Clemens von Althaus

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Tomb in Lima

Clemens Anton Freiherr von Althaus , Spanish Clemente de Althaus (born January 17, 1791 in Bückeburg , † January 13, 1836 in Concepción in Peru ) was a German officer in the South American Wars of Liberation, most recently as General of the Army of Peru .



Clemens von Althaus came from an illegitimate relationship between Chamberlain and Court Marshal Clemens August Freiherr von Kaas and Juliane Landgravine von Hessen-Philippsthal , widow of Count Philip II von Schaumburg-Lippe and until her death in 1799 regent of the county for the minor heir to the throne Georg Wilhelm von Schaumburg-Lippe .

In 1826 Clemens von Althaus married in Arequipa María Manuela Flores del Campo y Tristán, a cousin of the suffragette Flora Tristan and niece of Juan Pío de Tristán y Moscoso (1773-1859), the last Spanish viceroy in Peru. Her son Clemente Althaus Flores (1835–1881) was a romantic Peruvian poet.

education and profession

Clemens von Althaus studied at Heidelberg University from 1809 . In Heidelberg he was initially a member of the Corps Guestphalia , later a member of the Hanoverians . From 1811 he moved to the Georg August University of Göttingen and joined the Corps Hannovera in Göttingen . In autumn 1812 he reported to the hunters of Count Friedrich von Kielmannsegg and took part in the war of liberation in 1813 as a hunter of the King's German Legion . In the Battle of Waterloo he was adjutant to the Duke of Wellington and after the war he was accepted into the army of the Kingdom of Hanover under Field Marshal Carl von Alten . Until his departure in 1819, he rose to become captain .

After saying goodbye in Hanover, he emigrated to South America and came to Chile via Buenos Aires . Here he joined the staff of the troops of the South American freedom fighter General José de San Martín in 1820 as an engineer captain . In the same year he was promoted to major and adjutant, in 1822 he became lieutenant colonel and in 1823 colonel . In 1830 he took his leave. In 1834 it was reactivated on the occasion of a revolution. In 1835 he was Brigadier General of the Peruvian Armed Forces in the war between Bolivia and Peru and Chile .

Between 1820 and 1836 he created the first comprehensive and complete map series of Peru as a cartographer . Clemens von Althaus was probably the first to climb the Misti volcano near Arequipa and certainly the first to thoroughly examine and describe the Misti.

Clemens von Althaus was buried in the main cemetery of Lima , where a monument erected in 1866 by the Italian sculptor Pietro Costa commemorates him.



  • Communications from South America by a German officer in: Neue Allgemeinepolitische Annalen , Volume 25, JG Cotta, 1827, pp. 151-168. Digitized


  • Heinrich Curschmann: Blue Book of the Corps Hannovera to Göttingen. Volume 1 (1809-1899), Göttingen 2002, p. 55, no. 124.
  • Albrecht Wehling: Princess Juliane and her favorite Clemens August Freiherr von Kaas . In: Die Schaumburg , 18. – 23. December 1939.
  • Félipe Alberto Barreda: Al servicio del Perú: General Clemente de Althaus . Lumen, Lima 1958 (Spanish).


  1. On his memorial in the Lima cemetery , Paris is given as his place of birth. Photo of the base of the Althaus monument
  2. Flora Tristan: My trip to Peru . Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1983. ISBN 3-7973-0406-4 . P. 176.
  3. 1769-1851, Hanover General
  4. Flora Tristan : My trip to Peru . Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1983. ISBN 3-7973-0406-4 . P. 160f.
  5. Fig. At flickr