Asta bitch

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Asta Hampe (born May 24, 1907 in Helmstedt , † October 22, 2003 presumably in Hamburg ) was a German engineer , economist and statistician .


Hampe was born as the daughter of Emmy Busch and Hans Hampe. At an early age she accompanied father and uncle to the family wool spinning mill and silk factory. In 1921 she and her school friend Erika Fuchs obtained a city council resolution to attend the boys' high school in Belgard . She later moved to Hamburg with her family . In 1924 she built her own radio while she was still at school. After her father protested, her uncle and grandfather financed the desire for technical training.


Hampe studied physics and engineering at the Technical University of Munich , where she completed her pre-exams in mathematics , physics, chemistry and technical drawing . She then continued her studies in telecommunications technology at the Technical University of Berlin and graduated in 1931 as a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing.). Between 1929 and 1935 she traveled to London , Sheffield and Exeter to improve her English.

From 1942 to 1944 she studied economics at the University of Hamburg , graduated in 1945 and obtained her doctorate in 1947 (Dr. rer. Pol.) On the "Influence of the war-related building destruction on urban land credit". She qualified as a professor in 1957 with "The free co-pricing".


From 1931 to 1940, Hampe worked in test and university laboratories in industry: after completing her studies, she worked for a year to prepare a patent for the Krupp research institute and then to work as a physicist in the Barmbek hospital. Here she was released in 1933 for reasons of sex. After working as a quotation engineer at Kunst und Albers , she became laboratory manager at the tube and component manufacturer Philipps-Valvo . In 1940 she worked on her own application for the Navy at the Intelligence Test Command in Kiel .

In 1947 she worked in housing associations. From 1951 she worked as Albert von Mühlenfels' assistant and lecturer in statistics at the University of Hamburg. In 1961 she became an adjunct professor and in 1962 she was appointed to the University of Marburg , where she held the chair for economic statistics from 1963 to 1975 . From 1968 to 1969 she was dean of the law and political science faculties at Marburg University. In 1974 she returned to Hamburg.

From 1958 to 1963 and 1975 to 1981 she was chairwoman of the university committee of the German Association of Women Academics (DAB). Until it was dissolved in 1998, Hampe was a member of the Housing Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry for Housing .


In 1931, while still a student, Hampe founded the Association of German Women Engineers, which joined the DAB in the same year. In 1947 she founded the local branch in Hamburg. In 1935 she joined the Deutsches Frauenwerk ; 1939 the NSDAP . She had previously become a member of the Association of German Electrical Engineers (VDE).

Hampe was involved in the concept of reconstruction and the design of housing policy in post-war Germany . Since home ownership is desirable, but only one elite could benefit, she pleaded in 1952 for the subsidization of public housing . As a professor in Marburg, she built up the new field of business statistics from 1963 . In 1990 she was co-initiator and founder of the German Association of University Teachers .

Hampe was a member of numerous other international associations such as the British Women's Engineering Society (WES, since 1929), of which she was the first German member, and appeared at events of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW).


Asta Hampe had a relationship with her partner, the qualified librarian Ady Röper, into old age . She practiced various sports and was enthusiastic about long-distance travel .



  • Statistics for business economists II. Row IV: Commercial accounting. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 1999. ISBN 978-3791090771 .
  • The female teachers qualified as professor at West German universities and academic colleges in 1958/9. In: Education for Girls and Women’s Work. Volume 11, No. 4 (1961), pp. 21-31.
  • Are female university teachers discriminated against? Results of an empirical study. In: Messages from DAB. No. 57, 1980, pp. 5-26.

Secondary literature

  • Peter von der Lippe: Asta Hampe 70 years. In: General Statistical Archive. Volume 61, 1977, p. 211 f.
  • Bärbel Maul: Academics in the post-war period. A comparison between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR. Frankfurt 2002, p. 422.
  • Lieselotte Tilsner: Obituary. In: Konsens, DAB membership periodical. Issue 2003/2004, pp. 50–51.
  • Birgit Zich: It all started with a radio. Prof. Dr. Asta Hampe - engineer and economist. In: Biographies of natural scientists from the German Association of Women Academics A series of interviews by the DAB working group "Women in Natural Science and Technology". Festschrift for the 75th anniversary of the DAB.

Individual evidence

  1. Dipl.-Ing., Dr. Asta bitch. In: University Women's International Networks Database. Database of international networks of women academics. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), accessed on February 12, 2020 .
  2. Cornelia Göksu: Women's biographies. Asta Hampe (Prof. Dr. rer.pol. And Dipl.-Ing.Asta Hampe). In: Beteiligungs GmbH, accessed on February 12, 2020 .
  3. Asta Hampe: More individual ownership! In: The time. August 28, 1952, accessed February 12, 2020 .
  4. 100! Exhibition. Personalities. Asta Hampe (1907-2003). In: University of Hamburg. Retrieved February 12, 2020 .