Clemens Weber

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Clemens Weber

Clemens Weber (born June 28, 1905 in Landshut ; † April 6, 2008 ) was a German architect.


Clemens Weber studied architecture at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Munich . One teacher was German Bestelmeyer , in whose architecture office he also worked after his studies. In 1924 he was reciprocated in the Corps Suevia Munich . From 1930 to 1931 he was involved in the construction of the new study building for the Deutsches Museum . In 1931 he moved to the construction department of the Speyer Post Office as a government master builder in the building construction department . From 1934 to 1935 he worked as a building assessor for the government of the Palatinate (Bavaria) and in urban planning for the Speyer building department. From 1935 to 1937 Weber was employed as a government building officer at the Reich Commissioner for Saarland before he was involved as senior building officer in drawing up an economic plan for the greater Ludwigshafen and Mannheim area. In 1938 he was city planning officer in Ludwigshafen and in 1940 head of the building department of the Saarbrücken district government.

After the war, Weber was the managing director of Heimstätte Saarpfalz in the restoration of war-damaged apartments and in the construction of new cooperative apartments. In the early 1950s, he built industrial buildings for the KSB Frankenthal industrial group . In 1952 he moved to the Supreme Building Authority in Munich as a senior government building officer in the position of head of department. 1957 Promotion to Ministerialrat and head of the building construction department of the Supreme Building Authority. With his participation, numerous important building projects were carried out: university buildings in Munich and Garching, Nuremberg-Erlangen, Würzburg and Regensburg; He was also significantly involved in the reconstruction of the National Theater in Munich and the Würzburg Cathedral, in the renovation of the Munich Cathedral with lowering of the presbytery, in the restoration of the basilica and the Ottobeuren monastery and in looking after the Regensburg, Bamberg and Passau cathedrals. 1961 promotion to ministerial director . In the 1960s Weber also taught agricultural construction and settlement at the Technical University of Munich, from 1964 as an honorary professor .


Construction and management of construction projects

Web links

Commons : Clemens Weber  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Note on Weber's death in the TUMcampus bulletin 3/2008 (pdf file, 76 KB)
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 159/1746