Reconnaissance tower (Bundeswehr)

The reconnaissance towers of the Bundeswehr were erected and operated by the EloKa units of the army , air force and navy of the Bundeswehr on the German-German border and the border with Czechoslovakia in order to reconnaissance the armed forces of the Eastern Bloc . The towers of the Luftwaffe transmitted their results to the telecommunications area 70 of the Luftwaffe in Trier for a comprehensive evaluation and were called telecommunications sector towers .
The towers were located in the immediate vicinity of the border, partly within sight of their eastern counterparts. They were equipped with extensive equipment for telecommunications and electronic reconnaissance . As a rule, around 200 soldiers were employed in shifts in a tower . These were housed in a barracks in the area.
After German reunification and the end of the military confrontation due to the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, the towers became superfluous and all of them were abandoned. the military units operating them were disbanded.
- air force
Telecommunications sector | Tower location | accommodation | start of building | Dissolved | other users |
A. | Klaustorf | Grossenbrode | 1965 | 2004 | BFSt |
B. | Thurauer Berg | New Tramm | 1965 | 1994 | FmKp 945, 2nd platoon (later FmKp 1) of the army |
C. | Browsing shark | Osterode am Harz | 1964 | 1993, blown up in 2005 | Parts of the FmKp 947 (later FmKp 7) of the army |
E. | Schneeberg (Fichtel Mountains) | Wunsiedel | 1963 | 1993 | |
F. | High arch (with two additional antenna supports ) | Bad Kötzting | 1965 | 2004 |

- army
Telecommunications company | Tower location | accommodation | start of building | Dissolved |
945 | Bar wand | Ehra-Lessien | 1976 | 1994 |
947 | High Meissner | Hessian Lichtenau | 1976 | 1994, blown up in 2002 |
946 | Great Kornberg ( Fichtel Mountains ) | Hof (Saale) | 1976 | 1994 |
- marine
designation | operator | Tower location | accommodation | start of building | Dissolved |
M. | Marine Telecommunications Sector 73 | Fur hooks | Neustadt in Holstein | 1972 | 1992 |
The towers and their barracks were some of the largest employers in the structurally weak regions on the border. Tower B near Dannenberg (Elbe) was actually supposed to house the planned LAPAS project and was quickly disbanded after it was discontinued in 1993.
Some towers are still used as a platform for mobile network operators, the tower on Großer Kornberg is used by a Fraunhofer Institute . In February 2012, the Ostsee Geocenter & Aquarium "Ostsee Erlebniswelt" was set up in the horizontal extension at telecommunications sector A. The tower itself will be accessible from 2016, initially the balcony on the 7th floor will be used as a "Baltic Sea observation tower".
Web links
- Memories of telecommunications sector C on the browsing shark
- Reconnaissance towers of the army on (formerly
- Telecommunications sector towers of the Air Force on (formerly
- Ostsee observation tower * Ostsee Geocenter & Aquarium "Ostsee Erlebniswelt"