Buralp head

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Buralp head
Buralpkopf: summit on the left, east ridge to the center of the picture, including plates on the south flank

Buralpkopf: summit on the left, east ridge to the center of the picture, including plates on the south flank

height 1772  m
location Bavaria , Germany
Mountains Pre-Alps west of the Iller , Allgäu Alps
Dominance 1.8 km →  Rindalphorn
Notch height 212 m ↓  Gündlesscharte
Coordinates 47 ° 30 '39 "  N , 10 ° 7' 52"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 30 '39 "  N , 10 ° 7' 52"  E
Buralpkopf (Bavaria)
Buralp head
rock Nagelfluh

The Buralpkopf is with a height of 1772  meters the third highest mountain in the Nagelfluhkette in the Allgäu Alps . It stands on the municipal boundary between Blaichach and Oberstaufen , before 1972 Aach .


Together with the Gündleskopf , the Buralpkopf forms a small massif that is bounded by two deep gaps: to the west of the Gündlesscharte and east of the gorge to the Sederer . The height of the Buralpkopf opposite the Gündlesscharte, the reference point for the Schartenhöhe , is at least 212 meters. From the summit, the central link of the Nagelfluhkette sends out a transverse branch that extends northwards far into the Ehrenschwanger Valley .

Cultural meaning

Alpine farming

As on the slopes of all the mountains of the Nagelfluhkette, summer alpine farming is also practiced on the Buralpkopf . The mountain takes its name from the Buralpe on the northern slope at an altitude of 1297 m. In the south, due to the steepness of the slope, it is only cultivated at a depth of around 1200 m through the Wieslealpen .


Within the Nagelfluh chain, Gündleskopf and Buralpkopf are the most remote destinations, as they are furthest away from mountain railways and valley locations. Their main touristic importance is therefore with the ridge hikers, who hike larger parts of the chain, for example from the Hochgrat at noon . Direct approaches are from the south via the Gatteralpe (on the Sederer) or from the north via the dilapidated Obere Rindalpe and the Gündleskopf. Despite its height and dimensions, the Buralpkopf is the only mountain in the eastern Nagelfluh range that does not have a summit cross.


On the hiking route from the Hündle to the Moosalpe above Thalkirchdorf , which is very popular, there is a children's training station with a sounding tube to the Buralpkopf, which uses this illustrative example to explain how the Nagelfluh Mountains came into being.

Summit panorama

Panoramic view from the summit on November 26, 2006

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Exact value not known, stated value is a minimum value (can be up to 19 m higher). Official map - digital local map 1:10 000. In: BayernAtlas. State Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying Bavaria , accessed on January 16, 2016 .