Andreas Pangritz

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Andreas Pangritz (born January 19, 1954 in Reudern ) is a German Protestant theologian who has been teaching systematic theology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn since 2003 , where he is also one of the two directors of the Ecumenical Institute.


Andreas Pangritz was born on January 19, 1954 as the second child of Pastor Gottfried Pangritz and his wife Adelheid, nee. Goes was born in Reudern , Nürtingen district. When his father moved to various pastors, the family moved frequently. He attended the village school of Fürnsal in the Black Forest , moved to Lübeck , where he attended the Brockes Volksschule and the Carl-Jacob-Burckhardt-Gymnasium . In the 1968 film Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach by Straub-Huillet , Pangritz portrayed the young Wilhelm Friedemann Bach . In the Hanseatic city he received piano lessons, also as an extraordinary student at the local music college . He finished school at the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium in Nördlingen ( Bavaria ) in 1973 with the final examination. His father was best known for his last position as a pastor for showmen (1975-1984).

After half a year of social work , he studied Protestant theology, history, political science and musicology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and the Free University of Berlin . As a teacher, he was particularly influenced by Helmut Gollwitzer and Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt . After taking the first theological exam in Tübingen in 1981, he went to postgraduate studies for two semesters with Rochus Zuurmond , Karel Deurloo and Dick Boer at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and with Rabbis Yehuda Aschkenasy and Ben Hemelsoet at the Katholieke Theologische Hogeschool Amsterdam. In Tübingen and Berlin he worked in the Protestant student community . During this time he was the author and for a number of years co-editor of the exegetical journal texts and contexts.

In 1982 he returned to the Free University of Berlin . With the dissertation Dietrich Bonhoeffer's demand for an arcane discipline - an unfinished business with church and theology , he received his doctorate in philosophy in 1987. At the Institute for Protestant Theology there he was a research assistant for systematic and biblical theology from 1984 to 1989 and then until 1995 research assistant for systematic theology and the history of theology. During this time he expanded his musicological studies at the FU and the TU Berlin. The habilitation in systematic theology took place in 1992 with the investigation of the theology becoming smaller and invisible. An attempt on the project of an “implicit theology” in Barth , Tillich , Bonhoeffer, Benjamin , Horkheimer and Adorno . In the spring of 1995 he was briefly visiting professor for theological encyclopedia at the Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid (Delenus Instituut) of the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

That same year he became a visiting professor at the Free University Berlin until 1996. During his time as a lecturer, he was in the land of Brandenburg in the training of teachers for the new school subject lifestyle - Religious Studies - Ethics (LER) and at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin of at Education of religious teachers involved.

In 1999 Pangritz was appointed professor for systematic theology at the Institute for Protestant Theology at RWTH Aachen University , and was its managing director from 2003 to 2006. In 2004 he became (initially parallel) Professor of Systematic Theology at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . There he has also been director of the Ecumenical Institute since 2007.

He is the managing director of the Orient & Occident publishing house, which he co-founded in 1998 .

Andreas Pangritz is a member of the International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society, the American Academy of Religion , the Karl Barth Society of North America, the Society for Evangelical Theology, the Scientific Society for Theology and the study group "Church and Israel" in the Rhineland and in Westphalia, of which he was chairman from 2008 to 2015. In 2005 he was appointed to the “Christians and Jews” committee of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland . Since 2006 he has been a member of the regional synod of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland .


The inner connection of Pangritz 'research areas “Aspects of the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer”, “Problems of the Christian-Jewish relationship”, “On the theology of Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt” and “Dialectical theology and critical theory” is the tradition of the Confessing Church and theology according to Auschwitz . In this, theology does not serve as a science of legitimation for the prevailing conditions, but drives ideology criticism . Lectures in front of church congregations, regional and international conferences as well as numerous articles illuminate systematically and historically the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, between state and church.

In recent years he has devoted himself intensively to research on Martin Luther's anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism .

Pangritz often goes into a relationship between dialectical theology and critical theory . Apart from his teacher Marquardt, from whom he also publishes some of the writings from the estate, he is oriented towards Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno as scholars of the 20th century.

His musical knowledge enabled him to relate the theological thinking of Barth and Bonhoeffer to music.

Some of Pangritz's publications have also appeared in English, Italian, Dutch, Korean, and Chinese.

Selected publications


  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer's demand for an arcane discipline - an unfinished business with the church and theology. Cologne 1988, ISBN 3-7609-5259-3 .
  • Karl Barth in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology - a necessary clarification. Berlin 1989.
  • On theology becoming smaller and invisible. An attempt on the project of an “implicit theology” in Barth, Tillich, Bonhoeffer, Benjamin, Horkheimer and Adorno. With a foreword by Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt. Tübingen 1996, ISBN 978-3-929128-04-8 .
  • Polyphony of life. On Dietrich Bonhoeffer's “Theology of Music”. 2nd, revised edition. Berlin 2000, ISBN 978-3-9806216-2-5 .
  • “The God of Israel sets me free”. Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt - A theological-biographical sketch. Berlin 2003.
  • Encounters, upheavals and new beginnings. Contributions to the theology of the Christian-Jewish relationship. Leipzig 2015, ISBN 978-3-374-04154-1 .
  • Theology and anti-Semitism. The example of Martin Luther , Frankfurt am Main 2017, ISBN 978-3-631-73362-2 .
  • "The completely different God wants a completely different society". The life's work of Helmut Gollwitzer. Stuttgart 2018, ISBN 978-3-17-034447-1 .


  • The "masked Christ". Nicodemism and anti-nicodemism in the Italian Reformation, in: Evangelische Theologie 54 (1994), pp. 8-22.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theological justification for participation in the resistance. In: Evangelische Theologie 55 (1995), pp. 491-520.
  • Helmut Gollwitzer's theology of the Christian-Jewish relationship. An attempt at a critical balance sheet, in: Evangelische Theologie 56 (1996), 359-376.
  • Political worship. On the theological justification of the resistance in Karl Barth, in: Communio Viatorum 39 (1997), 215-247.
  • "Secret and Commandment" by Leo Baeck and Dietrich Bonhoeffer , in: Berliner theologische Zeitschrift 1/1998, 112-127.
  • Marginal note on Bonhoeffer's ethics , in: Moments of Encounter. Impulses for the Christian-Jewish conversation. Bertold Klappert on his 65th birthday, ed. v. Michael Haarmann, Johannes von Lüpke u. Antje Menn, Neukirchen-Vluyn / Wuppertal 2004, 206-212.
  • Art. Marquardt, Friedrich-Wilhelm , in: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon , Vol. XXV, Nordhausen 2005, Sp. 878–917.
  • "Turn to Jerusalem". On Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt's work on dogmatics, in: Evangelische Theologie 65 (2005), 8-23.
  • The Understanding of Mystery in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in: Mysteries in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A Copenhagen Bonhoeffer Symposium, ed. By Kirsten Busch Nielsen et al., Göttingen 2007, 9-26.
  • From the “visible coming of God into this world”. On Dietrich Bonhoeffer's reception of Karl Barth's interpretation of the Roman letters, in: Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Jahrbuch 3, 2007/2008, ed. v. Clifford J. Green et al. a., Gütersloh 2008, 219-250.
  • “Now is the day of repentance - and the church should be silent?” Elisabeth Schmitz's reaction to the November pogroms 1938, in: Elisabeth Schmitz and her memorandum against the persecution of the Jews. Contours of a Forgotten Biography (1893–1977), ed. v. Manfred Gailus, Berlin 2008, 163-182.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Within, not Outside the Barthian Movement. In: Bonhoeffer's Intellectual Formation, ed. By Peter Frick, Tübingen 2008, 245-282.
  • Talmud and Christian theology. To commemorate the work of Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt, in: Memory culture in the plural society. New perspectives for the Christian-Jewish dialogue, ed. v. Reinhold Boschki et al. Albert Gerhards, Paderborn 2010, 183-195.
  • Did “the opposition almost always” have to be? On Walter Benjamin's and Gershom Scholem's perception of Karl Barth and “dialectical theology”, in: Profanes Leben. Walter Benjamin's Dialectic of Secularization, ed. v. Daniel Weidner, Berlin 2010, 301-324.
  • Eberhard Bethge's contribution to the renewal of the relationship between Christians and Jews, in: Evangelische Theologie 70 (2010), pp. 342–358.
  • The "Politics of God" with Israel. About Wilhelm Vischer's contribution to the “Bethel Confession”, in: Evangelische Theologie 72 (2012), 194-213.
  • Martin Luther's position on Judaism and Islam, in: Arbeitsbuch Religion und Geschichte. Christianity in Intercultural Memory, ed. v. Harry Noormann, Vol. 2, Stuttgart 2012, 15-48.
  • "To fall within the spokes of the wheel." New-old observations concerning "The Church and the Jewish Question", in: Kirsten Busch Nielsen, Ralf K. Wüstenberg u. Jens Zimmermann (Hg./Eds.), Falling in the spokes of the wheel. The Political in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Theology / A Spoke in the Wheel. The Political in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Gütersloh 2013, 94-108.
  • New report on Karl Barth's “Sozialistische Reden”, in: Georg Pfleiderer / Harald Matern (eds.), Theologie im Umbruch der Moderne. Karl Barths early Dialectical Theology, Zurich 2014, 63-80.
  • Music and theology with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in: Faith and learning. Theology interdisciplinary and practical 29 (2014), 158-172.
  • The Council Declaration Nostra Aetate from an evangelical perspective, in: Reinhold Boschki / Josef Wohlmuth (eds.), Nostra Aetate. 4th turning point in the relationship between Church and Judaism - a lasting challenge for theology, Paderborn 2015, 147-157.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Jews in Context, in: Michael Mawson and Philip G. Ziegler (eds.), Christ, Church and World. New Studies in Bonhoeffer's Theology and Ethics, London etc. 2016, 161–186.
  • Helmut Gollwitzer's ethics of peace and its topicality, in: Marco Hofheinz u. Frederike van Oorschot (ed.), Christian-Theological Pacifism in the 20th Century, Baden-Baden / Münster 2016, 213–229.
  • Martin Luther - Friend of Jews or Anti-Semite ?, in: Perspektivenischer Judenbildung. Discourses - Insights - Positions, ed. v. Central Council of Jews in Germany (concept and scientific management: Prof. Dr. Doron Kiesel), Berlin 2017, 445-456.


  • Helmut Gollwitzer: ... that justice and peace kiss. Essays on political ethics. 2 volumes (= Selected Works, Vol. 4 and 5), Munich 1988.
  • "I will not die, I will live." About Helmut Gollwitzer. Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-9806216-0-X .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt: On a way to school. Smaller Christian-Jewish learning units. 2nd edition, Aachen 2005, ISBN 3-9806216-1-8 .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt: Theological Audacities: Selected essays. Edited by Andreas Pangritz and Paul S. Chung. Eugene / Oregon 2010, ISBN 978-1-60608-943-9 .
  • "Biblical Radicalities". Judaism, socialism and law in the theology of Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt (= Studies of the Bonn Center for Religion and Society, Vol. 6). Würzburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-89913-778-1 .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt: Theology in civil society I: Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher. Lecture in the winter semester 1975/76 at the Free University of Berlin, reconstructed from the manuscript and edited by Andreas Pangritz with the collaboration of Juliane Jäntsch, Bonn 2012, ISBN 978-3-9806216-5-6 .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt, Chana Safrai: Learning the Talmud. Lectures at the Evangelical Academy in Berlin 1992–2001, edited in collaboration with Daniela Koeppler and introduced by Andreas Pangritz, Bonn 2014, ISBN 978-3-9806216-6-3 .
  • René Süss: Luther's theological testament: From the Jews and their lies , Bonn 2017, ISBN 978-3-9806216-7-0 .


  • Kleijs H. Kroon: The fall of the whore Babylon. A contemporary interpretation of the John Apocalypse. Berlin 1988.

Participation in films

Individual evidence

  1. Community letter Feuchtwangen May to July 2012 from the Dean's Office (PDF)

Web links