Michele De Pietro

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Michele De Pietro

Michele De Pietro (born February 26, 1884 in Cursi , Province of Lecce , † October 7, 1967 in Lecce , Province of Lecce) was an Italian lawyer and politician of the Democrazia Cristiana (DC), who was a member of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ) and Minister of Justice of Italy .


After attending school, De Pietro studied law at La Sapienza University in Rome . After completing his studies, he took up a position as a lawyer in 1906. In 1915 he joined the army and did his military service as a captain of the infantry during the First World War . In 1920 he joined the Partito Liberale Italiano (PLI) and was arrested in 1942 for his political involvement during the fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini .

After the end of World War II, De Pietro, who was now a member of the DC, first became a member of the National Council ( Consulta Nazionale ) on April 5, 1945 and was then a member of the Constituent Assembly ( Assemblea Costituente della Repubblica Italiana ).

In the elections of April 18, 1948, he was elected a member of the Senato della Repubblica and belonged to it until June 11, 1958. During the second legislative term , he was one of the vice-presidents of the Senate from June 1953 to January 1954.

Subsequently he was appointed Minister for Pardons and Justice ( Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia ) by Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani on January 18, 1954 and held this office in the subsequent government of Mario Scelba until July 5, 1955. Most recently, De Pietro was again Vice President of the Senate from July 1957 to June 1958. In 1958, he campaigned for the law on the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura , the self-governing body of Italian judges and prosecutors working in the ordinary judiciary .

He then resumed his practice as a lawyer and was also temporarily President of the Association of Lawyers and Prosecutors ( Ordine degli Avvocati e dei Procuratori ), admitted to the Court of Appeal and the Tribunal of Lecce. In 1959 he was one of the first members of the CSM and later became its vice-president.

Between 1958 and his death, De Pietro was also President of the Milan- based Center for Social Prevention and Defense ( Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e di Difesa Sociale ).

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