Benedict Balansa

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Benjamin Balansa

Gaspard Joseph Benedict Balansa , also Benjamin Balansa (born March 27, 1825 near Narbonne , † November 22, 1891 in Hanoi ) was a French botanist and explorer. On behalf of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle , he undertook numerous collecting trips. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Balansa ". From 1868 to 1872 alone, Balansa collected 3752 species of vascular plants and cryptogams , which were classified and described by Henri Ernest Baillon , Adolphe Brongniart and Jean Antoine Arthur Gris (1829–1872).

Live and act

Benedict Balansa was a son of Joseph Balansa and Jeanne Causidou. He was born on a barge on the Canal du Midi on the way to Narbonne .

Balansa went on numerous collecting trips. His first trip took him from 1847 to 1848 in Algeria to Algiers and Mostaganem . From 1850 to 1853 Balansa returned to Algeria, staying again in Mostaganem and later in Oran , Muaskar , the northern Sahara , Biskra and Batna .

His first trip to the Middle East followed from 1854 to 1855 . In April and May 1854, Balansa collected in and around Smyrna . From March to October 1855 he stayed in Mersin and in the Taurus Mountains of Cilicia . The following year he traveled from Tarsus to Kayseri in Cappadocia from June to September 1856 . In 1857, Balansa and his family settled in Smyrna. From May to July 1857 he explored Uşak and the neighboring areas. Until 1865 he made tours to Phrygia and Cilicia. In 1866 an excursion to Lazistan followed, within sight of the Caucasus , where he collected from June to August in the Trabzon and Rize area . In the autumn of 1866 he returned to France.

A year later he collected in Morocco in the area around Mogador , the Atlas Mountains and Marrakech .

From 1868 to 1872 Balansa stayed overseas in New Caledonia including the Loyalty Islands . During this time he was director of the Jardin D'acclimatation in Nouméa . From 1873 to 1877 he made his first trip to Paraguay , which was followed by a second from 1878 to 1884. In the years from 1885 to 1889 Balansa first collected in Tonkin and made a detour to the island of Java . During his second stay in Tonkin, beginning in 1890, Balansa died in Hanoi .

Dedication names

To honor Benedict Balansa were the genera Balansaea Boiss. & Reut. (1852), Balansaephytum Drake (1896), Balansia Speg. (1885), Balansiella Henn. (1904), Balansina G.Arnaud (1918), Balansiopsis Höhn. (1910) and Balansochloa Kuntze (1903). In addition, the epithet of numerous species, such as Trigonella balansae and Wittsteinia balansae , was chosen in his honor.

Fonts (selection)

  • Note on un nouveau Rumex de l'Asie Mineure . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 1, 1854, pp. 281-283 (online) .
  • [ Lettre sur la végétation du Taurus ]. In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 2, 1855, pp. 654-657 (online) .
  • [ Annexe à la végétation du Taurus ]. In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 2, 1855, p. 690 (online) .
  • Végétation de Mersina et de ses environs . In: Revue horticole . 4th episode, volume 4, number 19, 1855, pp. 371-377 (online) .
  • Sur le mode de végétation de l'Arceuthobium oxycedri . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 3, 1856, pp. 281-282 (online) .
  • Description of the quelques espèces nouvelles de Graminées d'Orient . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 4, 1857, pp. 305-309 (online) . - with Pierre Edmond Boissier
  • Description of the genre Thurya . In: Annales des Sciences naturelles Botanique . 4th Series, Volume 7, Number 5, 1857, pp. 302-306 (online) . - with Pierre Edmond Boissier
  • Description of the trois nouvelles espèces de graminées . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 5, 1858, pp. 168-170 (online) .
  • Ascension du Mont Humboldt (Cando des Néo-Calédoniens) . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 19, 1872, pp. 303-311 (online) .
  • Catalog des Graminées de la Nouvelle-Calédonie . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 19, 1872, pp. 315-329 (online) .
  • Végétation de la Nouvelle-Calédonie . In: Revue des Sciences naturelles de Montpellier . Volume 3, 1872 ?, p. 622
  • Sur la geographie botanique de l'Océanie et de la Nouvelle-Calédonie In: Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de Toulouse - huitième année . Volume 7, 1873, pp. 327-332.
  • Nouvelle-Calédonie . In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie . 6th Series, Volume 5, 1873, pp. 113-132, pp. 521-534 (online) .
  • Catalog des Graminées du Lazistan, précédé de quelques considérations sur la végétation de cette contrée . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 20: 1873, pp. 330-334 (online) .
  • Catalog des Graminées du Lazistan, précédé de quelques considérations sur la végétation de cette contrée . In: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France . Volume 21, 1874, pp. 10-19 (online) .
  • Le Mont Bavi (Tonkin) . In L'Avenir du Tonkin . Hanoi, September 2, 1886.
  • M. Balansa au Tonkin et ses travaux . [Fu-Phap, July 28, 1887] In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie commerciale de Paris . Volume 10, Paris 1887/1888, pp. 74-75 (online) .
  • Les végétaux du Tonkin . [Fu-Phap, December 25, 1887] In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie commerciale de Paris . Volume 10, Paris 1887/1888, pp. 550-551 (online) .
  • Cultures au Tonkin . [Fu-Phap, April 11, 1888] In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie commerciale de Paris . Volume 10, Paris 1887/1888, pp. 780-781 (online) .
  • Quatre années de séjour au Tonkin. - Notes and impressions . In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie commerciale de Paris . Volume 11, Paris 1888/1889, pp. 567-571 (online) .
  • Les cultures au Tonkin . In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie commerciale de Paris . Volume 12, Paris 1889/1890, pp. 285-291 (online) .
  • Catalog des Graminées de l'Indo-Chine française . In: Journal de Botanique . Volume 4, 1890 pp. 27-32 , pp. 76-84 , pp. 109-116 , pp. 135-145 , pp. 161-172 .


  • Gaston Astre: La Vie de Benjamin Balansa, botanist explorateur . Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Tolouse 1947.
  • Asuman Baytop, Michele Nicolas: Ondokuzuncu yüzyılda Anadolu'da bir bitki toplayıcısı: Benjamin Balansa (1825-1891) . In: Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları . Volume 8, number 1, 2006, pp. 105-112 (PDF) .
  • A. Chevalier: L'oeuvre d'un grand botaniste colonial méconnu: Benjamin Balansa . In: Revue de Botanique appliquée et d'Agronomie tropicale . Volume 22, 1942, pp. 241-251.
  • A. Guillaumin: Histoire des explorations botaniques en Nouvelle-Calédonie et aux îles Loyalty . In: Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille . 2nd episode, Volume 19, 1911, pp. 291-299 (online) .
  • Philippe Morat: Les Botanistes récolteurs en Nouvelle-Calédonie de 1774 à 2005 . In: Adansonia . Volume 32, Number 2, 2010, pp. 159-216 ( doi: 10.5252 / a2010n2a1 ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Philippe Morat: Les Botanistes récolteurs en Nouvelle-Calédonie de 1774 à 2005 . Pp. 164-165.
  2. Walter Erhardt among others: The great pikeperch. Encyclopedia of Plant Names . Volume 2, page 1878. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2008. ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7
  3. a b c d e f Asuman Baytop, Michele Nicolas: Ondokuzuncu yüzyılda Anadolu'da bir bitki toplayıcısı: Benjamin Balansa (1825-1891) . P. 112.
  4. ^ Frans Antonie Stafleu, Richard S. Cowan: Taxonomic literature: A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types . Volume 1, 1976, p. 107 (online) .

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