Baltzer Julius von Kahlbutz

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Baltzer Julius von Kahlbutz also Balzer (* in Prignitz ; † September 1752 in Stettin ) was a Prussian colonel .


Origin and family

Baltzer Julius was a member of his nephew, the Prussian colonel Friedrich Christian Heinrich von Kahlbutz (1724-1783), in the male line dialed Mark Brandenburg noble family of Kahlbutz . His parents were the Kurbrandenburg cornet in the regiment of the "General of the Cavalry" Prince Friedrich II of Hesse-Homburg and heir to Kampehl Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz (1651–1702) and Margarete von Rohr († 1724). The Prussian colonel and knight of the order Pour le Mérite Kaspar Friedrich von Kahlbutz (1687–1745) was his brother.


Kahlbutz joined the Prussian Army and in 1713 was a private corporal in the infantry regiment (No. 22) . He took part in the Pomeranian campaign with this regiment in 1715 and advanced to major in the regiment . Kahlbutz had fought in the first two Silesian Wars . In February 1746 he was promoted to colonel and at the same time became commander of the "Puttkamer" infantry regiment. On May 1, 1750 he became chief of the Szczecin Land Regiment . He died in Stettin before September 21, 1752, when Colonel Johann Gottfried von Stockhausen (1685–1759) became his successor on that date .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon . Volume 4, Leipzig 1863, p. 621.