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community Spreetal
Coordinates: 51 ° 29 ′ 30 ″  N , 14 ° 22 ′ 20 ″  E
Height : 109 m above sea level NN
Area : 13.33 km²
Residents : 387  (Dec 31, 2008)
Population density : 29 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1938
Incorporated into: Burghammer
Postal code : 02979
Area code : 035727
Aerial view

Burgneudorf (locally abbreviated also Neudorf ), in Upper Sorbian Nowa Wjes , is a district of the municipality of Spreetal in the Saxon district of Bautzen . As the central location of the municipality, Burgneudorf is the administrative seat and school location. Like the surrounding villages, Burgneudorf also belongs to the Sorbian settlement area in Upper Lusatia .


Burgneudorf (Neudorff) on the Upper Lusatia map from 1759

Burgneudorf lies on both sides of the Kleine Spree on the old road between the towns of Spremberg (in the north) and Hoyerswerda (in the south). Approximately one kilometers west of the village passes the federal road 97 , from which the main road 130 by loop branching.

To the east of Burgneudorf, across the Neustädter Heide in the direction of Weißwasser, lies the municipality of Neustadt an der Große Spree . In the direction of Spremberg are Spreewitz and Zerre , as well as the Spreetal settlement on the B 97. In the direction of Hoyerswerda are Burghammer and Burg .


Local history

Burgneudorf was first mentioned in 1401 as Nuwendorff . The village founded by Sorbian settlers probably already belonged to the Hoyerswerda rule at that time , in whose land register from 1568 the place Nawendorff is listed as a fief. At least since the Reformation, the place belonged to the parish of Spreewitz .

Former Burgneudorf mill, now sawmill

The rule of Hoyerswerda was sold in 1651 to the Electorate of Saxony , in whose sphere of influence it had been since the annexation of the entire Lusatia in the course of the Peace of Prague in 1635 . The village, whose German name Neudorf and its Sorbian equivalent Nowa Wjes is a common one, was later renamed Königlich Neudorf. Due to the establishment of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 , the Kingdom of Saxony had to cede extensive territories to Prussia, including all of Lower Lusatia and north-eastern Upper Lusatia. Initially incorporated into the Spremberg district, the village came to the newly formed Hoyerswerda district in the Prussian province of Lower Silesia in 1825 .

War memorial in the cemetery in Burgneudorf

At the beginning of the 20th century, the agricultural heath village began to change when lignite deposits were discovered and mined since 1906.

In 1931 the name was changed to Burgneudorf, whereby a reference to the geographical location (Neudorf bei Burg ) was made. In 1938 it was incorporated into the Burghammer community.

On January 1, 1996, the communities Neustadt, Burghammer and Spreewitz merged to form the Spreetal community.

Population development

year Residents
1825 125
1871 242
1885 236
1905 306
1925 703
2008 387

In 1568 Burgneudorf had 18 possessed men and 2 gardeners . The population increased slightly until 1777, but the social structure deteriorated, so that 17 possessed men and 5 house owners were recorded.

Between 1825 and 1871 the population almost doubled from 125 to 242. A brief stagnation was followed by an increase to 306 inhabitants until 1905. The coal mining favored an increase to over 700 in 1925. Today the place still has just under 400 inhabitants.

Around 1880 the population was almost exclusively Sorbian. For his statistics on the Sorbs in Lusatia, Muka counted 222 Sorbs and 8 Germans , which corresponded to a Sorbian population of 96.5%.

Place name

Documented forms of the place name include Nuwendorff (1401), Nawendorff (1568), Naudorff (1635), Neudorff (1732), Neudorf bey Spröwitz (1791), Königlich Neudorf (1831) and Burgneudorf (1931).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Burgneudorf in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony
  2. Information from the Spreetal residents' registration office as of December 31st
  3. Ernst Tschernik: The development of the Sorbian population . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1954.
  4. Ernst Eichler , Hans Walther : Oberlausitz toponymy - studies on the toponymy of the districts of Bautzen, Bischofswerda, Görlitz, Hoyerswerda, Kamenz, Löbau, Niesky, Senftenberg, Weißwasser and Zittau. I name book (=  German-Slavic research on naming and settlement history . Volume 28 ). Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1975, p. 201 .

Web links

Commons : Burgneudorf / Nowa Wjes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files