Cristovam Pavia

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Cristovam Pavia , actually Francisco Antonio Lahmeyer Flores Bugalho (born October 7, 1933 in Alcântara , Lisbon , Portugal ; † October 13, 1968 ibid) was a Portuguese poet and Germanist of German descent.


He was born the son of the poet Francisco Jose Lahmeyer Bugalho (1905–1949) and spent the first seven years with his parents in Castelo de Vide in the Alentejo , where the family owned a quinta - the Quinta dos Palmeiras, which still exists today. In 1940 the family moved to Lisbon, where he attended the Liceu Dom João de Castro from 1943 to 1947 and graduated from high school. His school friends also included the poets Pedro Tamen and Antonio Osorio . This was followed by enrollment as a law student at the University of Lisbon, but after a short time he switched to the Faculty of Philosophy, in the Philology department , where he began studying German . The death of his father in 1949 plunged him into a deep crisis from which he could no longer escape.

After he had to end his studies unsuccessfully and without a degree at the end of the 1950s, he worked as a roofer and bricklayer's assistant in France and Germany . He returned to Portugal in 1962, where he committed suicide on October 13, 1968 by throwing himself in front of a train in the Belém district . He was fluent in French and German. His known friends also included José Régio and Adolfo Casais Monteiro . Pavia saw herself close to progressive Catholicism. He was in correspondence with the Swiss poet Anne Perrier .

The poet Pavia

Pavia models were his father, Jose Regio and the poet Carlos Queiroz Ribeiro . He has written for numerous magazines and journals, including Arvore, Diario Popular, Anteu, Tavola Redonda, Seroes, O tempo eo modo, Encontro (Catholic student magazine). However, only one book with around 35 poems was published in 1959 during his lifetime. Paiva was just one of several pseudonyms the poet used: Cristovam Pavia, Antonio Flores Bugalho, Sisto Esfundo, Marcos Trigo, Dr. Geraldo Meneses da Cunha Ferreira. The work is shaped by the longing for childhood and has a certain urge for self-destruction .

Death plays an important role in this, for example in dark poems like "Melancholia", "Requiem", "Na noite da minha morte (The night of my death)". The questions of love, contemplation, space and time also occupy a large place in his work. Many poems are also kept in an elegiac tone. In his poems, which deal with the Alentejanic childhood, he speaks of childhood as "the place of gold". His poems also appeared in important anthologies by the poets and writers António Ramos Rosa and João Gaspar Simões , which were collected by contemporary Portuguese poets. Overall, his work is tangible through anthologies, magazines and his only volume "35 Poemas" (1959). A first complete edition of the summarized writings appeared in 1982.

Pavia and Germany

The relationship between Pavia and Bugalho and Germany was shaped by family: on the maternal side, the line of the Lahmeyer family immigrated from Germany to Portugal in the 19th century and settled there. His grandmother, Sophia Lahmeyer, was still German, so Pavia was Portuguese of German descent in the second generation. He spoke fluent German. This fact and his origins had aroused his interest in Germany and therefore made him strive to study German at the University of Lisbon. He was also a constant listener of German classical music, especially Mozart . Because of his psychological problems, he was treated intensively by a well-known psychiatrist in Heidelberg between 1960 and 1962 . In addition, he worked in Heidelberg as an auxiliary bricklayer and roofer and was friends with numerous German work colleagues - from simple workers to architects and site managers - as well as with some Portuguese workers who lived in Heidelberg at the time. His work has not yet been translated into German. Many poems were also composed during his stays in the psychiatry in Heidelberg.


The highly sensitive poet was considered severely depressed and unstable. The death of his father and the fact that his best friend Nuno Cardoso Peres entered a Dominican monastery were probably the reasons for his lifelong emotional crisis, which ultimately led to his suicide. He tried to deal with the indirect loss of his best friend in the homophile poem "ao Nuno". There was also the tragedy that the middle-class son did not have a university degree and had to earn his living as a simple worker, because after the death of his father the family was completely impoverished. He could not finish his studies due to financial reasons and his unstable psychological condition. He was in constant conflict with his environment and the world as a whole. His great religiosity did not prevent the man suffering from severe depression from killing himself. Rather, there was a desire to come to God. It is often suggested that Pavia combines Portuguese Saudade with German melancholy in a unique way.


Along with Cesario Verde , Camilo Pessanha and others, he was one of the Portuguese authors who had gained great importance in the country despite a single work published during their lifetime.

He died on the same day and year as the great Brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira .


  • 35 Poemas, 1959
  • Poesia, (first complete edition), 1982
  • Poesia, (final complete edition), 2010


  • www.dglb / sites / DGLB / Portugues / autores / Paginas / Pesquisa