Georg Heinrici

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Georg Heinrici

Carl Friedrich Georg Heinrici (born March 14, 1844 in Karkeln , East Prussia , † September 29, 1915 in Leipzig ) was a German Protestant theologian ( New Testament scholar ).


Georg Heinrici was the eldest of the eleven children of the later consistorial councilor and superintendent in Gumbinnen August Heinrici (1812–1881) and his first wife Ida nee. Kempfer (1822–1867) born. After he had completed the Royal Litthau Provincial School in Tilsit and the Friedrichsschule Gumbinnen , he completed a degree in philosophy at the Friedrichs University in Halle from 1862 . There he became active in the Corps Neoborussia Halle in 1863 . In 1866 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . He then studied Protestant theology at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . One teacher was August Twesten . In 1868 he received the degree of licentiate in theology. In 1869 he became assistant preacher at the Berlin Cathedral and in 1870 inspector of the Cathedral Candidate Foundation.

He completed his habilitation in Berlin in 1871 and worked as a private lecturer in New Testament exegesis. Since 1873 associate professor at the Philipps University of Marburg , he became full professor the following year . In 1875 he was also awarded D. theol. PhD. From 1881 he was consistorial councilor in Marburg and a member of the general consistory in Kassel . In 1884/85 he was rector of the Philipps University. In 1892 he moved to the theological faculty of the University of Leipzig as a full professor , where he was rector in 1911/12. In 1893 he was dean of his faculty. In 1909 he was accepted as a full member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences .


Heinrici was married twice. His first marriage was in Berlin in 1873 with Ellen Wilkinson (1855–1881), daughter of Georg B. Wilkinson and his wife Lucie, daughter of theology professor August Twesten . Ten years after the death of his first wife, he married Paula Eck, daughter of State Secretary Paul Eck (1822–1889) and Malwine von Wissmann, a sister of Gustav von Wissmann . From these marriages come:

  • Dorothea Wiedeburg (born April 3, 1874)
  • Carl (* May 21, 1876; † 1944)
  • Maria Geißler (born June 4, 1879; † 1959)
  • Ernst (born April 15, 1881; † (in the hospital) 1919)
  • Ellen (born September 25, 1891; † 1958)
  • Paul (born March 28, 1900; † (fallen) 1918)

Publications (selection)

In his theological work, Heinrici dealt primarily with early Christianity in its historical context, Hellenism , and examined the early community constitutions.

  • The Valentinian Gnosis and the Scriptures. A study. Berlin 1871
  • Sin by nature and origin. 1876
  • The Christ Church of Corinth and the Religious Cooperatives of the Greeks. In: Journal of Scientific Theology. (ZWTh) Jg. 19, 1876, pp. 465-526
  • Christianity according to Greco-Roman views. 1879
  • The first letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. Berlin 1880
  • Nature and task of the theological faculties. 1885
  • The second letter of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians. 1887
  • The current state of research on the Pauline letters. 1887
  • D. August Twesten from diaries and letters. Berlin 1889
  • Scripture research and scriptural authority. 1890
  • The early Christian traditions and the New Testament. 1892
  • Theological encyclopedia. 1893
  • The early Christianity in the church history of Eusebius. 1894
  • Contributions to the history and explanation of the New Testament. 5 vols., 1894-1908
  • The second letter to the Corinthians, with an appendix: On Paul's Hellenism. Goettingen 1900
  • Can we still remain Christians? Critical reflections on contemporary theology. 1901
  • The early Christianity. Goettingen 1902
  • Theology and Religious Studies. 1902
  • Is Jesus' teaching on life up to date? 1904
  • Peter of Laodicea's explanation of the Gospel of Matthew. 1908
  • The literary character of the New Testament writings. Leipzig 1908
  • Hellenism and Christianity. 1910
  • The peculiarity of Christianity. 1911
  • Pauline problems, discussed. 1914
  • Hermes mysticism and the New Testament. ed. and introduced by Ernst von Dobschütz , 1918 (XIX-XXII: Bibliogr .; VII-XVII: about Henrici)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member of the Corps Masovia .
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 54/162.
  3. ^ Members of the SAW: Georg Heinrici. Saxon Academy of Sciences, accessed October 26, 2016 .