Andrei Alexandrowitsch Gerschun

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Andrei Alexandrovich Gerschun ( Russian Андрей Александрович Гершун ; born October 9 . Jul / 22. October  1903 greg. In St. Petersburg , † 6. December 1952 in Leningrad ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Gerschun, son of the Jewish physicist Alexander Lwowitsch Gerschun and his wife Rosalia Felixowna, began studying physics at the University of Petrograd in 1920 (graduating in 1924). At the same time he worked in the Optics Institute (GOI) in the photometry laboratory under SO Maisel and investigated light field problems and problems of lighting technology.

When the photometry laboratory in the GOI was converted into a department with several laboratories in 1934, Gerschun headed the lighting technology laboratory in collaboration with LI Djomkina ( color laboratory) and colleagues LN Gassowski ( optics laboratory) and GN Rautian . Gerschun further investigated problems of photometry and lighting technology. He designed the lighting technology for the planned Palace of the Soviets . In 1937 he received his doctorate in technical sciences without submitting a dissertation . The lighting technology problems in the sea below the water surface ( hydrooptics ) became an important area of ​​work .

During the German-Soviet War Gerschun was evacuated to Yoshkar-Ola with the GOI . There he worked on problems of blackout and camouflage.

After the war, Gerschun continued his earlier work, with theoretical photometry becoming his focus. In particular, he investigated the power spectral density of blackbody radiation . On the occasion of Pierre Bouguer's 250th birthday , he edited the translation of Bouguer's most important work and added a biography and bibliography .

In addition to his research and development work in GOI taught Gerschun at the Leningrad Mining Institute , at the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute , the Aviation Institute at the Military Academy of the Signal Corps , at the Seekriegsakademie and at the military academy for engineers of the Air Force "Prof. NJ Zhukovsky ” . He became a professor at the Leningrad Institute for Fine Manicure and Optics (LITMO) , where he headed the chair for physical optics from 1946 to 1952. He also set up the optics laboratory there. He organized seminars and supervised aspirants . From 1947 until his death, Gerschun was the main assistant to the head of the power engineering laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) MA Schatelen and also chairman of the commission for lighting technology of the AN-SSSR.


Individual evidence

  1. JA Chramow: Gerschun Andrei Alexandrowitsch . In: AI Achijeser : Physics: Biographical Lexicon . Nauka, Moscow 1983, p. 83 (Russian).
  2. Лазарев Д. Н .: Андрей Александрович Гершун. In: Волькенштейн А. А .: 50 лет Государственного оптического института им. С. И. Вавилова (1918–1968) . Машиностроение, Leningrad 1968, p. 694-701 .
  3. Гершун А. А .: К вопросу о пропускании диффузного света. II. Световое поле от поверхностных излучателей равномерной и неравномерной яркости . In: Труды ГОИ . tape 4 , no. 38 , 1928, pp. 1-9 .
  4. Гершун А. А .: Расчёт естественного освещения . In: Труды ГОИ . tape 5 , no. 44 , 1929, pp. 25-54 .
  5. Гершун А. А .: О фотометрии мутных средин . In: Труды ГОИ . tape 11 , no. 99 , 1936, pp. 3-16 .
  6. Гершун А. А .: Прохождение света через плоский слой светорассеивающей среды . In: Труды ГОИ . tape 11 , no. 99 , 1936, pp. 43-65 .
  7. Гершун А. А., Лазарев Д. Н .: Освещение Дворца Съездов . In: Светотехника . No. 2 , 1935, p. 1-12 .
  8. Берёзкин В. А., Гершун А. А., Янишевский Ю. Д .: Прозрачность и цвет моря . Изд-во ВМА им. К. Ворошилова, Leningrad 1940.
  9. Гершун А. А .: Принципы и приёмы световой маскировки . Изд-во АН СССР, Moscow 1943.
  10. Гершун А. А .: О спектральной плотности излучения . In: УФН . tape 46 , no. 3 , 1952, pp. 388-395 .
  11. Pierre Bouguer: Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumière - Оптический трактат о градации света . USSR Science Academy Press, 1950.