António Duarte Carvarino

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António Mau Lear Duarte Carvarino († February 1979 in East Timor ) was a freedom fighter and politician of FRETILIN from East Timor. He was of mixed Timorese-African descent.


Mau Lear was one of the members of the East Timorese students from the Casa dos Timores in Lisbon and was also a member of the Portuguese Maoist party Movimento Reorganizativo do Partido do Proletariado (MRPP). As one of five students in the Casa group, Mau Lear returned to his native Portuguese Timor on September 11, 1974 , the day the party ASDT was renamed FRETILIN. Mau Lear's wife María do Céu Pereira ( Bi Lear ) was already involved in founding the party in Dili in May.

Mau Lear belonged to the most radical left wing of the Casa group . He became a member of the Central Committee of FRETILIN (CCF), worked on the Education and Culture Commission and played a major role in the founding of the student organization UNETIM.

On November 28, 1975, East Timor unilaterally declared itself independent from the colonial power Portugal and Mau Lear became Minister of Justice in the Cabinet . Just nine days later, East Timor was occupied by Indonesia . A bloody struggle for independence began between the armed forces of Indonesia and the armed arm of FRETILIN, the FALINTIL . At the meeting of the party leadership in Soibada in May 1976, Mau Lear was appointed National Political Commissar and was thus responsible for the Department of Ideology and Political Orientation. Until 1976 he lived in Aicurus in the resistance sector Centro Norte , then Mau Lear moved to the sector Ponta Leste on the eastern tip of the country. Mau Lear's successor as National Political Commissioner was Vicente dos Reis .

Mau Lear was established in October 1977 as a successor to dos Reis Lobato Nicolau the Prime Minister of East Timor and the vice-presidents. Lobato had taken over the office of president the month before . In addition, Mau Lear was appointed Vice Chairman of FRETILIN. In the fight against the invaders, Mau Lear, as the military commander of the FALINTIL, was now responsible for the eastern sector.

In February 1979, Mau Lear was captured and killed by the Indonesians in Manatuto . His wife surrendered soon after and disappeared soon after.


As early as 1975, Mau Lear had warned in his treatise The Establishment of New Relationships in East Timor of the tensions between the two parts of East Timor, Loro Munu and Loro Sae . After gaining independence in 2002, these tensions escalated into one of the causes of the 2006 riots .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Antero Bendito da Silva, Robert Boughton , Rebecca Spence: FRETILIN Popular Education 1973-1978 and its Relevance to Timor-Leste Today , University of New England, 2012, accessed June 5, 2019.
  2. James J. Fox: FRETILIN (Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente). In: Southeast Asia. A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor . Abc-Clio, 2005, ISBN 1-57607-770-5 , pp. 522-523.
  3. FRETILIN chronology up to the Restoration of Independence (PDF; 80 kB)
  4. CAVR - History of the Conflict ( Memento from July 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (English; PDF; 1.4 MB)
  5. "Chapter 7.2 Unlawful Killings and Enforced Disappearances" (PDF; 2.5 MB) from the "Chega!" Report of the CAVR (English)
  6. António Benedito 'Nito' da Silva, Community Development Studies, Universidade National Timor-Lorosae: Community and the current crisis in Timor-Leste (English) ( Memento from March 17, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Return to Rai Ketak, Thoughts on “crize” (Eng.)