Bernard Menez

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Bernard Ménez (2015)

Bernard Menez (born August 8, 1944 in Mailly-le-Château , Burgundy ) is a French actor , singer and theater director . He played in over 60 international film and television productions, including the movies The American Night , The Dracula , Louis, the Geizkragen and Didi in full swing .

life and career

Bernard Menez, born in 1944, is the son of a PTT officer and a housewife. He spent his childhood in La Garenne-Colombes , Hauts-de-Seine. He became a teacher of mathematics, physics and chemistry in secondary school, but soon decided to change jobs.

In 1964 he was a graduate of the École normal supérieure de Cachan . In 1967 he began his acting career in famous French theaters and soon made a career in film and television in the early 1970s .

At the end of the 1960s he first played in the French television series by Jean Dewever Les oiseaux rares ( Eng . The rare birds), but a few years later also in the cinema, including: Marco Ferreri's scandalous film The Big Feast , in François Truffauts , classic Die American night in Édouard Molinaro's vampire parody The Messrs Dracula next to Christopher Lee , in Jean Girault's film satire Louis, the miser at the side of Louis de Funès , in Didi as partner of Dieter Hallervorden , in Jean-Pierre Mocky's A Turbulent Weekend or in Frédéric Beigbeders The Darn 3rd Year.



  • 1977: J'aime pas les filles qui fument
  • 1977: Le tour du monde en 80 filles
  • 1984: Jolie poupée
  • 1984: L'orange bleue
  • 1985: Qu'est ce qu'il a en haut?
  • 1985: Mon p'tit neveu
  • 1985: Le petit âne
  • 1985: Qu'est-ce que ça mange!
  • 1986: Clay petit grain de beauté
  • 1986: Tout, tout, tout, ils m'ont tout pris
  • 1987: Mademoiselle vidéo
  • 1987: C'est du bonheur
  • 1988: Faut pas s'facher
  • 1988: Chouette la vie
  • 1990: Lève toi et danse
  • 1991: Allumettes, allumettes
  • 1991: J'ai une idée
  • 1992: Sacré soleil
  • 1993: Les capotes
  • 1993: Les petites filles d'Andalousie
  • 1994: La sucette
  • 2000: Je me prends pour Al Pacino



Web links

Commons : Bernard Menez  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical data from Bernard Menez in: Premiere , issues 282-285, 2000, page 121