Bernd Dewe

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Bernd Dewe

Bernd Dewe (born November 27, 1949 in Herford ; † January 14, 2017 ) was a German sociologist , professional and educational researcher and university professor at the University of Halle-Wittenberg .


Bernd Dewe studied sociology , philosophy , social economy and educational science at the universities of Bielefeld , FU Berlin and Osnabrück . As a scholarship holder of the Max Planck Society , Bernd Dewe worked at the Max Planck Institute for Educational Research in Berlin from 1979 to 1981 as part of a research project on problem-oriented educational processes in large organizations. Dewe then worked at the University of Osnabrück from 1981 to 1986 as a research assistant in the social sciences department, where he obtained a doctorate in political science and economics (Dr. rer. Pol.) In 1982 with a dissertation on knowledge structures. From 1986 to 1989 Dewe moved as a university assistant to the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Education (seminar for extracurricular education and vocational education), where he developed his concept of professional research.

Dewe completed his habilitation in 1987 with a paper on social communication structures and was subsequently a private lecturer in educational and professional sociology at the University of Osnabrück. In 1991 Bernd Dewe was appointed to a professorship ( C3 ) for extracurricular education in the educational sciences department at the University of Koblenz-Landau . He represented several professorships a. a. at the universities of Bielefeld, Augsburg , Berlin, Osnabrück etc. and in 1992 followed the call to a professorship (C4) for operational and labor market-related further education at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg.

In addition to his work at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Bernd Dewe has been a lecturer in general educational science in the “Further Education Course in Business Education” in Rhineland-Palatinate since 1988. Furthermore, since the late 1990s he has been a lecturer at the Danube University Krems and at the University of Linz (2003) and visiting professor at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Austria.


Against the background of intensive research on the relationship between educational, advisory and therapeutic action in the fields of social work, adult education and school in the context of more recent research on the use of knowledge, the series of publications "Investigations on problems of advisory and adult pedagogical action" published with Enno Schmitz can be seen at the Free University of Berlin , as well as several third-party funded projects funded by the German Research Foundation to analyze the use of social science knowledge in advisory contexts, the importance of scientific expertise in professional action and the importance and function of the social sciences in the reform of teacher training.

Bernd Dewe has been dealing with scientific and methodological problems since the mid-1970s, which on the one hand concern the possibility of linking structural theory and interaction theory and on the other hand address the connection between different forms of social knowledge (empirical knowledge, routine knowledge, expert knowledge, etc.) in training and professional practice of adult educators and social pedagogues .

In addition to educational research in the field of professional and in-house training, Bernd Deve was also active in professional research and dealt with questions of the theory of science. Since 2009 he has been the scientific director of the multidisciplinary and inter-university graduate college he founded in 2008, "Change processes in industrial and service professions and requirements for modern media learning environments in large companies / large organizations" with the participating universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Dresden , Chemnitz , Bielefeld, Calw and the University of St. Pölten in Austria. In this context, Bernd Dewe published a series of scientific publications in Kovac-Verlag, Hamburg.

Dewes concept of reflexive professionalism

A core concern of reflexive professionalism is to focus on the interrelationships of different forms of knowledge and action in the field of professionalized practice as well as on the structure of professional action. Professionalism is the common point of reference for the forms of knowledge, practical knowledge and scientific knowledge. It expresses itself through specific action and is formed by grasping the differences (contrasting) and what connects (relational) the two forms of knowledge. Such professional knowledge is based on two knowledge components - on a reflective understanding of science and on a situational / social context-related appropriateness.

According to Dewe, professions are a form of institutionalization of the relation between theory and practice, in which scientific knowledge is contextualized in a practical and communicative manner in the process of the everyday organization of action and the solution of problems that arise here .

Professional knowledge is part of practical knowledge in the sense of a specific competence, which can also be described as ability . Therefore, scientific knowledge cannot replace professional knowledge and ability. It merely provides previous knowledge on which the professional is dependent, but which in itself would not guarantee successful practical action. Professional knowledge is acquired through routine and habitualizations of practical activities. The existing practice thus forms the starting point for the decisive practical knowledge.

Bernd Dewe expressly refers to the individual life practice of the clients. In doing so, however, he also includes social causal connections in the professional intervention by expanding the concept of case reconstructivistically. Case presentation, history, report and reconstruction are therefore not related to the respective person (of a client) in their individual existence, i.e. not to the individual case as such, but are based on the social contexts and constellations in which people live, and in this perspective take into account families, other primary groups and organizations such as schools, companies, clinics, etc. Bernd Dewe's publications on reflective professionalism investigate these aspects in detail and extend over a period of more than 25 years.

Dewe died at the age of 67.

honors and awards

In September 2014, Dewe was honored for his life's work with a ceremony in his native Herford, including laudations from Peter J. Weber and Peter Pantucek.

Chair, memberships, co-editorships

  • Head of the Adult Education Section of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE) (2001–2005)
  • Section “Professional Sociology” of the German Society for Sociology
  • Scientific advisor to the editing department at Klinkhardt Verlag.
  • Member of the scientific advisory board or editorial member of the magazines "neue praxis", "Sozialwissenschaftliche Literaturrundschau" and "WSB-Zeitschrift für Betriebsbildung"
  • Member of the Advisory Board of St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
  • Adviser to the Federal Board of Engineers for Communication (IfKOM)
  • Chairman of the Westphalian Association for Media and Cultural Work and advisor to the OWL Rock Academy
  • Supervisor or consultant at "Information-Briefing-Communication", "International Institute for Sociological Design St. Gallen / CH", "Leadership-Kulturstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz", "Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft Bonn", "Social Work & Society Academy Europe"
  • Chairman of the supervisory board of Change-Culture-Consultans AG
  • Member of the support association for autonomous youth centers “Fla”, Herford

Writings (selection of monographs and editions)

  • Advice as a professional act and educational phenomenon. (2.) Kovac, Hamburg 2013 (with Schwarz, MP)
  • In-company training. Educational economic and didactic handouts. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013 (with Feistel, K.)
  • Handbook theories of continuing education. - Schotten: STG-Verlag, 2013
  • Professional social action. Social work in the field of tension between theory and practice, (4.) Weinheim: Juventa, 2011 (with Ferchhoff, W., Scherr, A. and Stüwe, G.)
  • Profession - company - organization. Perspectives in business education and professional development. Bad Heilbrunn, Klinkhardt 2011 (with Schwarz, MP)
  • Change processes in industrial and service professions and requirements for modern media learning environments in large companies and organizations, program of the multidisciplinary and inter-university graduate college in Halle / Saale; Chemnitz; Dresden; Munich; Potsdam; St. Polten; Schotten: STG-Verlag, 2010
  • Introduction to modern forms of learning: from traditional to computer-based forms of learning in the European knowledge society. - Weinheim; Basel: Beltz, 2007 (with Weber, PJ )
  • Knowledge society and lifelong learning: an introduction to EU educational policy concepts. - Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2007 (with Weber, PJ )
  • Theoretical foundations and perspectives of adult education. - Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 2005 (with Wiesner, G. and Zeuner, Chr.)
  • Milieus, work, knowledge: reality in adult education. - Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 2004 (with Wiesner, G. and Zeuner, Chr.)
  • Professional knowledge and adult educational action. - Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 2002 (with Wiesner, G. and Wittpoth, J.)
  • Approaches to social pedagogy: reflective philosophy of science and cognitive identity. - Weinheim; Munich: Juventa, 1996 (with Otto, H.-U.)
  • Need for reflection and research perspectives in modern pedagogy. - Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000 (with Kurtz, T.)
  • Education as a profession: on the logic of professional action in educational fields. - Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1992 (with Ferchhoff, W. and Radtke, F.-O.)
  • Advisory science. Göttingen: Schwartz-Verlag 1991
  • Network promotion. A job for social work? Bielefeld 1991 (together with Wohlfahrt, N.)
  • Professionalization - criticism - interpretation. Social services between scientification and the welfare state crisis. Frankfurt am Main 1986 (with Ferchhoff, W./Peters, F. and Stüwe, G.)

Research on reflective professionalism:

  • Understanding of profession - a sociological consideration. In: Pundt, J. (Ed.), Professionalisation in Health Care. Positions, potentials, perspectives. 2nd edition, Bern 2012, pp. 23–35
  • Reflexive social work in the area of ​​tension between evidence-based practice and democratic rationality - a plea for the logical development of reflexive professionalism. In: Becker-Lenz, R./Busse, S./Ehlert, G. (Ed.), Professionalism in Social Work. Viewpoints, controversies, perspectives, 3rd edition, Wiesbaden 2012, pp. 95–116.
  • Academic training in social work - imparting theory and practice or relating knowledge and skills in the spectrum of science, organization and profession. In Becker-Lenz, R. / Busse, S. / Ehlert, G. (Ed.): Professionalism of social work and university: knowledge, competence, habitus and identity in the study of social work, Wiesbaden 2011
  • Reflexive professionalism in adult education. In: Hof, C. / Ludwig, J./Schäffer, B. (Ed.), Professionalism between Practice, Politics and Discipline, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2010 :, pp. 86–98 (with Feistel, K.)
  • Reflexive professionalism. Requirements for knowledge transfer and theory-practice relation in the study of social work. In: Riegler, A. u. a. (Ed.), Social work between profession and science: Vermittlungseinrichtungen, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2009, pp. 47–63
  • Reflexive professionalism as a perspective of modern social work. In: Sozialarbeit in Österreich, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2007
  • Reflexive social pedagogy. Basic structures of a new type of service-oriented professional action. In: Thole, W. (Ed.): Ground plan social work. An introductory manual, 3rd revised edition, Wiesbaden, 2010, pp. 197-218 (with Otto, H.-U.)
  • Professionalism and identity in education. In: Rapold, M. (Ed.): Pedagogical competence, identity and professionalism. - Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2006, pp. 51–76 (with Wagner, H.-J.)


  • Theory - practice - reflection. Change processes in service professions and organizations. Festschrift in honor of Prof. Dr. Bernd Dewe. Landau: Friends of the Graduate School Change Processes. Feistel, K./Schwarz, MP (eds.). ISBN 978-3-00-040198-5 .
  • Professionalism: Knowledge - Context: Social science analyzes and pedagogical reflections on the structure of educational and advisory action. Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Bernd Dewe. Edited by Schwarz, Martin, P. (Author); Ferchhoff, Wilfried (Author); Vollbrecht, Ralf (HG), (Author). Publisher: Klinkhardt, Julius 2014. ISBN 978-3-7815-1971-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of January 21, 2017.
  2. Ceremony