Flavien Hugonin

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Antoine-Abel-Flavien Hugonin (born July 3, 1823 in Thodure , Dép. Isère , † May 2, 1898 in Caen ) was a French bishop .


Flavien Hugonin attended the college in Bourgoin until in 1839 the director and later Bishop of Orléans , Félix Dupanloup , moved him to the Minor Seminary of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris. In 1843 the philosophical studies at the seminary in Issy followed , in 1845 the theology at Saint-Sulpice in Paris; In 1847 he moved to the 'École des Hautes Études Ecclésiastiques' ('École de Carmes') there.

Ordained a priest on May 25, 1850 by Archbishop Sibour , he taught literature and philosophy at the 'École de Carmes', was awarded a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Paris in 1852 and a doctorate in theology in 1856. From 1859 on, he acted as a substitute for the sick dean Henri Maret dogmatics at the theological faculty of the Sorbonne . After the appointment of the director of the 'École de Carmes', the Abbé Cruice , to the bishopric of Marseille in 1861 Hugonin was appointed director and in 1862 also dean of the chapter of Sainte-Geneviève .

On July 13, 1866 by decree of Napoleon III. Appointed Bishop of Bayeux-Lisieux , Hugonin received papal confirmation on February 22, 1867 because of differences of opinion between the Holy See and the French government. He was consecrated on May 1, 1867 by Mgr. Dupanloup, his early patron, and solemnly enthroned eight days later in Bayeux.

Mgr. Hugonin took part in the First Vatican Council in 1869 , where he was one of the opponents of the dogma of infallibility . But he accepted it and had it proclaimed in his diocese. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71 he consecrated the diocese to St. Heart of Jesus and decreed that the anniversary of the consecration would be celebrated annually on the first Sunday of Advent. On June 22, 1872, he crowned the Virgin Mary statue 'Notre Dame de la Délivrande' in Douvres-la-Délivrande and 25 years later celebrated the elevation of the local church to a minor basilica .

Bishop Hugonin convened two diocesan synods , one on September 20, 1875 and another on July 8, 1878, on which he put the new diocesan statutes into force. On July 3, 1882, he committed his clergy to the Roman rituals. In 1887 he granted the young Thérèse Martin ( Therese von Lisieux ) the requested dispensation to be allowed to enter the Carmel of Lisieux despite her young age (15 years) ; In 1889 he took on her clothing. In 1892 he had the bones of St. Solemnly recognize and venerate Exupère , the first Bishop of Bayeux.

Even a former university professor, Hugonin attached great importance to a sound scientific education. During his episcopate, the small seminary in Lisieux was rebuilt and the construction of the seminary in Villiers, begun by his predecessor Mgr. Didiot , was completed. In 1875 Hugonin was one of the founders of the Catholic University of Paris ( Institut Catholique de Paris ).

Mgr. Hugonin was an honorary canon of several French dioceses and since 1867 Knight of the Legion of Honor . In 1892 he received from Pope Leo XIII. the pallium . He rejected the elevation to Archbishop of Lyon in 1893. He died in Caen on May 2, 1898 and was buried next to his predecessor Didiot in Bayeux Cathedral. The funeral sermon was given by Bishop Touchet of Orléans.


  • Essai sur la fondation de l'ecole de St Victor de Paris. Paris 1854.
  • De materia et forma apud sanctum Thomam. Paris 1854.
  • Ontology ou étude des lois de pensée. 2 volumes, Paris 1856 and 1857.
  • Philosophy du droit social. Paris 1885.


  • François de Saint-Louvent: L'évêque de Thérèse de Lisieux: Mgr Flavien Hugonin. Les Plans-sur-Bex: Parole et Silence, 2000, ISBN 978-2-84573-038-0 .
  • Jacques-Olivier Boudon: 'Hugonin, Antoine Abel Flavien,' in: Mayeur, Jean-Marie; Hilaire, Yves-Marie (ed.): Dictionnaire du monde religieux dans la France contemporaine. Vol. 9. Les Sciences religieuses. Le XIXe siècle 1800–1914 / sous la direction de François Laplanche. - Paris: Beauchesne, 1996.
  • L'Épiscopat français. Paris: Librairie de Saints-Pères, 1907.
  • H [onoré Jean Pierre] Fisquet: La France pontificale. Paris: Repos, 1864–1871.