Cassius McDonald Barnes

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Cassius McDonald Barnes

Cassius McDonald Barnes (born August 25, 1845 in Greigsville , Livingston County , New York , †  February 19, 1925 in Albuquerque , New Mexico ) was an American politician and governor of the Oklahoma Territory .


Barnes came to the Oklahoma Territory with his parents Henry Henry Hogan and Samantha Barnes. At the age of 15 he began his first job as a telegraph . In his early years he moved to Michigan where he completed his second education. During the Civil War he served in the Union Army in the Military Telegraph Corps and under General Nathaniel Lyon (known from the story Hero of Wilson's Creek ) as Secretary. After the war he went to Arkansas .

Barnes married Elizabeth Mary Bartlett in 1869. They joined the Republicans and did active party work. In Arkansas he held a number of political offices. He worked as Chief Deputy United States Marshal at the famous Fort Smith Court , the seat of Judge Isaac Parker , who was also known as the "hanging judge" at the time. Barnes was a tax collector and worked for a state real estate agency for many years. He carried out his work at the court very conscientiously, even though he was poorly paid. He also traveled to other states several times to bring criminals to the Oklahoma judiciary. He received 50 cents for each successful subpoena.

Barnes held other positions, including serving as President of the Empire Lumber Company of Ashton , Arkansas. He and his wife were also very active in the Episcopal Church . Barnes studied at this time Law and was admitted to the bar in 1893. After his political career, he was director of the Logan County Bank . He later returned to Leavenworth and resumed the work of a telegraph. He was now 65 years old. A few years later health problems arose and he moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he died in 1925.

Political career

  • 1894 Elected to the House of Representatives for the Oklahoma Territory
  • Member of the Republican National Committee for Oklahoma in 1894
  • 1896 re-elected to the territorial House of Representatives
  • 1896 Appointed Governor of the Oklahoma Territory
  • 1901 End of the then full term of office as governor
  • 1903 Mayor of Guthrie until 1909

Political activity

Barnes ensured that a large volunteer regiment was sent to the Spanish-American War ; he was also in Washington for this reason . After this war he made sure that the state costs remained as low as possible. He was very committed to the independence of Oklahoma and was therefore later not welcomed by President William McKinley .

Web links

Commons : Cassius McDonald Barnes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files