Anton Ivanovich Stuckenberg

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Anton Ivanovich Stuckenberg

Anton Iwanowitsch Stuckenberg ( Russian Антон Иванович Штукенберг ; * August 15, July / August 27,  1816 greg. In Vyshny Volotschok , Tver Governorate ; † March 7, July / March 19,  1887 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian Transport engineer and writer .


Stuckenberg's father Johann Christian Stuckenberg from Blankenburg in the Duchy of Oldenburg entered the Russian military service in 1807 and became known as a geographer .

Stuckenberg studied at the St. Petersburg Institute for Transport Engineering , graduating in 1836 as a Porutschik . He was then sent to Eastern Siberia . He explored roads in the Transbaikal mountains and trassierte the Baikal Railway . There he got to know exiled Decembrists , some of whom, including Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Bestuschew , became his friends. He wrote down the story of Alexander Ivanovich Yakubovich about the duel with Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov .

After his return in 1840, Stuckenberg was immediately employed in Novgorod Raion for the renovation of the Wischerski Canal of the Vyshny Volotschok water system.

In 1842, after examining the route, Stuckenberg began building the section of the Nikolaibahn from Wyschni Wolotschok to the Kalaschnikowo station ( Lichoslawl district ). After the opening of the section, he led the construction of the section from Okulowka to Tver .

In 1855 Stuckenberg was sent to the Crimea by the Central Transportation Administration to build military railways. In 1857 he became department head in Division I of the main transport administration in St. Petersburg. In 1859, according to his plans, the new Kamennoostrowski Bridge was built in St. Petersburg from Aptekarski Island over Little Newka to Kamenny Island, using a complex beam bracing system instead of buttress arches . He also built the new Great Krestovsky Bridge from Petrograd Island across the Little Nevka to Krestovsky Island.

In 1863, Stuckenberg became head of Division III of the Central Transport Administration in Moscow . In 1865 he became a member of the Committee for Technology and Construction at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg (until his death). In 1873 he became a senior technician with the St. Petersburg city administration. Thereby he participated in the work of the commission for the construction of the Emperor Alexander II Bridge over the Neva (opened in 1879).

In addition to his professional activity, Stuckenberg had always been active as a writer. In connection with his professional activity, he dealt, for example, with problems of railway construction and water pipeline construction in a broader context . He reviewed a book by the architect Count Nicolas de Rochefort . He wrote biographies of his father and Josif Korizkis . He edited a collection of poems under the pseudonym A. Krutogorow. After his death, three more poems and his memoirs appeared , in which he described his life from 1836 onwards.

Stuckenberg was buried in the St. Petersburg Volkovo Cemetery in the Lutheran section.

Stuckenberg had three sons. Anton Antonowitsch was a geologist and local researcher . Alexander Antonovich was a geologist and paleontologist . Yevgeny Antonovich was the city architect of Nikolayev .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Биография.ру: Штукенберг Антон Иванович (accessed February 21, 2018).
  2. a b c d Штукенберг (Антон Иванович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XXXIXa, 1903, p. 935 ( ЭСБЕ / Штукенберг, Антон Иванович [accessed February 21, 2018]).
  3. Созидательные традиции Штукенбергов (accessed February 21, 2018).
  4. Stuckenberg AA: Кругобайкальская дорога . In: Журнал Главного Управления Путей Сообщения . XXVII, XXIX, 1859.
  5. В. Э. Вацуро (редактор тома), Н. К. Гея, С. А. Макашина, А. С. Мясникова, В. Н. Орлова: А. С. Грибоедов в воспоминаниях современников . Художественная литература, Moscow 1980 ( [accessed February 21, 2018]).
  6. Stuckenberg AA: Практические заметки по строительной части . St. Petersburg 1857.
  7. Stuckenberg AA: О средствах для построения в России железных дорог . In: Зритель . No. 1 , 1863.
  8. Stuckenberg AA: Водопроводы с принадлежащими к ним сооружениями . St. Petersburg 1878.
  9. Stuckenberg AA: Рецензия на книгу графа де Рошфора: Строительная технология и архитектура гражданских зданийданских . In: Деятельность . No. 43 , 1869.
  10. Stuckenberg AA: Биография Ивана Феодоровича Штукенберга . In: Журнал Главного Управления Путей Сообщения . tape XXXV , 1861.
  11. Stuckenberg AA: Осип Иванович Корицкий . In: Журнал Главного Управления Путей Сообщения . tape XXXIII , no. 1 , 1861.
  12. Krutogorow A .: Осенние листья . St. Petersburg 1866.
  13. РАСПОРЯЖЕНИЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВА САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГА ОТ 11.07.2005 N 88/1-РП ОБ УТВЕРЖДЕНИИ ПЕРЕЧНЯ МЕСТ ЗАХОРОНЕНИЙ НА КЛАДБИЩАХ САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГА ИЗВЕСТНЫХ ГРАЖДАН , ВНЕСШИХ ЗНАЧИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ВКЛАД В ИСТОРИЮ РОССИИ И САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГА ( memento of the original on February 21, 2018 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed on February 21, 2018). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /