote the reconstruction of the old Dortmund town hall on the market square. The Kullrich version from 1899 is to be implemented, which was in place until it was demolished in 1955. A survey by Ruhr Nachrichten showed an 85 percent approval of the reconstruction plans. The computer specialist Christopher Jung made a virtual tour of the Old Market in Dortmund in the version from 1909 including the historic town hall. The renovation of the historic town hall in 1897 was paid half by private donors and half by the city of Dortmund.

A comparable example is the Wesel citizens' initiative that the reconstruction of the 2011 Gothic town hall facade on the Grote Markt of Wesel allowed.

See also


  • Thomas Schilp: The imperial city. In: Gustav Luntowski among other things: History of the city of Dortmund . Harenberg, Dortmund 1994, ISBN 3-611-00397-2 , pp. 69-211.
  • Nils Büttner, Thomas Schilp, Barbara Welzel: Urban representation. Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2005.
  • Albert Ludorff : The architectural and art monuments of the Dortmund city district. Munster 1894.
  • Dortmund. In: Meyers Konversationslexikon. Fourth edition. Leipzig / Vienna 1890, p. 87.
  • Friedrich Kullrich: The restored town hall in Dortmund . Dortmund undated [1930].
  • Friedrich Kullrich: Memorandum on the decoration and equipment of the restored town hall in Dortmund . Dortmund 1899, urn : nbn: de: hbz: 6: 1-59545 .
  • Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968.
  • Gerhard Wagner: The old town hall in Dortmund . Municipal traffic and press office Dortmund, Dortmund undated (around 1930).
  • Heinrich Jacobi: The old town hall of Dortmund and its restoration. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. No. 3, Berlin 1901, pp. 14-16, No. 5, pp. 29-32, No. 50, pp. 309-310. (digital.zlb.de)
  • Wilhelm Lübke: Medieval art in Westphalia depicted according to the existing monuments TO Weigel, Leipzig 1853. (In the atlas for this work, the market-side gable is colored and the stairway is shown as a floor plan) (The atlas can be viewed in the castle archive in Iserlohn)

Web links

Commons : Altes Rathaus (Dortmund)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Rübel: Dortmund document book . Ed .: Historical Association Dortmund. tape 1 . Verlag der Köppen'schen Buchhandlung, 1881, p. 33 , urn : nbn: de: hbz: 6: 1-2594 .
  2. a b Norbert Reimann: The becoming of the city . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (Hrsg.): History of the city of Dortmund . Harenberg Verlag, Dortmund 1994, ISBN 3-611-00397-2 , p. 56.61 .
  3. ^ The Chronicle of Dietrich Westhoff . In: Johannes Franck, Constantin Nörrenberg, Adolf Ulrich, Franz Jostes (eds.): The chronicles of the Westphalian and Lower Rhine cities. Volume 1: Dortmund, Neuss (=  The Chronicles of German Cities from the 14th to the 16th Century ). tape  20 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1969, p. 244 (2nd, unchanged. Ed., Photomechanical reprint of the 1st edition. Hirzel, Leipzig 1887).
  4. ^ Matthias Ohm: The old town hall in Dortmund . In: Nils Büttner, Thomas Schilp and Barbara Welzel (eds.): Städtische Representation . Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2005, p. 249 .
  5. Thomas Schilp: The Imperial City (1250 to 1802) . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (Hrsg.): History of the city of Dortmund . Harenberg Verlag, Dortmund 1994, ISBN 3-611-00397-2 , p. 118 .
  6. Ulrich Meier: Representation and Participation . In: Nils Büttner, Thomas Schilp, Barbara Welzel (eds.): Städtische Representation . Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89534-585-7 , p. 230 .
  7. a b c d e f g Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall of Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 19th ff .
  8. a b c d e f Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 82 ff .
  9. Luise von Winterfeld: Brothaus, Stadtwaage and Wandhaus . In: Historical Association for Dortmund and the County of Mark (Hrsg.): Contributions to the history of Dortmund and the County of Mark . tape 33 . Historical Association Dortmund, Dortmund 1926, p. 169 ff .
  10. ^ A b Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Sparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 25 .
  11. Gabriele Unverferth: homes to books and people . In: Historical association for Dortmund and the Grafschaft Mark eV with the participation of the city archive (Hrsg.): Heimat Dortmund . No. 1/2007 . Klartext Verlag, Essen 2007, p. 15 .
  12. Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Spezialacta of the building administration regarding the restoration of the old town hall . Best. 3-2422, p. 60 (Inquiry from the Höblich wine shop as to what kind of restoration should move into the town hall).
  13. a b c Matthias Ohm: The old town hall in Dortmund . In: Thomas Schilp and Barbara Welzel (eds.): Städtische Representation . Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89534-585-7 , p. 250 ff .
  14. ^ Friedrich Kullrich: The restored town hall to Dortmund . Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund, p. 25 .
  15. August Döring:  Mulher, Detmar . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, p. 489 f.
  16. ^ Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 11 .
  17. ^ Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 73 .
  18. ^ Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 15 .
  19. a b c Friedrich Kullrich: The town hall of Dortmund - photo forecourt of the town planning officer a. D. Kullrich in the Historical Association for Dortmund un the Grafschaft Mark held on February 24, 1926 in the Old Town Hall . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 444-5 . 1926.
  20. Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 - The expansion resp. New construction of the town hall . S. 11 .
  21. a b c d e f Torkild Hinrichsen: The "restoration" of the Dortmund town hall . In: Museum for Art and Cultural History of the City of Dortmund (Ed.): Dortmund 11.8.1899 - the emperor comes to the inauguration of the port: the permanent collection, section 23 . Cramers Kunstanstalt Dortmund, Dortmund 1984, ISBN 3-924302-02-2 , p. 213 f .
  22. Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 - The expansion resp. New construction of the town hall . S. 36 ff .
  23. Karl Neuhoff: Dortmund today - then - back then . Krüger-Verlag, Dortmund 1990, ISBN 3-927827-02-9 , pp. 58 .
  24. Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 - The expansion resp. New construction of the town hall . S. 47 ff .
  25. Conservator von Quast: Letter of October 27, 1864 . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 . S. 57 .
  26. Lord Mayor Zahn: Letter to the city council of February 15, 1867 . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 . S. 61 .
  27. Minutes of the city council meeting on February 25, 1867 . In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 . S. 71 .
  28. Otto Faehre (Ed.): Dortmund address book for the year 1909 . 1909, p. 8 .
  29. Report of the commission on the controversy received for the construction of a new town hall for the city of Dortmund on the basis of the program of April 15, 1868. In: Stadtarchiv Dortmund (ed.): Best. 3-1107 . April 14, 1869.
  30. a b c Otto Sarrazin, Oskar Hosfeld: The new building of the town hall in Dortmund . In: Ministry of Public Works (Hrsg.): Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung . 1891, p. 449 , urn : nbn: de: kobv: 109-opus-61332 .
  31. Robert von den Berken: Dortmunder Häuserbuch . Karl Busch Verlag, Wattenscheid 1927.
  32. ↑ The house in Wißstrasse No. 2, where Mr. Wienhold lived, made dubious attempts to overthrow last night. In: Dortmunder Zeitung connected with the Dortmunder Anzeiger . No. 175 . Dortmund June 29, 1891.
  33. Our town hall building = matter . In: Dortmunder Zeitung associated with the Dortmunder Anzeiger . No. 184 , August 7, 1891.
  34. Gerhard Langemeyer, Jörn Christiansen, Museum for Art and Cultural History of the City of Dortmund: Dortmund 11.8.1899, the Kaiser comes to the inauguration of the port: the permanent collection, Dept. 23 . Cramers Kunstanstalt, Dortmund 1984, ISBN 3-924302-02-2 , p. 89 .
  35. ^ Ulrich Reinke: The town halls of Münster and Dortmund - On the history of reconstruction after 1945 . In: Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (Hrsg.): In the course of time . Aschendorff'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Münster 1992, p. 406 .
  36. ^ A b Hermann Josef Bausch: A self-explanatory monument . In: Historical association for Dortmund and the Grafschaft Mark eV with the participation of the city archive (Hrsg.): Heimat Dortmund . No. 3/2000 . Klartext Verlag, Essen, S. 13 ff .
  37. Torkild Hinrichsen: The "restoration" of the Dortmund town hall . In: Museum for Art and Cultural History of the City of Dortmund (Ed.): Dortmund 11.8.1899 - the emperor comes to the inauguration of the port: the permanent collection, section 23 . Cramers Kunstanstalt Dortmund, Dortmund 1984, ISBN 3-924302-02-2 , p. 225 .
  38. ^ Horst Appuhn, Eberhard G. Neumann: The old town hall in Dortmund . Ed .: Stadtsparkasse Dortmund. Ms. Wilh. Ruhfus, Dortmund 1968, p. 53 ff .
  39. Willi-Reinke-Straße: New sign tells the career of the Brechtian , Ruhr Nachrichten , March 7, 2009.
  40. Oliver Volmerich: Initiative wants to rebuild Dortmund's old town hall , Ruhr Nachrichten , January 19, 2018.
  41. Survey on the reconstruction of the town hall in Dortmund , Ruhr Nachrichten , January 19, 2018.
  42. Virtual tour: Stroll through the old market in 1909 , Ruhr Nachrichten Dortmund, January 13, 2018.
  43. 3D model of the Alter Markt and Dortmund Town Hall , WDR local time from Dortmund, January 17, 2018.
  44. Merle Häring: Wesel's historic town hall facade is now officially complete , Neue Rhein-Zeitung , May 15, 2017, accessed on May 19, 2017.

Coordinates: 51 ° 30 '48.6 "  N , 7 ° 27' 58.1"  E