Daniel C. Striepeke

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Daniel C. Striepeke (born October 8, 1930 in Sonoma County , California - † January 19, 2019 ) was an American makeup artist . He was nominated twice for an Oscar .


Striepeke began his career as a makeup artist in the mid-1950s. In his 40-year career, he has worked on the mask in over 100 films. He was nominated twice for an Academy Award for Best Makeup , the first time in 1995 for Forrest Gump with Judith A. Cory and Hallie D'Amore and the second time at the 1999 Academy Awards for Saving Private Ryan with Lois Burwell and Conor O'Sullivan .

He was Tom Hanks' personal makeup artist for 19 years . The collaboration began with Schlappe Bullen Don't Bite (1987). In 2006 he made the mask for the last time in the film The Da Vinci Code .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Hanks: The Man Who Aged Me . In: The New York Times . April 27, 2006, ISSN  0362-4331 ( nytimes.com [accessed January 31, 2018]).