Dagmar Enkelmann

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Dagmar Enkelmann

Dagmar Gertraud Elsa Enkelmann b. Ebert (born April 5, 1956 in Altlandsberg ) is a German politician ( Die Linke ).

From 2005 to 2013 she was the parliamentary director of the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag . On December 1, 2012, she was elected Chairwoman of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation .


education and profession

After graduating from high school in 1974 in Strausberg , Dagmar Enkelmann completed a degree in social sciences at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig , which she completed in 1979 with the academic degree of "Diplom-Sozialwissenschaftler". She then worked as a lecturer at the FDJ youth college "Wilhelm Pieck" at Bogensee near Bernau . From 1985 to 1989 she was an aspirant at the Academy for Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the SED . In 1989 she submitted an A dissertation under the title Analysis and Criticism of the Concept of Bourgeois Ideologists of the FRG “Identity Crisis of the Youth of the GDR” . After the fall of the Wall , in the course of the usual recognition procedure, due to the lack of West German counterparts, instead of the degree of Dipl.-Social Scientist , she received the degree of Dipl.-Historian or Dr. phil. awarded.

Party career

In 1977 she became a member of the SED . From 2003 to 2006 she was Deputy Federal Chairwoman of the PDS .

In the Brandenburg state elections in 2004 , she ran alongside the CDU candidate Jörg Schönbohm as an opposing candidate for Prime Minister Matthias Platzeck (SPD). With 28 percent of the vote, the PDS came second after the SPD and ahead of the CDU, as well as its best result to date in the state of Brandenburg, but the result was not enough to take over the government.

Through the merger of WASG and PDS in 2007, she became a member of Die Linke.

Member of Parliament

From March to October 1990 Enkelmann belonged to the first freely elected People's Chamber in the GDR . On October 3, 1990, she became a member of the German Bundestag together with another 143 members elected by the Volkskammer . After the Bundestag election in 1998 , she initially resigned from the Bundestag. From 1999 to 2005 she belonged to the state parliament of Brandenburg and from 1999 to 2004 she was a member of the PDS parliamentary committee, environmental and energy policy spokeswoman for the PDS parliamentary group and a member of the committee for agriculture, environmental protection and regional planning. From 2004 to 2005 Dagmar Enkelmann was chairman of the PDS parliamentary group.

In the 2005 Bundestag election , she was again a member of the German Bundestag via the state list and was there from 2005 to 2013 the parliamentary manager of the parliamentary group Die Linke. She was also a member of the Council of Elders and the Committee on Election Review, Immunity and Rules of Procedure. In the 2009 election she was elected for the first time as a direct candidate for the Bundestag constituency Märkisch-Oderland - Barnim II in the Bundestag. However, she lost her direct mandate in the 2013 federal election to Hans-Georg von der Marwitz from the CDU . Since Enkelmann had waived a security on the state list of the Left, she has left the German Bundestag.

Since 2008 she has also been a deputy member of the 3rd Board of Trustees of the Federal Foundation for Coming to terms with the SED dictatorship .

Dagmar Enkelmann has been a city ​​councilor for the city of Bernau near Berlin since 1998 and, in this capacity, is a member of the supervisory board of the Städtische Entwicklungsgesellschaft Bernau (STAB).

On February 26, 2010, Dagmar Enkelmann, together with many members of her parliamentary group, was excluded from the Bundestag debate on the extension of the Afghanistan mission after the Bundestag had violated the Bundestag's rules of procedure by holding up signs on the subject from their seat. The parliamentary group left the hall closed. However, at the suggestion of Bundestag President Lammert, the parliamentary group was allowed to vote again.

In January 2012 it became known that Dagmar Enkelmann was one of 27 members of the Bundestag left under surveillance by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution , which was criticized by politicians from all political groups . See also: Monitoring of the party Die Linke by the protection of the constitution .


Dagmar Enkelmann is third married, has three children and lives in Bernau near Berlin.

Political positions

In July 2008, Dagmar Enkelmann made headlines nationwide with the answer in a television program regarding the survey “Are you satisfied with the way democracy works in the Federal Republic of Germany?”. She replied, "I also think that democracy does not solve the problems of the people." In a later demand on the website Abgeordnetenwatch.de to this statement, it stated in part: "This has its origins precisely in the clear democratic deficit on which I pointed out in the broadcast and which, among other things, could be dealt with with referendums and referendums, also at the federal level. [...] Whether bourgeois democracy is really the ultimate or the vision of a democratic socialism could become a reality is a question that will probably only be answered in the future. "


  • Analysis and criticism of the concept of bourgeois ideologues of the FRG "Identity crisis of the youth of the GDR". Berlin, Academy for Social Sciences. at the ZK d. SED, Diss. A, 1989
  • My Brandenburg: what was, what remains, what needs to be improved. Potsdam: Ed. Hawthorn 2004 ISBN 3-931811-17-4
  • together with Florian Weis (ed.): "I live happiest in a storm" (Rosa Luxemburg). 25 Years of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: Social Analysis and Political Education , Hamburg: VSA 2015, ISBN 978-3-89965-678-7 .
  • together with Dirk Külow (Ed.): Emancipated and strong. Women from the GDR . New Life, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-355-01880-7 .


Web links

Commons : Dagmar Enkelmann  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. First and second votes according to constituencies. The Brandenburg State Returning Officer, September 23, 2013, accessed on September 23, 2013 (final result of the 2013 federal election in constituency 59).
  2. ^ Spiegel-Online: Afghanistan: Lammert throws leftists out of the Bundestag ; Message dated February 26, 2010
  3. ^ Secret service: The protection of the constitution observes 27 left-wing MPs. In: Spiegel online . January 22, 2012, accessed October 26, 2013 .
  4. Monitoring of MPs "unbearable". In: tagesschau.de . January 22, 2012, archived from the original on January 16, 2013 ; Retrieved October 26, 2013 .
  5. Answer to parliamentwatch.de ( Memento from April 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive )