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The Berlin-Ramelau about to be launched
The Berlin-Ramelau about to be launched
Ship data
flag Saint Vincent GrenadinesSt. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines
other ship names

Berlim-Ramelau (spelling in Port. )

Ship type RoPax ship
Owner Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Shipyard Damen Shipyards Group
Launch May 10, 2021
Commissioning November 1, 2021
Ship dimensions and crew
69.17 m ( Lüa )
67.00 m ( Lpp )
broad 16.00 m
Side height 4.80 m
Draft max. 3.30 m
crew 16
Machine system
10.00  kn (19  km / h )
Transport capacities
load capacity 940 dw
Allowed number of passengers 380
IMO number 9911393

The Berlin-Ramelau is used as a sea-going ferry in the service of the East Timorese government. It owes its name Berlin to the fact that the ship was partly financed by Germany .


The Berlin-Ramelau after being launched on May 10, 2021

The Berlin-Ramelau was built by the Dutch Damen Shipyards Group in Yichang , China . As with its predecessor, the Berlin Nakroma , the “Berlin” part of the name indicates that the ship was partially financed by Germany. Ramelau is the highest mountain range in East Timor with the Tatamailau as the summit. Of the construction costs, the German government and KfW assumed 7.8 million euros and the East Timorese government as the future owner 7.1 million euros. On March 31, 2019, the plans for the Nakroma II were presented. The launch of the Berlin-Ramelau took place on May 10, 2021 in the presence of the East Timorese ambassador to China , Abrão dos Santos , and the German ambassador to China , Clemens von Goetze .

In September representatives of the East Timorese Port Authority (APORTIL) traveled to China for the technical inspection. The ship is scheduled to arrive in Dili on December 8, 2021 , where it will replace the Berlin Nakroma . In addition to the previous route between Dili, Oe-Cusse Ambeno and Atauro , the Berlin-Ramelau will also drive via Manatuto , Baucau and Lautém to the south coast to Viqueque .

Technical specifications

The Berlin-Ramelau is 67.30 meters long, 16.00 meters wide and has a draft of 3.30 meters. The deck is 4.80 meters high. The maximum speed is 10 to 12 knots. The ship can be loaded and unloaded using the RoRo method via a ramp attached to the bow . It can take up to 380 passengers on board. There are also 840 tons of freight. The crew consists of 16 people.

The engines come from Japan .


Although a national shipping register has been planned for some time, there is still no such one in East Timor. The Berlin Nakroma already set the flag of East Timor and had indicated the home port of Dili on the hull, but is said to have been registered in Indonesia with the home port of Jakarta , at least for a time . The Berlin-Ramelau is now in Kingstown , the capital of St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered.

See also

Web links

Commons : Berlin-Ramelau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lusa: East Timor, New ferry launched today, expected in Dili in September , May 10, 2021 , accessed on May 11, 2021.
  2. Tatoli: Governu atribui naran 'Berlin-Ramelau' ba ró pasajeiru nasionál daruak , April 1, 2021 , accessed on May 11, 2021.
  3. a b Government of East Timor: Berlim – Ramelau foi lançado ao mar pela primeira vez , May 10, 2021 , accessed on May 11, 2021.
  4. a b Tatoli : Berlin-Ramelau chegara a Timor-Leste no próximo mês de outubro , September 16, 2021 , accessed on September 16, 2021.
  5. Prime Minister of East Timor: Berlin Ramelau namlele ona iha tasi , September 17, 2021 , accessed on September 17, 2021.
  6. Picture of the Berlin Nakroma from 2013
  7. Image of the Nakroma
  8. Berlin-Ramelau , accessed on November 28, 2021.