Aquarium of Genoa

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Aquarium of Genoa
Acquario di Genova.svg
Full name Acquario di Genova
place Area Porto Antico
Ponte Spinola
16128 Genova
opening 1992
Sponsorship Costa Edutainment SpA
Acquario di Genova - panoramio.jpg

Entrance to the aquarium

The Genoa Aquarium ( Italian : Acquario di Genova ) is the second largest aquarium in Europe, behind the L'Oceanogràfic in Valencia , Spain . It is located on the site of the Porto Antico in the Italian port city of Genoa . The aquarium was opened in 1992 to mark the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America and has expanded several times in a row. The architects Renzo Piano and Peter Chermayeff were responsible for planning and architectural execution . At the time of its opening, it was the second largest aquarium in the world. It shows 70 habitats and around 12,000 specimens of 600 species of the world's oceans.

The aquarium can using the nearby train station Piazza Principe , the stop San Giorgio the subway or the highway exit Genova Ovest the A7 be achieved.

The aquarium

The tour of the aquarium, which takes around two hours and 30 minutes, leads past 39 pools that faithfully reproduce the habitat of the numerous fish and reptiles . The visible surface of the halls is 9700 square meters . There are three large seawater pools with dolphins , sharks , seals and turtles in addition to a variety of smaller fish.

An extension of the aquarium consists of connecting a ship's hull (named Nave Italia ) to the main building. In this there are some open basins with a modeled tropical rainforest and freshwater biotopes. In this section of the aquarium you can also touch some of the fish.

The animals

The animals on display are listed by pool below.

Basin Animals
The seal tank Dog seals (Phocidae)
Fish you can touch Pond claws ( Gallinula ); Red mullets (Mullidae); Sea bream ( Sparus aurata ); European stingray ( Dasyatis pastinaca ); Real rays (Rajidae)
The shark tank Greater amberjack ( Seriola dumerili ); Sand tiger shark ( Carcharias taurus ); Saw ray (Pristidae); Gray reef shark ( Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos )
The penguin pool Humboldt penguin ( Spheniscus humboldti )
The dolphin pool Bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus )
The coral pool Precious coral ( Corallium rubrum )
The Caribbean coral reef Great barracuda ( Sphyraena barracuda )
The cylinder hall Goldfish ( Carassius auratus ); Red neon ( Paracheirodon axelrodi ); Piranhas (Serrasalmidae)
The Cinque Terre Mediterranean anthias ( Anthias anthias ); Color-changing horn coral ( Paramuricea clavata ); Cylinder roses (Ceriantharia); Common snipefish ( Macroramphosus scolopax )
The hummingbird forest Ruby- throated hummingbird ( Archilochus colubris )
The Aeolian Islands Common lobster ( Palinurus elephas ); Red mullet king ( Apogon imberbis ); Star coral ( Astroides calycularis ); Parrotfish ( Sparisoma )
The flooded forest Black pygmy catfish ( Ameiurus melas ); Anostomidae ( Anostomus anostomus ); Myleus ( Myleus ); Pfauenaugen stingray ( Potamotrygon motoro )
The jungle of Madagascar Chameleons ( Calumma parsonii ); Day geckos ( Phelsuma ); Tomato gecko ( Dyscophus guineti ); Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus ); Malagasy cichlids ( Paratilapia ); Pelomedus tortoises (Pelomedusidae)
The coral reef of Madagascar Sapling soft corals (Nephtheidae); Anemonefish ( Amphiprion ); Common banner fish ( Heniochus acuminatus ); Blacktip Reef Shark ( Carcharhinus melanopterus ); Puffer fish (Tetraodontidae); Pacific lionfish ( Pterois volitans ); Imperator angelfish ( Pomacanthus imperator ); Napoleon wrasse ( Cheilinus undulatus ); Round-headed batfish ( Platax orbicularis )
The giant crabs of Japan Japanese giant crab ( Macrocheira kaempferi ); Sea cats (Chimaeriformes)
The mangrove basin Mudskipper ( periophthalmos ); Archer fish ( Toxotes jaculator ); Four eyes ( anableps )
The red sea Anthias (Anthiadinae); Giant clams (Tridacnidae); Triangle prussian fish ( Dascyllus trimaculatus )
The jellyfish tank Chrysaora ( Chrysaora ); Ear jellyfish ( Aurelia aurita )
The Pesce Azzurro Sardine ( Sardina pilchardus ); Horse mackerel ( Trachurus trachurus )

Web links

Commons : Aquarium Genoa  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files
  • Homepage (German, French, Italian, English)

Individual evidence

  1. The building. Acquario di Genova, accessed July 17, 2020 .

Coordinates: 44 ° 24 ′ 37 "  N , 8 ° 55 ′ 35.6"  E