August von Ramberg

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The SMS Viribus Unitis at the head of the 1st kuk battleship squadron.

August Freiherr von Ramberg (born December 19, 1866 in Wessely an der March , † April 1, 1947 in Gmunden ) was a German - Austrian naval , still life - and landscape painter as well as an officer in the Austrian Navy .


The bombardment of Pelagosa Island on May 23, 1915
The bombardment of Ancona on May 24, 1915

August von Ramberg was the nephew of the kuk general of the cavalry Hermann von Ramberg (1820–1899) and the painter and draftsman Arthur von Ramberg (1819–1875).

August was interested in drawing and paper cutting from a young age . He graduated from the Imperial and Royal Naval Academy in Fiume and looked as in 1885 midshipman from. In 1885 and 1886 he sailed Latin and North America on board the corvette “Donau” . In 1890 August von Ramberg completed the torpedo and sea ​​mine course . For shorter periods of time he was used as a commander of torpedo boats and as a navigation officer on larger ships. In 1892/93 he accompanied the heir to the throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand's trip around the world on board the cruiser SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth . On land he was employed in the Naval Technical Committee in Pola .

The year 1904 was the turning point in the life of August von Ramberg, because from this point on he was given leave of absence due to illness and devoted himself only to marine painting, which he learned himself through self- taught. From 1908 he lived on his estate in Ragusa .

At the beginning of the First World War , Ramberg was reactivated with the official name and official use of "marine painter". In 1918 he was promoted to Korvettenkapitän and lived in Gmunden in Upper Austria after the end of the war .


Ramberg's works were mostly created on the spot or under the influence of immediate events. Only after the end of the First World War did he paint from his memories, but also from photographs . Ramberg was mainly a marine painter, but landscapes and still lifes also come from his hand. He mastered not only oil painting , but also the technique of watercolors , with Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary buying several of them. Ramberg's most important client was certainly the rear admiral and last commander-in-chief of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, Miklós Horthy .

Ramberg seldom sent exhibitions. He has received many awards and honors, including the first President of the Salzkammergut Artists' Guild in 1928.

Works (excerpt)

  • The SMS Viribus Unitis at the top of the first imperial battleship squadron in the Adriatic Sea , oil on canvas, 1913, Museum of Military History , Vienna .
  • Front turrets of the SMS Viribus Unitis , oil on canvas, 1913, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Vienna.
  • The bombardment of Ancona on May 24, 1915 , 1940, oil on canvas, approx. 60 × 100 cm, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Vienna.
  • The sinking of the French armored cruiser Léon Gambetta on April 27, 1915 by SMU 5. , 1915, oil on cardboard, 29 × 38 cm, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Vienna.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815-1890
  2. ^ Army History Museum / Military History Institute (ed.): The Army History Museum in the Vienna Arsenal . Verlag Militaria , Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-902551-69-6 , p. 162 f.