Artur Guttmann

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Artur Guttmann (born August 21, 1891 in Vienna , † September 3, 1945 in Los Angeles ) (pseudonyms: Otto Erwin, Otto Erwin Kulm) was an Austrian conductor and film composer .

life and work

The son of a musician was trained by Josef Labor , Josef Sulzer and Karl Gille . He began his artistic career in 1909 as the director of the boys' choir at the Vienna Volksoper . In 1912 he became Kapellmeister at the Johann Strauss Theater , where he stayed until 1914. After the end of the war he conducted, among other things, from 1919 in Berlin at the old Komische Oper , at the Central Theater (1921/22) and at the theater in the Admiralspalast (1931), until his emigration he then directed the orchestra of the Ufa-Palast am Zoo .

During the 1920s, Guttmann also played at public events in Berlin with his 'Jazz Symphoniker'.

As a conductor, Guttmann was also a popular guest on Berliner Rundfunk. Between June 1928 and October 1929 he made around 40 recordings for the Lindström brand Odeon , conducting the 'Universum Sinfoniker' and the 'UFA Symphony Orchestra'.

Since the mid-1920s he has been composing accompanying music for silent films and conducting the cinema orchestras in Berlin cinemas. With the beginning of the sound film age, he became one of the most frequented composers in German-language film. Most of the time, Guttmann worked with colleagues, such as B. with Friedrich Hollaender and Will Meisel in the sound film version of the drama The Other from 1930, with Franz Wachsmann in Scampolo, a child of the street or with Allan Gray in Die Gräfin von Monte Christo , both in 1932.

For the first film adaptation of Alfred Döblin's novel “ Berlin-Alexanderplatz ” in 1931, he conducted the recording of Allan Gray's film music. He conducted his own composition in the historical drama Danton directed by Hans Behrendt in 1931, in the Carl Boese- Schwank Meine Cousine from Warsaw in 1931, and in the crisis comedy You don't need money in 1932.

His sound film hits were played by the first bands of his time such as the jazz orchestra of Theo Mackeben , the dance orchestra of Paul Godwin or the Marek Weber orchestra, interpreted by artists such as Fritzi Massary , Trude Berliner or Paul O'Montis and handed down to posterity on the record.

After the “ seizure of power ” by the National Socialists in 1933, Guttmann, of Jewish origin, returned to Vienna; In 1936 he emigrated to the USA via Spain at the invitation of the MGM film company .

In Hollywood he acted as musical director several times, but only received two orders for his own compositions. His last work was the music for the anti-Goebbels film Enemy of Women in 1944.

Artur Guttmann is neither to be confused with the choir conductor Alfred Guttmann (1873-1951) nor with the Austrian theater actor Arthur Guttmann (1877-1956).


Compositions outside of the film

  • The student Leni . Operetta. First performance in Vienna, 1909
  • Where else it will lead or Das Zuckergoscherl. Operetta, text by Fritz Löhner-Beda , music based on Richard Wagner's motifs . First performance Vienna, 1918
  • Pantomimes
  • Songs

Sound documents (selection)

  • Odeon O-2825 a (die number Be 8049) The marriage of the winds. Waltz (John T. Hall)
  • Odeon O-2825 b (die number Be 6936-2) Fascination. Waltz (FD Marchetti)

“Artur Guttmann with his Universum-Sinfoniker” Recorded February 28, 1929 (a) / September 26, 1928 (b)

  • Odeon O-11 492 a (die number Be 8051) Hungarian comedy overture / Kéler Béla
  • Odeon O-11 492 b (matrix number Be 8164) Spring song / music: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

"Artur Guttmann with his Universum-Sinfoniker." Recorded February 28, 1929 (a) / April 25, 1929 (b), Berlin

  • Odeon O-6664 a (Matrizennummer xxB 8135-2) Overture to “Im Reiche des Indra” (Paul Lincke)
  • Odeon O-6664 b (die number xxB 8136-2) Overture to “Berlin how it cries and laughs” (August Conradi)

"UFA Symphony Orchestra, conductor: Artur Guttmann." Recorded September 26, 1928, Berlin

  • Ultraphon A 531 (die number 10 984) Kiss me if you love me. Song u. Tango (Guttmann, Meisel and Schwabach) from the sound film "The Other". Juan Llossas with his tango orchestra. Refraing vocals: Walter Jurmann . Recorded in May 1930.
  • Ultraphon A 1076 (die number 18 260) I don't have time for great love! English Waltz, from the sound film "Serene Highness amuses himself" / music by Artur Guttmann, text by Charles Amberg. Efim Schachmeister with his jazz orchestra, Refraingesang: Eric Helgar . Recorded in March 1932.
  • Electrola EG 1768 / 60-812 (die number BLR 6030-I) Do you still think of me, my dear little girl? English Waltz from the sound film Das Donkosakenlied (Artur Guttmann). Special arrangement by K. Ettlinger. Marek Weber and his orchestra. Recorded in February 1930 at the Singakademie zu Berlin.

Sound samples

  • In love trap . Insert from the operetta “Madame Pompadour” by Arthur Guttmann, text based on Julius Freund by Rudolf Schanzer and Erich Welisch. Fritzi Massary, soprano in German with orchestra. Electrola EW 35 / 8-43084 (die number BK 2707-II). Recorded January 10, 1928
  • The Susi blows the saxophone . Foxtrot ( Rudolf Nelson ) Odeon dance orchestra under the direction of Artur Guttmann; Singed by Paul O'Montis. Odeon A 160 069 a = O-2648 (die number B 7488) - Recorded on October 31, 1928
  • Boxer song from the film "Liebe im Ring" (Artur Guttmann, text by Fritz Rotter). Theo Mackeben with his jazz orchestra. Refrain singing: Robert Koppel . Ultraphon A 379 (die number 10 701). Recorded in February 1930
  • The soldier is loyal . Marching song from the sound film "Drei Tage Mittelarrest" (Guttmann, Dostal and Amberg) Paul Godwin Dance Orchestra, Refraingesang John Hendrik . Gramophone 23 959 (die number 3481 BR-II) - 1931
  • I don't have time for great love . Lied and English Waltz from the sound film "Highness amuses himself" (A. Guttmann - Ch. Amberg) Trude Berliner , accompanied by the Paul Godwin orchestra. Gramophone 24 450 A (die number 4302 BR). Recorded in Berlin in early 1932.

Web links


  • Franz Wallner-Basté : reviews of film music (BZ, Berliner Tageblatt, Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung). In: Herbert Birett: Silent Film Music . Appendix, pp. 161-187.
  • Herbert Birett: Silent Film Music. Material collection . Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin 1970.
  • Gero Gandert: 1929 - the film of the Weimar Republic . Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 1993, ISBN 3-11-085261-6 .
  • Radio artists: a pocket album from the magazine "Der Deutsche Rundfunk". Dedicated to our readers. Rothgiesser & Diesing publishing house, Berlin, 1932.
  • Stengel / Gerigk: Lexicon of Jews in Music. With a list of titles of Jewish works. Compiled on behalf of the Reich leadership of the NSDAP on the basis of official, party-officially checked documents . Theo Stengel, Herbert Gerigk (arrangement), (= publications of the NSDAP Institute for Research on the Jewish Question, Volume 2), Berlin: Bernhard Hahnefeld, 1941, (1st edition 1940, anti-Semitic publication).
  • Rudolf Ulrich: Austrians in Hollywood . Filmarchiv Austria, 2nd, revised and expanded edition, ISBN 3-901932-29-1 .
  • Kay Less : "In life, more is taken from you than given ...". Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. P. 222 f. ACABUS Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8 .

Individual references, comments

  1. According to IMDb August 27th
  2. ^ Paul Frank: Briefly summarized Tonkünstler Lexicon. Regensburg 1936
  3. Deutsches Bühnen-Jahrbuch 1920, 1922, 1931
  4. Gottfried Reinhardt : The apple fell from the trunk . Langen Müller, Munich 1992, pp. 343/44
  5. z. B. on February 4, 1928 in the Sports Palace for the “Court Ball near Zille” alternating with ten other bands, or on February 18, 1928 at the “Gesindeball” in Schöneberg, cf. luise-berlin .
  6. cf. Pocket album “Artists on Radio” 1932, p. 239; There is also a photo of the artist (Atelier Heuchel)
  7. cf. Birett: Appendix, reviews of Guttmann's conducting activities in Dr. Franz Wallner-Basté in the BZ am Mittag et al. Ll., On pp. 162, 165, 172, 177.
  8. cf. Article "In the year 1930. Flood of light music". In: Film-Kurier, January 14, 1931: Dr. Becce took over the overall direction of a Trenker film, Paul Dessau worked for the Tauber production. Schmidt-Gentner also quickly adapted. He made musical contributions to a number of films. Artur Guttmann surpassed him in number of films, while Schmidt-Boelcke only made three films.
  9. ↑ film portal
  10. ↑ film portal
  11. Stengel-Gerigk, sp. 105, gives the pseudonym Otto Erwin Kulm for him.
  12. exile : Many Austrian musicians who worked in Germany (initially) returned to their homeland after Hitler came to power (including Paul Abraham, Gitta Alpár, H. Gál, R. Stolz, Artur Guttmann [1891–1945]); German musicians saved themselves from persecution to Austria (most prominent example: Bruno Walter); all together, including the as yet undisturbed Austrians, lost the source of income from the large German "market" ...
  13. after he last participated in the composition of the emigre comedy "Fräulein Lilli" (Austria 1936, with Franziska Gáal , music by Stephan Weiss , Fritz Spielmann , Hans J. Salter , among others ), cf. Less, p. 222.
  14. Less p. 222/223.
  15. ^ Alfred Guttmann (born July 30, 1873 in Posen ; † December 21, 1951 in Sykkylven , Norway), singer, conductor, composer, music writer, doctor.
  16. z. B. the one in the UFA-Theater am Zoo, cf. Birett pp. 130-131.
  17. Less p. 223.
  18. ^ Franz Wallner-Basté: Review. In: Filmmusik-Rundschau of June 7, 1926: ... thanks to Artur Guttmann, with whom there is no negligence ... in Birett: Appendix p. 162.
  19. ^ Franz Wallner-Basté: Review. In: Filmmusik-Rundschau of July 15, 1926: Guttmann describes 'Men before marriage' with understanding relish ... in Birett: Appendix p. 165.
  20. Subtitle "The Man in Fetters". Werner Bonwitt's criticism of the vocal parts composed by Guttmann in the BZ am Mittag, No. 2 of January 3, 1930, reproduced in Gandert, 1929, p. 518.
  21. ^ Paul Frank: Briefly summarized Tonkünstler Lexicon. Regensburg 1936, p. 218 and Karin Ploog: When the notes learned to run. Books on Demand 2015. ISBN 978-3-73474508-9 , p. 351